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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Hmm, see there's a girl I'd be interested in hearing about heh. Ok then.
  2. You mean Volo just said Humans were Hawter than Dwarfs?
  3. Yes, almost.. Apart from the little difference that in the real world holding the "objective" trophy in your hands on the podium doesn't improve your hunting skills at all. The act of hunting itself is what does the job. How does stabbing a goblin improve a bard's performance abilities then? Isn't that just as unrealistic as a Ranger getting better at tracking because he completed a quest?
  4. No, met a different girl last night and got freaked out.
  5. The only romance is mandatory, and it is a broodmother. Hawt.
  6. I'm very tired and considering calling a girl I met.
  7. I don't really have many pressing concerns and am storing outrage until more details are revealed. My only problem with it is it makes avoiding combat the best way to handle most any given situation that doesn't net you magic items or directly achieve quest goals.I dunno, you could actually enjoy combat. I have a slight fear about these things as well.
  8. I'm suprised that a necro turned out to be relevant information.
  9. NWN, IIRC. DA2 is the reason my father died and I will lead a glorious Jihad against EA for it. Better?
  10. Seriously, no. If I'm not wearing my glasses and you're more then about a foot and a half away from me, I wouldn't be able to recognise you. You'd basically be a [insert appropriate skin colour] blobby head on a body. Dealing with somewhat steamed up glasses and scatter of water across them is something a lot easier to deal with then complete lack of sight. Do you ever refuse to take of your glasses when having sex so you avoid the feeling you're ****ing an expressionist painting?
  11. Today I'n hung over and have a small wound that hurts like a bitch. I'm going to take it easy today.
  12. To get out of the inevitable downward spiral that happens everytime someone takes Trashy seriously, I would like to discuss the rate of rape in Western nations. I've read some explanations that rape stats will generally be higher in nations where 1) rape is not seen as shameful for the victim 2) rape is considered more than a violent act of violation and 3) rapists are more likely to be punished and the victim will not be. Do any of you think this has any merit?
  13. To be a misogynist for a moment, I think that there are some people more than willing to be exploited to stay in the spotlight. For example, that girl who was a reality star(for being a teenage mother IIRC) did a porno to stay in the spotlight/drum up media attention. Call me what you will, but I think people like that are simply attention whores willing to do anything to stay relevant. In Cyrus' case, she is a young performer in an industry* where stars are lucky to have a year of relevance before they are replaced by the next sensation, so doing what she did was likely her attempt to stay in the spotlight instead of fade away. In any case, I don't see much of a connection between self debasement and the rate of rape in Asia, or in the case of my feverish misreading, Zoraptor's extreme sexual predation in Asia. *Well, pop music. While performers in other music genres also tend to fade from relevance, it seems that they stay relevant to their genre for a longer period of time. I would hypothesize that this is due to pop music being influenced almost solely by public opinion, and is thus more mercurial than other genres that maintain a general set of qualities.
  14. Going to class. Friend of mine had a ****tty breakup, so I'm going out with some other friends to cheer him up.
  15. Perhaps it is just the fever, but I read the title as "Zoraptor admits to almost a quarter if rape in parts of Asia". I think I am in dire need of rest.
  16. Well, classless systems, if I may be hyperbolic and utter some very generalising and sweeping statements that have very little grounding in anything but my personal experiences, are typically better. Lovely, isn't it, when the clause is around five times as long as the statement itself. I've always thought that the longer the clause, the better the statement. I'd also stress that in a luxury product where your enjoyment is determined by your taste, opinion matters the most. Because you can't prove a subjective to be true or false.
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