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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Happened to me too mate. Think I'm gonna shelf PoE until the worst bugs get ironed out, perhaps a week or so.
  2. Don't stop, you'll be missing out on lesbian erotica and that's even worse.
  3. "From here on out, we must quote people without quotes." No.
  4. Oh stop ....its not like you ever cared about what I said when it came to gender issues. In fact I can't remember a time where you ever supported my posts on SJ developments? Its true, I don't value what you say because you seem to be a hypocrite and most of your SJ topics focus on petty stuff like banning "bossy".
  5. Using the services of prostitutes while taking the positions you do, such as banning prostitutes from GTA, is very hypocritical Bruce. Since you are either unwilling or incapable of explaining how you reconcile your stated beliefs with your actions, I must assume that you are either a very elaborate parody of a neo-liberal capitalist or a hypocrite. In either case, I will discard any input you have when it comes to gender issues.
  6. Those are backer characters right? Did the backers write the text, because some of it reads a lot differently than what you normally find in game.
  7. How do you reconcile your stated beliefs on women's issues with your patronage of prostitutes, something that actively contributes to the exploitation of women?
  8. I have been only really discussing strippers and strip clubs, not prostitutes. So I would encourage you to try to at least read my posts before you dispute them. And of course an element of prostitution exists in strip clubs but that's not there focus What you guys don't seem to understand, and I tried to explain this, is that what Nonek is pretending to show concern for is the illegal trafficking of women in the sex industry. I am also concerned with that but the places I go to aren't associated with that type of illegal and iniquitous practice You've previously admitted to using the services of prostitutes Bruce. Nonek is calling your frequent attendance of strip clubs hypocritical but stating that it's your choice so he's fine with it, however he finds your use of prostitutes disgusting and hypocritical. I'm sure attacking Nonek's sincerity is far easier than confronting your own hypocrisy and support of a system that harms real life women. Why do you use the services of prostitutes Bruce? Why support something that treats women that badly?
  9. Speaking of PoE, anyone else getting an arch over "st" in every instance it appears?
  10. We were talking about prostitutes Bruce, try reading what you're quoting. Perhaps you should apply your online values to your personal life and stop using the services of prostitutes?
  11. *Depending on where he lives. Though of course I don't believe he resides in a country like the Netherlands or Germany that legalizes and provides support for prostitutes. Both prostitution and the purchasing of services from prostitutes is illegal in South Africa. So Nonek is correct in this case. Circular arguments, which pretty much happens any time we don't have any happenings.
  12. I managed to get an hour into PoE. May try for some more tonight, but I'm busy the next couple of days.
  13. I tend to avoid Snyder's work because it's mostly ****, is Sucker Punch worse than usual?
  14. We've been challenged to a fight guys. And I have the same avatar as this guy.
  15. Currently pre-loading PoE and am a bit pissed that I have classes tomorrow when I could be getting frustrated with mechanics and bugs.
  16. Why am I not surprised a corporation is pushing identity politics with the intention of turning a profit.
  17. You're doing it wrong mate, you're supposed to scream about how evil they are, say you're being harassed by the scum of the earth(don't post proof or name anyone), claim anyone who disagrees with you is in league with the harassment squad, then subtly post a link to your patreon.
  18. How come? The boardowner quit and ayyteam took over.
  19. Won't post any links because nsfw, but 8chan /gamergate/ is kill, we need to find a new board to ****post on discuss stuff.
  20. Lefred confirmed for Pale Master.
  21. https://archive.today/79AsF Looks like the unpaid Gawker interns can't spam "gamergate forums" with news of the lawsuit.
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