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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You have an uncanny ability to create strawmen and dodge the question. "Non-combat abilities" did not literally mean "Abilities" or "Talents", which in PE terms are resources gained upon leveling, but abilities related to non-combat, hence the lower case "a". Please pull whatever is lodged up your ass out. Now please, as I have asked you to do several times, link to where it was confirmed that the ratio of combat abilities to non-combat abilities is 90% or show the equation you used. "Inductive Reasoning" will not be accepted as an answer, seeing as it isn't suitable for deducing accurate facts. Yes it is, as the encounter is now resolved. Methods should not matter, results should. Doing otherwise punishes people who prefer to role-play non-superviolent bastards or who like using non-combat abilities. If this upsets you so much, I suggest you leave this forum and cry in your closet, because PE will not have combat XP no matter how much you whine about it. Deal with it. 1. Either bypass, neutralize, kill, or otherwise resolve the encounter. XP is awarded when the encounter is resolved the first time. Sneaking by an enemy, going back to bribe them, then killing them as they walk away should not reward 3x(Encounter XP). 2. Will vary by encounter. 3. Will vary by setting. 4. No, you will at least have to recognize the encounter exists. If you see "encounter A" and cling to the edge of the map, you would only get rewarded for "encounter A", not the encounters you did not use stealth to avoid. 5. Both. 6. No more and no less than they should get by micromanaging party members in combat in the same encounters. When insulting someone's intelligence, spelling "sentence" incorrectly is ironic.
  2. Lo Mein and Orange Beef. Washing it down with vodka lemonade.
  3. I've just realized how creepy those big smilies look.
  4. I find that even alanshu's snark is disgustingly polite.
  5. Meh, asking someone what it is like to have sex with three guys on camera doesn't sound like loads of fun. I prefer to party and have sex myself.
  6. Hell yes. Not only will the game be cool, but seeing butthurt fanboys whining about mechanics tickles my funny bone.
  7. I've always thought the best way to combat a hangover is to deal with it like a man. Then again, it takes quite a bit to get me hangover to the point where I find it to be mildly debilitating.
  8. I would really enjoy a good Superhero RPG. Someone should really do something like that.
  9. I know this is a bit late, but what the hell. On Magic: I think this is appealing because it allows characters to become much more powerful than they could in a realistic setting. I would love to see a game use alternatives for unrealistic power, like hyper advanced-technology or super-powers, but I can see them being pretty hard to balance(not that magic is easy to balance) and the high power sections might be impossible to make a fun game out of without having very complicated mechanics.
  10. A group of adventurers set out to claim the Crown of Gaz'vhal'yamn. Outside of town they walk through a valley when all of a sudden rocks fall. Everyone dies.
  11. I want the ending written jointly by George R. R. Martin, Joss Whedon, and Steven Moffat. Everything you've ever loved will die.
  12. Going to watch Agents of Shield. I recommend having a stiff drink and/or getting laid to crush that guilt.
  13. True, I was referring to the supposition that nuclear testing had caused increased rates of cancer.
  14. Marital Bliss sure doesn't seem as good as some people hype it.
  15. Thank you, I try to be as precise as possible. You're too kind good sir.
  16. Good Lord, if you are going to be all butthurt at least have the courtesy to attack what I'm actually posting. I'm arguing that PE is an unfinished system that we do not have the complete details on, therefore making quantitative statements such as "90% of abilities will be combat related" is impossible as that fact can not be known. If you can't comprehend that an accurate quantitative statement about something can not be made without knowing the quantity of the thing in question, well I have some nice beachfront property you would be very interested in. If you object to my assertion, either link to where it was confirmed that "90% of abilities will be combat related" or prove it using an equation. Example of a solution in a specific situation =/= Possible solution in every situation. Again, you keep making claims that are not absolute. It is possible to have potions and per-day abilities with *gasp* non-combat applications, and the contrary has not been confirmed. Now please answer the question, why should a party who completes an objective using non-combat abilities and resources be rewarded less than one who used combat if the end result is the same? 1. Encounter rewards X XP. XP is rewarded for completing encounter. Encounter can be completed by a variety of means, possibly including stealth. 2. No. So essentially you will get less XP because you will have no objectives to complete? That seems awfully similar to some evil XP system that ruins immersion and slaughters the sacred cows of butthurt fanboys. Not at all. If you mean a specific thing, then you need to specify exactly what you are taking about. If skills such as "stealth" and "awareness" factor in to the radii of the circles, yes it does. Far better than stealth implementations in other party based RPGs.
  17. For some reason, Azdeus' avatar cracks me up. I took an exam, hopefully nailed it. Going to drink a little bit, play something nostalgic, and relax.
  18. What is up with the missus GD? Spent two hours of lecture hitting on a cute blonde only to find out she is Lesbian. Currently studying for an exam by drinking with friends, which will likely result in taking 30 minutes to order **** from taco bell.
  19. Heading out to class. More than likely going to focus more on a girl than the lecture.
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