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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm just going to say that Zizek and Chomsky are two of my favorite writers and speakers. I'd also recommend Michael Parenti to some of you. He's left like those two and he had a really good speech about identity politics being a bad idea from sometime in the 90's(all you had to do was listen). Anyways the slate for Pakman is Based Mom, Mercedes Carrera, Vox Day, and Liana K.
  2. For the record I'm not comparing PoE to other games, I'm criticizing the game purely on its own merits. Engagement is probably one of the worst systems in the game and should be gutted.
  3. As a transmarxist anarchistkin I find "despite being a marxist" offensive. Check your class, bourglord.
  4. Lot's of rustled jimmies here. If you think Roxor is wrong, argue where he is wrong. PoE tried to be balanced and failed miserably at it. The one thing that is balanced in theory, weapons, is unbalanced due to the rarity of low-DT enemies to make fast weapons worthwhile. As it is, high damage/DT penetration is the way to go, which is why guns and estocs will see more use than other weapons. Armor balance is awful, the options in between clothes and plate are fluff for RPing, because only those two extremes are worthwhile. Class balance is worse than the IE games. Cipher destroys everything else with it's ability to cast 6th powers indefinitely and a 20% bonus to damage in most circumstances. The only combat I find difficult is where enemies spam status effects. Otherwise the tactic is to let the tank(s) draw aggro while the rest of the party uses ranged weapons and spells. This doesn't change for any battle. I use the IE mod and this doesn't change with engagement in or off. If anything, it's slightly harder with engagement off. The megadungeon and stronghold were fluff, and the game would have been better off with a few more areas instead. The Endless Paths aren't particularly fun or well designed and the stronghold adds tedium more than anything. Not to mention if I'm pretty much anywhere but Defiance Bay and a few wilderness areas, I will miss special events because travel takes too long. The writing is dry for long spells. Durance and Grieving Mother are interesting, but the rest of the party feels bland and I couldn't give a **** about most of them. The text reads like a Game of Thrones knockoff with various fantasy creatures and not-Welsh words slammed in. Act 2 has to be the most uninspired act of a RPG I've ever played, and the side quests are rarely attention grabbing. While the art is pretty and the music is good, the VA is overused. While I won't judge the quality of it too harshly, it is annoying as hell to be almost done reading text when a voice cuts in and starts repeating what I just went over. Less is more in this case. Overall, Pillars of Eternity is a decent game with good ideas but a bland execution. In some way it would have been better if it was gawdawful, in that I could have just quit without the feeling I was missing much, but the few good bits keep me slogging through. It certainly wasn't what I expected Obsidian to put out, and if PoE is Obsidian without the constrains of a publisher perhaps having publisher constraints aren't such a bad thing.
  5. Quite the big dog. Heavily invested in Big Data. The **** about corporations colluding to censor the internet scares the **** out of me. Now this man, this is getting deep.
  6. Was that sarcasm? No. Maoism and the philosophy of SJWs are both anti-revolutionary, anti-intellectual, and place a focus on identity.
  7. SJWs are actually ideologically similar to Maoist scum.
  8. You can? I haven't touched enchanting in a while, but I was under the impression that you can't add stuff like speed or dt penetration. Outside of Fine/Superb/Exceptional qualities, you can't add speed or DR penetration.All Esocs have DR penetration, so the Blade of the endless paths isn't offer anything special in that regard. The only thing it does give you is the +1.2 speed modifier and the marking quality, both of which are common magical properties shared by many other weapons you can find in this game (including another Esoc you can find in Act 1).They were uninspired, here, and they dropped the ball. By contrast, Durlag's tower gave you Keil's Helmet, Keil's Buckler, The Flame Tongue Sword and the Staff of striking. All of them Unique items that have unique properties you can't find anywhere else in the game. Actually the blade has an additional 3 Dr penetration, they call it the rending property. Not that it changes the status of the blade as bland and unremarkable.
  9. 2.5/5 Aside from severe balance issues, the story drags hard around act 2 and most combat encounters are bland. The Dozens could have used more content as well, I felt that they were less used than the Crucible Knights or that crime family.
  10. You can? I haven't touched enchanting in a while, but I was under the impression that you can't add stuff like speed or dt penetration.
  11. Its the Codex, they'll go over the top but the points they raise aren't wrong. PoE combat is samey and items feel bland. Engagement is ****-tier. Balance is out of whack. In every case. The writing is bland for long stretches of the game. Exploration isn't rewarding and maps feel small. Cutting the stronghold and Od Nua in favor of more areas/better existing dungeons would have been good. Stronghold is bad. Really bad. Reactivity is crap. I ****ed over that crime family and nothing happened. Art is pretty and music is good. VA is bad and overused. Overall mods may be able to shape it up and it very well may lead to a BG2 tier sequel, but overall PoE isn't very impressive. Not the worst Obsidian game(that would be DS3), but certainly not in league with NWN2 expansions or New Vegas. Would not back a sequel without some shakeups(MCA lead writer) or without a fantastic showing from the expansion.
  12. Miranda's ass was the point of Ass Effect 2.
  13. I think they're hotpocketers. China has paid shills too. I look forward to trolling legions of Maoists on their ****-tier ideology. /leftypol/ has them too? damn. The Albanians did it for free long before.
  14. I think they're hotpocketers. China has paid shills too. I look forward to trolling legions of Maoists on their ****-tier ideology.
  15. Good writing is hard bro. Still have not played Ultima.
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