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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Getting called an evil rapist pig, must be Thursday.
  2. I've never heard anyone say they prefer KFC to Popeyes. I've seen someone eat half a bucket of KFC, but Rico was high when he did that.
  3. Paladins might not be able to take the physical punishment Fighters can, but spells that would have a Fighter curled into the fetal position will bounce off Paladins.
  4. Dumplings, a film about consuming fetuses to stay young.
  5. Pros 1. Original IP rather than licenced. I like the idea of Obsidian creating a world from scratch rather than using FR or some other established fantasy world. 2. Quest XP. It seems cool that you won't receive less XP if you don't fight every monster, disable every trap, chose certain dialogue options, etc. 3. Mechanics designed for RTwP rather than a juryrigged PnP system. I don't think D&D works very well outside of PnP. 4. Striving for balance. The thought that Obsidian isn't just throwing in crap skills without much thought of how they will be effectively used in game is nice. 5. Reputation System. Loved it in NV, confident of it being awesome in PoE. Cons 1. Classes. I prefer classless systems, even though they are harder to balance, as they can provide more player choice when creating a character. 2. No Kraken battle. 3. Level cap. 4. Godlike. I wish they would've gone with a different name, unless godlikes are actually made in the image of gods. 5. Legions of mods have not been made. I never play games vanilla.
  6. Just some friendly advice, try to keep your tank at least half full when driving through the emptier parts of Texas along I10. Gas stations are few and far between and the heat can be brutal.
  7. Crashing at a friends house in Beaumont tonight, then going to a party in San Antonio tomorrow. The hangover will be a hitch, but I'm pretty sure it will be worth it.
  8. Skip a few pints and buy the UE, it is worth it.
  9. I'm havin a hard time following your logic here. If you kept her out of the party, how can you comment on the writer's achievements? Isabella occupied the Rogue position in party during the first act for several major quests. Every banter involved sex in some way and there was never any indication that there was more to her than being a slampig.Yeah, this confirms that you clearly didn't understand her character or didn't bother to read her dialogue optionsI read every single dialogue line Isabella spoke in act 1, and they were almost universally about sex. If Bioware wanted to showcase a character who was sexually liberated, then perhaps having them discuss more than sex would be a better move than creating a sex addict. The problem is that they gate everything interesting she has to say behind a) her approval mechanic and b) the passage of time. She doesn't have much that's more profound than "sex, sex, sex," before Act 2, and very reasonably a lot of people didn't have the patience or inclination to get to that point. It's my most consistent problem with BioWare games. The characters generally have a fair number of interesting things to say, but hearing it is often dependent on suffering through whatever key attribute of the character the writers have decided to bludgeon us with "to get to know them." Perhaps it is too much to ask the writers at Bioware to be capable of creating a character with an intresting enough hook to want to keep a companion around for a while then. Suppose the folks like Bruce find the prospect of a badly written romance a good hook, but I find it to be juvenile and/or creepy.
  10. I'm havin a hard time following your logic here. If you kept her out of the party, how can you comment on the writer's achievements? Isabella occupied the Rogue position in party during the first act for several major quests. Every banter involved sex in some way and there was never any indication that there was more to her than being a slampig. Yeah, this confirms that you clearly didn't understand her character or didn't bother to read her dialogue options I read every single dialogue line Isabella spoke in act 1, and they were almost universally about sex. If Bioware wanted to showcase a character who was sexually liberated, then perhaps having them discuss more than sex would be a better move than creating a sex addict.
  11. I'm havin a hard time following your logic here. If you kept her out of the party, how can you comment on the writer's achievements? Isabella occupied the Rogue position in party during the first act for several major quests. Every banter involved sex in some way and there was never any indication that there was more to her than being a slampig.
  12. In my one play through of DA2, I kept Isabella out of the party because a) Varric was more useful mechanically and b) she never shut up about sex. If the writers were going for something different than a sex doll for deviants, they failed pretty badly.
  13. I find your shallowness sickening. Just because you do not find him attractive does not mean he should be unable to partake in romance. Perhaps he wouldn't be so forlorn if someone would just show him some basic kindness. Also, I think the ghost part is figurative. If he is anything like the angsty teen wannabe rocker he looks like, a good **** would do him a world of good.
  14. I hope that each weapon type has more than one top-tier unique item. It would really suck to build a character around using a weapon type and finding out that the apex weapon was one that is unsuitable for that character, whether thematically or statistically.
  15. I know, my godlike dark paladin just about had a godlike heart attack at the thought of no armor. I haven't confirmed it, but surely that statement isn't entirely true. IRRC, it is a certain piece of equipment. For instance, Death Godlikes can't wear helmets.
  16. They showed how to equip armor, but not enough to determine how much of a hassle it would be to deal with the inventory.
  17. Can I play the entire game in the tactical camera without holding down a button? Is Gimp Suit Horse a confirmed mount? Can Mages gish it up?
  18. PoE Wasteland 2 Divinity Original Sin Dead State Considering DAI, but I am undecided until I see tactical combat and am likely to wait for it to be patched and cheap.
  19. ^He could have meant dual-class thieves as well. If so, BG2 only has one pure thief, and that character dies in a scripted event.
  20. What if there is a god of evolution? Were you there? Yes, I was next to the horse in a gimp suit.
  21. What about broodmothers? Surely Bioware feels that the tentacle sex crowd deserves representation as well?
  22. And if they don't I'm sure it can be modded in. Nah, they will probably do a DLC though. Sexytime Mountz!
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