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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I just don't get this. Games are fiction, people are aware that what happens in them isn't real. I certainly know that casting Eagle's Splendor before conversing with people isn't how to handle stuff in real life.
  2. It's ok when ladies rape. Lol, I'll be honest. I'd have been ok with it in high school as well. IMO, high schoolers are old enough to make decisions for themselves. If a seventeen year-old girl has sex with a thirty year-old that's consensual in my book.
  3. Maybe in the setting, female Orlans are taller than the males?
  4. You're not a true fan if you don't like stuff I like. Looks like promancers were only the tip of the iceberg.
  5. Probably not what I'd go for but congrats to these folks for baggin a cougar.
  6. Happy birthday Chris! Don't do that, I hear concussions are a bitch.
  7. I would like it better if they went for either DT or general DR instead of both. IMO DT would be the best as there would be a reason to use high Damage weapons instead of going High DPS for everything. Stilettos and Maces already have that. Not sure if any other melee weapons have it.
  8. Today I worked 10 hours and am now going to treat myself by getting drunk, playing videogames, and watching horror movies. Pregnancy test came up positive?
  9. Spilting talents and feats seems like a good way to provide more class flexibility as well as universial boni. As it is, I don't see a Gish Cipher or sniper Rogue as viable builds.
  10. You'll pass. If you don't, blame the time you spent at Finnish Innsmouth for screwing with your mind.
  11. That was excellent read. In other news... well, actually it's still the very same news. TFYC is still being attacked by anti-GG side: http://socialjusticeviv.tumblr.com/post/98412304682/the-fine-young-capitalists-arent-actually-helping TFYC reply: http://thefineyoungcapitalists.tumblr.com/post/98422490495/a-response-to-social-justice-viv It really boggles my mind how these self proclaimed SWJs and feminist keep attacking an attempt to get more women in gaming industry. It really is, really, just what that TechCruch report said. Their own politics have become more important than ACTUALLY helping women. Funnily enough the girl who won is a feminist. Just a brief scroll down through her twitter to before this thing has her saying all the same things they usually say. TFYC is a feminist group. IMO, TFYC represents a much better way to achieve more representation in videogames than the SJWs do as they are actually making a game instead on stomping their feet and demanding games be made to their specifications.
  12. I thought so. I can see INT being less valuable, but everything else is attractive. Hell, putting 13 in everything might be a good move after all.
  13. I don't see a single stat that I'd want to take, for any type of character really. Well done. I particularly like the idea of increasing attack range from perception. You don't want to take any stats?
  14. I was under the impression like all gamers they were dead.
  15. Wow that's really funny guys, next time I'll remember to laugh. So you're fine with kicking animals? Good to know.
  16. Well, the HD on my work/school PC crapped out, and I have lost some important files. ****. You should've punched her in the face.
  17. Took an exam, have to get several reports in, and am running on 3 hours of sleep, caffeine, and various energy supplements. I'm considering bombarding myself with gamma rays and hoping for the best.
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