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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So far I think it's really enjoyable. Perhaps the only complaint I have is making Dr. Tenma's enemies in the hospital comically evil. Right now it's well paced, but at that length it's possible it gets derailed and goes off on some ridiculous side-stories that rip the wind out of the sails. Well given to how I reacted to The Green Knight, you're probably right. For slower paced stuff I need at least one interesting character to follow and a lot of the old fairy tales are not that great in that regard. Still better than the Disney stuff, but that's a low bar equivalent to beating a dog at chess.
  2. Not enough middle-aged white men. I frequently have dreams that feel like I'm watching a movie or reading a comic, and at the very least I remember them somewhat. There's really not a lot of consistency in terms of subject matter or aesthetics, besides frequently being surreal and somewhat expressionist. Generally the more tired I am the more vivid and weird they seem.
  3. More of Monster. As expected it has spiraled more with Dr. Tenma entering the very unhygienic phase of obsession and guilt for inadvertently unleashing a brutal serial killer on the world. I'm having a good time, it's a nice counter as a "normal" murder mystery to whatever the hell is going on with Twin Peaks (which is currently at the point where David Lynch left and the show turned into a cluster****). I think I understand. That's how I feel about PoE. Nothing in that description really sets off any do not watch alarms for me, I love There Will Be Blood and if there is a slow character-driven film that is it. Though I suppose that the princess is nothing like Daniel Plainview. If this doesn't go through I will
  4. I'll take your word for it. So if it's not odd as in "so insane KP would like it", in what ways is it odd? I think Dr. Gel works best when he gets caught up in the antics, like joining the wacky races out of nowhere.
  5. I went to sleep right after getting home from work. Ended up having a nightmare, where I was at a party full of people with smiles that had too many teeth and hands with too many fingers. Spoke with someone who looked familiar yet unfamiliar, and in their eyes I saw a void where no soul could dwell. This is what happens when you've seen too much AI art.
  6. I'd do all the red marker quests and then go on. The point of no return is You can keep the guy waiting around while you do other stuff. So he's a Shifter does that mean....you know what never mind.
  7. At the very least we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief that this will stop the Crystal wave of Sailor Moon adaptations and let us focus our attention on the perfection that is The Handyman Who Got a New Life in Another World. Or will it?
  8. In other news I saw a trailer for Sailor Moon Crystal's next movies. I'm sure some of us will have a lovely time with them.
  9. Mark my words: Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 3 - 2nd half will end with a movie announcement. Attack on Titan: The Final Season: The Movie will have two sequels to boot.
  10. Truth be told I forgot about Volorun. Thank you. It's not nice to call people nazis for reasonable demographic concerns. I myself was naughty. Maybe I am being possessed by BRUNO?
  11. Same here, so much so that I thought you made a typo there. You naughty
  12. I should have known your hate game would have prevented you from watching Breaking Bad tbh.
  13. Monster - episodes 1 to 5. I like it, but it's dark and bleak already with appearances of going further down that route.
  14. I think the difference is in knowing something is supposed to be a one-shot thing and knowing something was supposed to be an ongoing thing but got clipped before it could finish. I love the former and find the later is usually half-finished or with a very awkward landing. While moving away from TV that was designed to be perpetual and towards more contained stories has generally been a good thing, I think that shows that are planning on at least a few seasons to tell their stories are in an awkward place with at least two platforms being very unreliable homes for such things. Imagine if Breaking Bad had ended right at Season 3 or if Steven Universe had ended right in the middle, that's what Netflix is doing to a lot of shows....if they even get that far. Netflix is curating a library of unfinished works while also training people not to give a **** about most of their stuff.
  15. That's not a mixture I'd associate with protein man. Not bad, but a far cry from the protein centric diet I imagined back when you were talking about the price of eggs. You've made a mockery of obsidianstalking.txt
  16. Trickster playthrough is finished. Like the Azata, it definitely feels like it fizzled out in act 5, but even the act 4 quest felt lacking for Trickster. Also like Azata, the regular ending was more enjoyable for me than the sekrit ending. There is a lot of missed opportunity, and I think going more into fey stuff would have been a welcome change than being an errand boy or girl for a perverted man mad that his ex left him. Still a fun path though. let's see if the software works now
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