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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If Bibiboo gets knocked out, I believe Sheldon Adelson will **** a brick.
  2. Using a rifle over a handgun? I think you're abelist scum.
  3. Nah, Im sure she could be made to purr. Ok, everyone sees the damn cat right? I didn't... I just heard about that dude who got his balls stolen after hooking up in a bar. Crazy stuff.
  4. This is the blockbot that evolved from the atheism+ one right? The one that is essentially anyone a siw doesn't like.
  5. I'd have to play PoE(+ expansion) before jumping in, but I'd throw in enough for a copy at least.
  6. Seeing as I use pseudonyms on every account, I fail to see how I'd experience any IRL blowback.
  7. Booze is one thing. But if you're going to do stuff like that might as well drop out of college. Why put knowledge in your brain when you're just going to burn it out anyway. Just my $.02 Actually LSD is relatively safe and non-addictive as drugs go. Less damaging than alcohol, at any rate. Besides it's spring break and my GPA is damn good.
  8. Today I dropped acid and then sat around drinking with friends and watching movies.
  9. Took Shady's advice and drank dr. pepper with cherry red stag. Note to self: listen to Shady's booze advice more, the guy knows his ****.
  10. Most German's I've met have been pretty miserable and humorless fellows. That your experience too Longknife? And is it because they killed all the funny people?
  11. No, as there's no such thing. It will get you drunk, and it doesn't taste too weird if you use a smoother vodka. Can confirm the SC, but never touched the cherry red stag. Going to have a party, so I will make sure to try the cherry red stag then. I usually drink water after I'm done drinking. Of course since I often consume...other substances, the effects can be strange.
  12. Beetles on hard are pretty challenging in my experience. That might not be the case on other difficulties, but as I have no intention of playing lower than hard, I'm going to say Beetles are still pretty tough. As to the state of the game, I think we're going to have to wait till after the release of the expansion pack and some major patches to that before we get to highly polished. Would like to be pleasantly surprised, but am going to be realistic.
  13. Thinking of playing this, I have the 4gb loader and texture pack, but is there anything else I can do to make it look pretty?
  14. I'm drinking real sugar Dr.Pepper and vodka right now.
  15. He gets a pretty good return on them though, why he'll never stop. I am disappointed at the lack of hot Slavic women though. I'm disappointed in the lack of a pretty woman thread.
  16. I for one look forward to the FBI encountering bane posting. And possibly arresting Ghazi.
  17. I'm about to get that done in 2 months, heard it really sucks man. If you guys haven't heard, we're possibly going to be investigated by the FBI. https://archive.today/osLCC Do you think they'll be jealous when they find out about CIA?
  18. That was my starter and I stomped through most of the game with him and that landshark thing. Article is here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/pixels-and-bits/13615-Paperboy-Was-Full-of-Moral-Dilemmas-For-the-Player?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=all
  19. In X/Y you have to do Battle Mansion to get points and buy TMs with those points. Used to you would gamble for those points and buy TMs and pokemon with them. I didn't play any of the DS games so I have never played Voltorb flip.
  20. Gambling in Pokemon was better than the Battle Mansion that replaced it. Having to grind through low-level battles for points is more tedious than buying a bunch of coins with excess cash.
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