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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You have both my sympathy and my envy. Perhaps they will shove you in a random dungeon with a AH party and let you hack your way through without spoiling anything.
  2. Perhaps Western nations should annex the Middle East and deport all of the extremists to a ****hole like Russia.
  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one, though my classes start at 6:30 PM tomorrow.
  4. I coullllld. Tell you what, swing by PAX and well go over it You tease.
  5. I would definitely say that most of the love the BG series gets is from BG2. Replaying the first stretch of BG is pretty damn tedious when a hit can kill a party member, and there are so many weak foes who can get a lucky hit and dire wolfs in the first few areas. On Topic: alanshu, you're an insider, can you tell us anything about combat mechanics?
  6. Salad and grilled chicken topped with roasted hatch pepper I had in the freezer.
  7. I'm hungover today and am mentally preparing myself for the start of the semester tomorrow by watching Archer and playing videogames.
  8. It's a friend's birthday, so I'm likely going to drink too much and eat cake.
  9. That is incredibly disturbing GoA. I'm sure Bio will do it.
  10. Hawke will show up armored, then get crushed by falling rocks.
  11. This is the internet, people will argue that Twilight is better than The Shawshank Redemption.
  12. He's too old. Miles Morales is like 13. I don't give a ****, he would be fantastic.
  13. I would guess that they are trying to build some hype and hope that more people that are currently uninterested will get on the fence, if you will. Personally, I'm with Shady on camera options, but I would also like to see an in depth presentation of the combat and character(stats, talents, skills) system. I will admit that the interviews with people making the game are more charming than a cinematic that doesn't tell much about how the game will play, if only because they remind me of the PE updates.
  14. If I'm not mistaken, backers of a certain tier get beta access, and you can test it for them then. Call me naive, but I'm thinking backers will be more likely to be helpful.....if they aren't busy burning effigies of Sawyer for implementing teh wurst systme evah before they even know what the system is and exactly how it works.
  15. I'm still waiting for Donald Glover as Spider-Man goddammit!
  16. I think tonight I'm going to play video games and chat with you fellows. Tomorrow will hopefully be a long fun day.
  17. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with one of those.
  18. “I have those feelings sometimes where I don’t want to send my kid to his first day of school wearing a propeller hat, you know?” Gaider says. I demand that propeller hats be in the game and that you can romance them!
  19. I would say most are full of something else entirely.
  20. Woldan's post got me thinking, will we have to worry more about a zombie or religious fanatic apocalypse? Both will savagely attack and can't be reasoned with.
  21. I'd say in DAO a Rogue could best a Warrior in damage output. He would have to be a dual weapon Assassin because Ranged did not synergize well with rogue abilities, but with back stabbing he could excell in raw damage. If anything, Warriors were the weakest overall.
  22. I dunno, I can definitely understand not being able to find an honest job in the field you have expertise in. It's all too common from what I understand. That said, if he sits on his ass and eats junk food all day, perhaps Ros would be justified in telling him to get off his ass.
  23. I'd say strike a middle ground, tell him to get off his ass in a friendly way. I'm currently on lunch break and am currently recovering from last night. Also, get well soon Nep. I hope your Doctors are morons and all you have is indigestion.
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