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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I think the level cap is too low for the amount of content in the game. 15 would have been a better place to cap IMO. And Twin Elms seemed smaller than I expected. Guess Eora just isn't very populated.
  2. 1 to 100.Better encounter design so battles aren't rinse and repeat. Really ****ed up there Obsidian.
  3. When I first googled the name, I thought it was Jim Sterling in drag and I was looking at an elaborate joke. As to the prevalence of MtF trans, I have no idea.
  4. Daredevil, all 13 episodes. Thought the very end was a bit bland, but otherwise a good watch.
  5. To reiterate, IE mod. Console commands are enabled without disabling achievements. All of you should be using it.
  6. In my experience(sill fairly early), PotD is quite a bit up from Hard so changing the difficult could be what you need to keep a more consistent difficulty.
  7. I'm in agreement. I post while between classes and while at work and sometimes make spelling mistakes or errors that I am unable to correct due to the time limit.
  8. *looks up who this Anna Antrophy is* .... ... .. . . .
  9. https://i.imgur.com/rgowOqL.jpg Apparently another journo fails to disclose relationship with a subject as recently as December 2014. EDIT: Image has some profanity, changed to link.
  10. Nature does not have intentions, and the results are not any indicator as to whether or not something is natural. I think you are confusing nature with productivity. It isn't communism at all. That's a really bizarre sentiment. Although I could be mistaken I believe that the proper term for what Striker meant is cultural Marxism (Probably sans the tinfoil hat baggage.), although it's actually more akin to the fabled "Rules for Radicals" at least as they are understood on the Right. (I understand that Leftists don't view them in the same negative light.) Most communists I've had the pleasure of talking to hate the Frankfurt school because it's pretentious bollocks. Could be that they tend to be some flavor of libertarian socialist, rather than authoritarian marxism-leninism or third world fetishization maoism. It should be noted that leftist ideologies tend to splinter easily and come up with lots of names. No idea why that is.
  11. Oh I open all books and click all chat options, I just don't ... read them with super concentration, since I just forget it all after the next combat or two. There was a couple of lore tomes that had stories I liked enough to focus on them enough to remember I liked them, but not enough to quote them or their titles even. You're an oddity.I really wondered why so much time would be wasting developing such in game lore that had no relevance to the main plot. I guess it's for people like you. I've read all the BG2 books at some time or another. History of the Dead Three was always my favorite - Jergal becoming tired of his godhood and giving it away to Bhaal, Myrkul, and...Bane?...via a game of seeing who can throw a lich's head the farthest or some such. Good times, I think it was rolling dice, but the only things I clearly remember are (1)Bane was the warrior, Myrkul the mage, and Bhaal the assassin or thief (2) Bhaal got terrible thirds and the other two got btfo (3)Malar shows up and misses out
  12. Getting a bit bored of PoE. I find the writing generally good with some dry spots, but the combat is much too repetitive.
  13. Nope. What I saw (in my quick skim) was a man who is paler than me and has a whiter name than me and because of this I haphazardly assumed him to be white. Although I was facetious in my post, he does indeed have “white-passing privilege” however knowing America and his background, who knows, he probably has been subject to race based discrimination. Ah, but privilege is based on social relations. A Latino in the SW US will not be considered White by people in his area and therefore in his social interactions will not possess the privilege of being considered White. Therefore I must conclude that any "white-passing privilege" Mr. Correria would have in Australia(where you reside, IIRC) will not be applicable to him where he resides and is void when considering his current situation. But we aren't talking about being discriminated against by society, we are talking about being discriminated against in a SciFi/Fantasy award contest. With this in mind, how does Mr. Correria's politics invalidate his claims? Would claims by an Anarchist(not an-crap neo-fedualist) or Communist be similarly invalidated for not conforming to a specific neo-liberal ideology?
  14. People who say Vidya insead of video should be banned from the internet. Whats next Animu? ... I tell you what you weeaboo, I'll say vidya and animu all I want god damn it. I'm a Texas man and I ain't eatin no 12 oz roll of sausage.
  15. Har-dee-har, playing with fire man. I can out SJ speak you any day.Observe: White privilege is not determined by how one identifies but by how they're identified. Privilege is based on social relations and those who are of or are perceived as part of the privileged group will have privilege over those who are not.White-passing privilege is REALWhite-passing privilege is REALWhite-passing privilege is REALSincerely, a poc.Have you ever been to the Southwest US? Because in that area Larry Correria: Would be identified as hispanic(or mestizo if you want to be correct) to anyone who has encountered those of mestizo descent on a regular basis. But this has little to do with being discriminated against on the basis of his political views in a SciFi/Fantasy awards event. Would said alleged discrimination be more believable if it was a female, African, or homosexual individual alleging discrimination for holding similar beliefs? He's hispanic not white. Hispanic is not a race. Mestizo is, and I figured it would be easier to use the more familiar "hispanic" to describe Correia as most people will use those words interchangeably.
  16. He's hispanic not white. He's Transcracker according to certain ideologies. Good to know they're using the proper pronouns this time. An affluent white-passing hispanic right-wing libertarian male feels discriminated against on the basis of his political beliefs.Better? Interesting you feel the need to whitewash non-whites when they disagree with you. If being discriminated against on the basis of politics is what is happening, then why is his ethnicity, sex, or orientation relevant?
  17. I think the expansion could help fix that by introducing enemies that fall into the dreaded, "hard counter" category. I think it needs more than that honestly. I don't know exactly what to do, but when I'm using the same tactics every fight something is wrong IMO.
  18. BDSM is unnatural. Pegging is unnatural. Condoms are unnatural. Vidya romance is unnatural.
  19. Sadly, there is an element of gamergate whose view on freedom of expression stops when said view agrees with SJWs. I don't agree with that view at all, and it has caused me to question my involvement with this bull****. Whatever, PoE has combat that gets repetitive as hell and isn't really affected by a poem being changed to tell certain folks off.
  20. If Anarchy destroyed the State, Bob Saget wouldn't have been accused of raping and murdering a girl in 1990. Checkmate statist scum. Ps, private property in an anarchist world would be impossible to enforce without violating the idea of anarchy. If you kept the principle of private property, you would be creating a feudalist environment.
  21. That sucks. Sensuki was the dude who spent a ****load of time betaing PoE and if he walked away that doesn't look too good,
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