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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Had a **** day and am very close to flying into a homicidal rage. I'm going to listen to Funhouse and kill some **** in video games to calm down.
  2. No, it means we will work for lil' Hitler until we are dissolved by him.
  3. I'm saving bottlecaps in case of apocalypse. Hopefully someone creates power armor and gauss weapons by then.
  4. A party of Volo, Gromnir, oby, Bruce, Monte Carlo, and someone else would be great.
  5. What if you're on the fence and want more info? To go with this, have any abilities been revealed for specializations? Playing an Arcane Warrior in DAO was fun and it would be great to know what the new analogue is like.
  6. I take my investigation of all sources and articles very seriously. I will be looking into the matter of whether or not Tara Strong is a p0rn star or not. I found a Tara Strong who does VA stuff and has fake bewbs. No pornstar though.
  7. Am I the only one who thinks that a group composed almost entirely of white men using white male as an insult is strange? Edited cause lack of morning caffeine.
  8. I think the journalists are just mad because they aren't getting paid as much.
  9. Southpaw Knights of the Obsidian Order.
  10. Black Mask just announced a load of interesting titles. http://blackmaskstudios.com/2014/10/08/welcome-to-black-mask-2-0/ Sinatoro is finally happening!
  11. Today I have to work and will probably pass out from exhaustion when I get home Did you lose your hand or something?
  12. Does anyone actually use Dell products? From what I can tell the general consensus is that they are pieces of ****.
  13. Jesus Tittyfking Christ, these dumbasses really are insane.
  14. Lucky, I only get stuff from African princes.
  15. They're hiding it so they can spread the disease to unsuspecting citizens.
  16. Are you still in Finnish Innsmouth(Finnsmouth?)? If so,they may suspect you are a fishman. Innsmouth was just a one-week thing, they ran out of lawyers for the case and had to import. I've tried to think of a suitable comparison for this place, but really can't. Some administrative center in rural ~Minnesota with a bunch of zombies on the streets? The horror here is less one of ancient decay and more of present-day desperation and hopelessness. Living Dead, I guess? Also at work, slightly hung over. If I may take a stab at a comparison... Day in and day out you go to work, going nowhere but feeling yourself slowly deteriorating into the carcass that will be there when you die. You find yourself constantly telling yourself you'll get your **** together, lose some weight, or any other wishful thinking that you never actually do. You focus on some decisions you made, thinking that if you had made a different choice you wouldn't be in this ****. You feel yourself becoming increasingly bitter, till all joy is drained from you and you're a hollow shell of a man. In the end you finally wear down to the point where you no longer care and eat lead. In short, it's the bad office job expanded into a town.
  17. Should those of us who want equality call ourselves equalists now?
  18. Voted options 2,3,5, and 6 cause I that's how I run PnP games.
  19. I'm more worried about failing classes than getting Ebola.
  20. I've had a long day and will now play New Vegas with my high-tech juggernaut in Razorback power armor.
  21. Put on a jacket or light yourself on fire.
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