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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. mean–spirited : feeling or showing a cruel desire to cause harm or pain I can't look into the author's mind, but I'm 95% sure that him writing the poem was not "mean spirited" at all. Everyone needs to chill a little more and not immediately assume malice on everyone else's part. This also goes for the people jumping to the conclusion that the complainants must be political campaigners with ulterior motives rather than actual fans of the game/genre. My interpretation of what happened is this: Some "cis" person with little insight into the trans community wrote what he thought was an innocent joke, which in his mind likely did not attack trans people (the bud of the joke was the "cis" character who killed himself), and possibly wasn't even meant to refer to trans people at all (it could have been meant as two "cis" heterosexual men having sex unintentionally). However, the set-up of the joke happened to resonate with what members of the "online transgender twitter community" believe to be a common trope/prejudice used as a weapon in a brutal global campaign to persecute them.(It's difficult to be sure to what extent, exactly, that persecution narrative is rational. The fact that some amount of legal and social discrimination exists is undeniable. On the other hand, the idea that "cis" people regularly murder trans people after sleeping with them and then finding out their biological sex, likely belongs in the realm of conspiracy theories. Sure, there's probably a legitimate anecdote or two where such a thing happened, but the popular "1 in 12 trans people are murdered" factoid is quite obviously bogus. Nonetheless, many in the "online transgender twitter community" seem to honestly believe all of that, and thus understandably have a genuinely strong reaction to a limerick/joke which - when interpreted with the right assumptions - fits into that narrative.) It's a matter of people with completely different paradigms and views of reality, colliding thanks to the Internet.Group B thinks group A is out to get them, whereas group A does not believe that group B's emotional reactions are genuine. Firedorn's response is here. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/75387-controversial-limerick-discussion-2/page-6?do=findComment&comment=1632654 "The joke wasn't targeted at trans-people, nor anyone in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum" Sounds like some people got offended over nothing. Happens quite a bit.
  2. I'm not surprised tbh. 8chan is screaming shill and fighting while KiA is shilling for upboats. Therefore KiA will be starting more drama to feed the ego.
  3. He backed it before she had created a single video in the series and two years before she did the one with New Vegas.
  4. I take more issue with this than either the original problem, or the original poster. If people were being picked on, hit, bullied, teased, killed, because they were straight, then you might have a point. But since that's NOT the case, your statement just comes off as bigoted and belittling. Change your second sentence to refer to a discriminated race, and see how quickly you get spanked for being racist.You've just made his point.
  5. Yeah it seems a lot of them are being offended on Firedorn's behalf at the moment.
  6. Yeah I was there too. Over at 8chan they're sperging out and screaming shill like dumbasses. Some people just like being mad I guess.
  7. You must be new here mate, we archive stuff from **** sites to avoid giving them clicks. Paste the link address at archive today. http://archive.today/
  8. ...that post is only 18% upvoted(meaning it was downvoted through the floor) and every reply with a score higher than 1 is negative towards the OP. That's not even touching on how one poster = 32K+ subreddit.
  9. I'm from KiA and I'd still thank you not to throw us all in the same bag, especially since as I recall, you've dodged any attempts to debate with me or others these past few pages aswell. As far as I'm concerned, you condone yourself not much better than many of the people I'm currently highly frustrated with. It might help if your posts involved a little more objective discussion and a little less smug sense of satisfaction when you think you've just tossed out an epic "burn." NOTE: KiA will ban you for repeatedly "misgendering" or referring to trans by their "deadnames". I know GG is a popular boogeyman, but at least get your jabs right.
  10. Guys, Firedorn is cool with it. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/74461-controversial-limerick-discussion/page-25?do=findComment&comment=1631723 Everyone wins, one side gets a "problematic" piece of content out and the other side gets a middle finger to those offended immortalized in the text.
  11. Actually, there was a choice. They asked me if I wanted to change in light of what happened. I chose to change it so that they can concentrate on the game instead of this PR nightmare. They weren't going to change it, they asked ME if I wanted to. I can find another platform to write my controversial crap, and I will. They, on the other hand, did the right thing and allowed me to decide the fate of the epitaph. I chose to turn into something that made fun of the bitch-bastards that were complaining. They went above and beyond what I would have expected them to do. Can someone save this glorious post as an image?
