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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I finished PoE on PotD last night. It gets absolutley awful at later levels, when stats are boosted and you find yourself grazing for little damage most of the time. Did all the companion quests and then moved to a custom party(Cipher PC, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Wizard, and Priest), afterwhich I noticed the game got a lot easier. Like Keyrock, I made the mistake of doing almost every sidequerst and task(skipped Od Nua after a bug prevented me from accquiring a piece of the blade). The game gets gruelling after a while and the writing cetainly isn't enough to save it. While Baldur's Gate Trilogy(any game from the series) miht have been unbalaced as hell, at least you could throw a fireball or quickly shred your foes. In PoE however, the combat tends to be stretched out as your tanks graze enimies for single digit damage while your backrow fires away with guns or spells. I could get into more problems with the game, but the RPGCodex review summed up a lot of my problems with it. As it is, I don't know if I will be returning for the expansion or sitting it out. For now, I think I will try a massive playthrough of BGT when I get out of finals.
  2. Is that the Miles Cheong? It's like they switched him for someone else. I like how he downplays his former Hitler worship as "I Once Had Opinions About A Thing". I'd argue that almost no social activists are SJWs, as that requires getting off your ass and doing something rather than complaining about the white supremacist patriarcy oppressing all of the genderfluid transblack crabkin.
  3. So he blamed getting sacked on his opinions? Seems kind of a stretch. So "don't blame the journalists for being corrupt, blame the people allegedly corrupting them"? Thank you for saving me 30 minutes, I will now post a Kurdish cutie.
  4. Nothing on this? Jenner likely caused a wreck due to negligence, so is Jenner going to face any consequences? It's funny how hard you try to avoid using pronouns... I'm confused at the status, as Jenner was still a man when the wreck happened. Are pronouns retroactive or is Bruce dead and a (female name) Jenner is there instead? Nothing on this? Jenner likely caused a wreck due to negligence, so is Jenner going to face any consequences? From the brief blurb I read, it is unclear who was at fault. Even if he is, vehicular manslaughter is usually reserved for gross negligence or driving under the influence. I believe there was something about using a cellphone or driving under the influence. EDIT: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/bruce-jenner-may-be-at-fault-in-fatal-car-wreck-cops-have-video-2015192 Sources say he was inattentive and was at fault for the wreck. Not sure how valid they are, but I have no reason to doubt them
  5. Nothing on this? Jenner likely caused a wreck due to negligence, so is Jenner going to face any consequences?
  6. COMMUNIST!!!111 Well.......with software piracy allows distribution of something to anyone for free, so piracy = communism. Makes sense when you see how bunched corporations get their panties over it.
  7. Does this mean if enough people fight for it....incline will happen? And still going to cuckchan, pfft.
  8. That test gives me the chills. Sad thing is that some libruls will defend it.
  9. How are the manslaughter charges against Jenner coming?
  10. Liana K and Mercedes Carrera DP. Thought you guys would like it. http://youtu.be/j9L7JLnsruU No, there are worse things than an attractive man touching your body.
  11. I believe that backstabbing is part of SCS, not RR. Since most of my recent playing has been with both installed, I may be mistaken though. At any rate, I enjoy it when your enemies use their abilities in the most effective manner. Part of my issue with vanilla BG is that enemies are really stupid. Anyways, played more PoE. Managed to finish all personal quests, and am now using a custom party of Cipher, Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Wizard, and Priest. It is a lot easier with the custom party, and severe balance issues become apparent in later levels. Not sure if I'm going to finish Od Nua or just make a dash to the finish yet, but I don't see myself jumping in again until the game gets balanced a bit more and the expansion is released.
  12. My understanding is that Act 4 is just the final quest. IMO, ToB is probably the weakest section of BGT. I do appreciate epic level gameplay, but with almost every enemy in ToB being immune to backstabs or crits it gets a bit boring. *shrug*
  13. Yeah, PoE has some serious balance problems that steer the game towards long drawn out encounters and PotD makes it a lot worse. I've considered using console commands to buff the **** out of my characters and slide on through. Now I want to play BGT more, but my need to finish PoE is too strong.
  14. Yep. As it stands, transitional surgery can cause extreme damage in the case of MtF and if suicide rates are any indication it is not a perfect treatment for those who want it.
  15. Yes, if it results in a conclusion that isn't liked.
  16. Looks like GOG will be getting all my money in the future. I'm sure Zor is thinking something along the lines of "all you had to do was listen" right now.
  17. This guy? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Beale What's he got to do with GG? Rabid puppies and he supports gg. Never heard of him before.
  18. I actually though that lesser conditions would be a great way to do grazes. Like if someone grazes on a charm spell they end up confused or something instead. That way those spells aren't completely useless if you graze, but aren't as overpowered as they are now.
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