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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I can't find a gif that conveys just how much I am screaming internally. I've been doing that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Probably the most headache inducing is trying to get into the arena. I've been doing that. There have been a few roofs I've had to teleport on to grab loot, not sure if rotation provides access but it's easier to just cast.
  2. A few. Probably more if variants aren't effected by the vaccine. However at present the numbers of people dying are heavily skewed towards those who haven't had the shots. Very heavily, it's like comparing people in the US who got AIDS from sex and drug use with an infected person to those in the US who got it through a blood transfusion. One is clearly a much bigger issue than the other.
  3. The demon city is a real pain to navigate. I swear those damn walls are designed to stay closed when you wait by them.
  4. Call me crazy, but the story of Aaron's Cousin's Friend just illustrates that crowded events are a horrible idea during this pandemic. With every new variant the protection of the vaccine grows more inconsistent and packing people together is a recipe for transmission regardless of their vaccination status or security measures taken. The daily death toll is clocking in at 6000 people at the least, **** is not great and going to concerts or sports games look to be doing this: Rona year 3 is going to be a trip.
  5. It certainly tracks with the US, but it seems to do a lot more summarizing than satiring, if that makes sense.
  6. That fight scene is not good. It's not fun enough to work as camp, it's too ridiculous to work as serious, and the way the pregnant lady moves between acrobatics and emoting labor pain inspires a feeling of whiplash. Well it looks like I dodged a bullet on this show.
  7. Just got booted to the Abyss. There's some weird occurances where the fps just collapses. I've tried turning down the settings and that doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure if it's because I have a ton of buffs on everyone or if it's something else, because it doesn't seem to be an issue in certain areas with said buffs. Oh yeah, and ran into Playful Darkness. By god, what a broken beast. I can see tons of people wiping here if they don't know what to bring or how to cheese.
  8. Diamond is Unbreakable: Atom Heart Father David Bowie's dad takes pictures and Okuyasu runs into a window.
  9. While I think the treatment of Hulrun and Staunton is consistent with Lawful (as the cosmic force in PF), it just seems to jar with the Good (cosmic force) nature of the crusades and their deities. As much divine and planar intervention is already going on in the crusade, you'd think some holy being would have communicated to Hulrun that he needs to curtail the persecution or gave Staunton some encouragement to keep on trucking. Even factoring in the leeway given to Inquisitors and that Hulrun himself isn't Good, it just feels that his actions and attitude deviate too far from benign to be sanctioned by a Good deity. Of course alignment is flawed and the games would mostly be better without it. Still, it is weird that the (Lawful) choice is usually the same act as the (Evil) one, or barring an (Evil) choice is the most obvious stand in for it. Given the alignment wheel wonkiness, it puts you in the very strange position of falling as a Paladin if yo⁹9u commit too many (Good) acts. I'm too lazy to get into discord and Owlcat's forum is hard to navigate.
  10. Both are poorly written shows that I won't bother with, I think I've spent more time posting about them this morning that I've ever spent watching them. I'm going to try to keep it that way. You funny majestic But rich white men are being treated unfairly ?
  11. I thought this would be offensively bad from all the reviews but about 2/3 through it's just boring. Really just seems more like summary than satire.
  12. Well at least there aren't any plots to get Fuu to try some sausage. ....right? I'm pretty sure some things can get past that. Like Bruno's fascist creep or the food thread. To me it sounds as horrible as the hypothetical Trek show with the addition of some "bathing scenes" I would feel uncomfortable watching. I won't watch either, and can't watch the deep fake 9 because it doesn't actually exist in this universe, but both sound bad in different yet similar ways. This makes me think of one combat bark in BG. "Beg for death!" I can't recall who said that. Anyways for a show that's not like death.... Diamond is Unbreakable: Jotaro and Koichi get chased by a tank that comes out of David Bowie's hand.
  13. I'm going to be honest here, this seems worse than the Star Trek show from the nightmare universe. Your mental resistance must be impressive to take all of this, so much so you could probably solo a Mind Flayer hive. Assuming the thralls didn't kill you.
  14. Yeah, it's a real shame. I can't think of anything she was in that I disliked and from all accounts she was a very pleasant person. I guess Lake Placid is something fun to (re)watch. I'd like to say I think 2022 will be better, but I'd be lying to myself.
  15. It was one of the funnier gags in the show. Okuyasu noises make me laugh much more than they should.
  16. Not just a little girl, but her father as well, who was a servant of Iomedae and an Empyreal Lord. And of course countless others, so much so that Irabeth has to bail Thieflings out of jail so he doesn't interrogate then to death. Then he stands outside a hole for a week or so killing mongrels while demons run rampant butchering people maybe a hundred feet away from him. How Hulrun wasn't smited for his numerous misdeeds while Staunton spent seven decades as a pariah for being tricked by a master of manipulation is just weird. But I think at least someone at Owlcat really does not like the Lawful axis. So far almost every (Lawful) option is pretty much the (Evil) one. In general I think it's a good thing. The problem in WotR is communication though. There's more than a few things you don't really have too much idea of their significance, like the crusade projects.
  17. I know that feel all too well. There are too many interesting class/mythic combos. Hulrun is awful.
  18. You should know by now that there is never a bottom and it can (and usually will) get worse. I haven't watched the last three episodes but from what I gathered most of the supporting cast needs to get ora'd (or muda'd) into retirement.
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