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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well, no, you are just positing a fix as necessary when you haven't managed to convince me (or apparently anyone) that there is an issue. I point again to the he-man pic, he look protected to you? He-Man has muscles to protect him. Seriously though, it isn't a problem. Some games are over the top, some aren't. If stuff like this bothers you that much, don't play games with it.
  2. It isnt different at its core. It is internet anons being huge **** to anyone unfortunate enough to cross paths with them. Nothing more, nothing less. I find Quinn a morally questionable person at best(http://apgnation.com/archives/2014/09/09/6977/truth-gaming-interview-fine-young-capitalists reason why), but I generally ignore her because I don't care about her. I do care about corruption in video game press however, and don't think I should be conflated with a group of ****wits for expressing that concern.
  3. I gotta disagree, whether threats on the internet generally aren't serious or anything to worry about, if anyone who has ever played an online game got 5 bucks every time some raging guy said something along the lines of "I'll kill you" or "I'll **** you up" everyone playing online games would be millionaires. I was over at a friend's house and played some Call of Duty and was threatened with rape, castration, torture, and possibly mugging. There are some **** on teh interwebz, trying to pin their actions on anyone is a weak move.
  4. My hormonal teen fantasies didn't look anything like female characters in RPGs. In fact, I avoided romancing the bald chick in MWN2 MotB because I think bald chicks are gross.
  5. Bruce Lee would rip Chuck Norris apart at the atomic level just by looking at him.
  6. Women should never anything that showcases the female form in anyway. I'm going to start complaining about skinny jeans and low-cut shirts now.
  7. So we now have to shoulder responsibility for every troll who harassed any woman? No but you can acknowledge it and stop dismissing it whenever the issues comes up. Its not such an unreasonable expectation KP.I don't deny that she is being harassed, I don't believe that she is being targeted just because she is a woman. Stop with the strawmen Bruce.
  8. So we now have to shoulder responsibility for every troll who harassed any woman?
  9. Hate for one woman is hate for all women? Then I guess the SJWs harassing the #notyourshield folks hate women. Good to know.
  10. Perpetual victimhood does wonders for careers. Find it a bit funny how people who think there is a problem with corruption in the videogame press are all misogynists to these people, but not suprised.
  11. I'm with Junta. I've ran into most of the bugs discussed on the current build and my opinion for classes and attributes for the current build is set. I would like to see system tweaks next, so I can form an opinion on what needs to be changed. That said, the sooner the better.
  12. The French dude in SC2 could dominate if you spammed some attack that would knock people down.
  13. A man of fine tastes, I see. Pay Bester no mind, the creature is not qualified for our prestigious organization. It lacks sufficient testicular fortitude.
  14. Either I don't understand what Josh Sawyer is talking about or you don't. Nothing about the risk/reward of the base AoE (in this example, a fireball) changes. The friendly-fire AoE of fireball will be the same size in an 18-int will be the same as a 3-int wizard. The tactical considerations are unchanged. My understanding of Sawyer's plan is to make it so that the 18-int wizard is not punished for investing in an attribute by making it more difficult for him to utilize fireball than a 3-Int wizard. Also, no offense intended, but I a lot of the reticence to this idea comes more from guttural nostalgia than from anything else. If part of your AoE only hits ennemies, you negate the usual trade off of fireballs. "if I want to hit an ennemy, I will hit my frontline too". In fact, the base AoE (wich is friendly fire) becomes irrelevant because you won't use it anymore. You will always position your spells so as to hit with the outer ring only. You don't have to take risks anymore by hitting your own troops (low risks) but you continue to deal massive damage (high reward). Beat me to it! Yeah, the idea is that if the fringe AoE is large enough, you can basically start using only the fringe AoE. This could be mitigated by making the AoE increase small. Another interesting option could be to just embrace this and roll with it as a feature. Maybe instead of increasing AoEs, the AoE stays the same (or increases less), but increasing portions of it are non-friendly fire. Representing the caster becoming better and better at controlling his/her spells to selectively avoid allies. Just an idea. IIRC, that is what Josh wanted to do. Base area damages everything, no friendly fire for extended AoE.
  15. I think you guys are in the wrong thread.
  16. So tell us, what have you become? And will you let us down? Who gets the crown?
  17. Euro poltics are weird. Don't get arrested and drnnk as much as possible.
  18. Nonek: The High Council demands you report for punishment on September 21 2014 at 11:30 AM. You will be forced to sit through three romantic comedies with no breaks. If your sanity is salvageable, you will be nursed back to health with regular infusions manessence. If not, you will be stripped of your manhood and exiled from The Patriarchy, where you will spend your days as a Frenchman.
  19. I have enough attractive female friends that I don't need to imagine.Allegedly.I'm an economics major. We have some really sexy women majoring in this field if study. That's true, the secondmost attractive woman I allegedly know is an economist. Law isn't actually bad on that front, if you don't mind a little ice. And now, could everbody just wake up and ****ing realize that before EA, it was MICROSOFT who was publishing Bioware's games? ****ING MICROSOFT!! It's not like they walked out on Interplay and went straight to EA, there were much darker times there in between. On the contrary, ice turns me on. As to Bioware and EA, meh. Between JE and ME, it was pretty clear that they were going in a different direction than the D&D games. I seriously doubt that EA forced them to make their games more actiony or dumbed down. EA does make them well through Origin though.
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