  12. deadname?Name before she transitioned. Gets hurled at transfolk a lot. Wouldn't it be Birthname? As in the one his parents gave him? Well now it's dead to her; I guess. I kinda like the name Erika. Reminds of Fire Emblem 8. Not that that's one of the better Fire Emblem games. Not linear enough. Yes, Fire Emblem is BETTER when it's linear. Don't care how much people liked Awakening, it was too open! No strategy was needed cuz' you could just grind your way through. Screw that game. What was with the characters from other Fire Emblem games being in anyway? That's some bull crap. Ike should not be in the same universe as Marth. Speaking of Marth, why is that Ike get's an English voice actor in smash, but Marth's stuck talking in Japanese? Then again, Ike's voice acting is really bad, so maybe Marth not getting a voice actor in English is a good thing. Bad voice acting is more tolerable when it's in what is to me; jibberish. Look what she did by being named Erika. Now every time I think about this issue I'll be thinking of Erika and thus Fire Emblem 8. BTW: This post is very on topic! You like Fire Emblem 8? Casual scum.
  13. I showed it to a friend and he thought it was about a drunk guy who had sex with a man. I suppose it is vague, but as the replacement poem states ot was misread, perhaps the original poem meant to tell the story of a man who had been raped as he was too drunk to consent?
  14. You're right, I have no interest in playing this game and only shelled out $200 to get a fancy badge on a relatively obscure videogame forum.
  15. I know, Josh Sawyer never pays any attention to me either. It's very depressing. Josh is apparently too busy feeding his morbidly obese cat. Seriously am I the only one that can't get over the size of that thing? I missed this how fat is the cat?
  16. Their definition, as written, is ridiculous. It implies that any kind of advocacy is an attempt at censorship."Censorship [...] happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political [...] values on others." So voting is an attempt at censorship? Take it up with them then, preferably in a manner where you don't employ selective editing. As a privileged cislord, I will continue to consider the ACLU's opinion on what constitutes censorship as more authoritative than Serdan from the Obsidian Forums. Please refrain from using the term "cis" its extremely offensive I'm sorry m'genderneutral pronoun. I'll make sure to check my privilege before I offend anyone else.
  17. Their definition, as written, is ridiculous. It implies that any kind of advocacy is an attempt at censorship. "Censorship [...] happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political [...] values on others." So voting is an attempt at censorship? Take it up with them then, preferably in a manner where you don't employ selective editing. As a privileged cislord, I will continue to consider the ACLU's opinion on what constitutes censorship as more authoritative than Serdan from the Obsidian Forums.
  18. You're either dishonest or ignorant. http://i.word.com/idictionary/censorshipcen·sor·ship \ˈsen(t)-sər-ˌship\ noun : the system or practice of censoring books, movies, letters, etc. Full Definition 1 a :the institution, system, or practice of censoring b :the actions or practices of censors; especially :censorial control exercised repressively 2 :the office, power, or term of a Roman censor This move certainly can be regarded as censorship.https://www.aclu.org/free-speech/censorship Feel free to contradict the ACLU, but I'm going to give a bit more credence than you. There's a historical context that you are either ignoring or is ignorant of.But it doesn't matter, because even *if* you think the word applies this sh!tstorm still has absolutely nothing to do with censorship. There are a number of people who will cry bloody murder if anyone so much as considers doing anything for the sake of social justice. It's completely ridiculous. I'm using the ACLU's explanation of censorship. If you have a problem with their "ignorance", I suggest you contact one of the biggest free speech advocacy groups and inform them how they are wrong.
  19. your portrait is perfect, and I totally agree with you, you're such a big guy! For you.
  20. Emailing advertisers so that Gawker now is a wasteland in terms of native ads. I assume hurting Gawker was harmful to women in some way though.
  21. No. This would be a complete non-issue if the bigots hadn't thrown a fit.Go read the replies to the other thread. Someone actually vowed to undermine everything Obsidian ever does. The reaction is completely, hilariously, out of proportion. Some bigots may have replied yes but what about those of us who just hate the growing censorship we are seeing in our society? You're a bigot too. Anyone who disagrees is a bigot and probably a communist MRA as well.
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