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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. True, it works both ways. However the biggest threat to world peace is clearly Israel. It lives off civil wars and third-world warzones Russia is no global threat, get real. Fixed that for you.
  2. I'd lean more towards oby being an alt rather than a paid troll. I suspect that one of LadyCrimson's cats is behind it, but I have no proof.
  3. Mod note: Picture turned into link. https://media.8ch.net/leftypol/src/1428282835870.jpg
  4. Firedorn says the joke didn't have anything to do with anyone on the LGBTIAQ+ spectrum, but it seems some here are determined to read whatever they want into to poem regardless of what the author of it has said. I have no reason to doubt his word on that front, as I myself took it as a joke about a fool killing himself after he drunkenly sleeps with a man. If you doubt me, here is his response: http://www.orderoflaibach.com/blog/screw-you-firedorn-lightbringer At any rate, Obsidian contacted Firedorn and now we have a better poem poking at the offended for turning a joke that had **** all to do with them into a form of bigotry directed at them. As Firedorn himself is fine with the situation, Obsidian has earned my respect for handling this cluster**** in a way where the backer was satisfied and was not thrown under the bus.
  5. Nightbreed directors cut. I liked, and am wondering if we will see a continuation.
  6. It should be, though I can't see it being very popular with a good chunk of them, not macho to want to calm things down with talking as opposed to some intervention with "non lethal" devices. They like to de-escalate with some bullets and beatings, when they're not ripping off charities of course. At least where I'm from at any rate, I suppose somewhere cops have a shred of decency.
  7. Whoever drew is most likely an angry feminist, unless they meant something else by "straw feminists".
  8. Holding off PoE, but am tempted to jump in. Is it reasonably stable/not buggy? @Bartimaeus Rangers are generally considered **** tier while Ciphers check out good from what I've read.
  9. I thought that was just a joke at /pol/ No it's real. http://www.thejidf.org
  10. So the JIDF was so popular it had to be copied?
  11. I ran into a couple of bugs that were gamebreaking, and that is something I expect from any new release. They get my respect for their work and for treating their backers well.
  12. 1. Comparing the SJWs to ISIS is unfair, ISIS actually acts on their convictions horrific as they may be. SJWs just complain on twitter and tumblr. 2. Posting quotes about people being offended and neglecting Christopher Hitchens is shameful.
  13. The balance issues need some attention. I stopped playing PoE after I ruined my character with the equip bug, and these issues make me want to wait a bit more.
  14. Wasn't the 8chan threads like, hijacked by ****posters (I mean, worse ones) like a couple of days ago or something? They moved to /gamergatehq/ after that.
  15. Stalin a ****. Mao did everything Stalin did, but better. Mao for eternal leader. **** you. HOXHA!!!!!!! Someone has been dwelling too long on /leftypol/ I can't help it, seeing black nationalists argue with an-commies is hilarious to me. And I got banned from /polpol/.
  16. Stalin a ****. Mao did everything Stalin did, but better. Mao for eternal leader. **** you. HOXHA!!!!!!!
  17. So this thread is now about Capitalism? Stalin was godtier, the lot of you need the gulag.
  18. Funny thing is, the fighting game community is MUCH more diverse than average.In terms of diversity, fighting game tournaments blow sites like Kotaku out of the water. Which is hilarious, given how much whining Kotaku does about diversity in the FGC. Well the fighting game community is largely black guys playing games made in Japan. You should all know that Japan doesn't give a **** and that black guys for the most part don't care as long as you're good. *shrug*
  19. There was once a loon that twitter Who was thrown down the sh1ter In its demise it wasn't missed Because there were bugs to be fixed I'll get my coat.
  20. I think it all hinges on whether Obsidian "caved to pressure" or whether they just changed something that Josh Sawyer would have removed anyway if he knew it existed. I'm almost certain that Sawyer didn't look at every backer memorial, there are too many, they probably assigned other employees to do that, so it's feasible he never saw it. And IF he would have removed it if he saw it, then I see no problem, I support the freedom of artists to do whatever they want in their games, regardless of my political opinion. For example, if Anita Sarkeesian were to make a game, I would fully expect it to be full of radical feminist propaganda, and you know what? That's her prerogative. I wouldn't agree with it, but I support her right to create what she wants. So anyway, if we are to guess at whether Obsidian "caved to pressure" or whether they just removed something that they would rather not have in their game...I'm kind of leaning towards them just removing something they would rather not have. The mere fact that Sawyer backed Feminist Frequency tells us a lot about his views, and I think removing this line is probably consistent with those views. I, personally, do not agree with it being removed, but it's 100% Sawyer's and Obsidian's prerogative to edit what is in their game. I think the issue is that it's backer content and not dev content. Of course consulting with the back over what to do with it is a good move and I applaud Obsidian for that.
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