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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/hashtag/stopwebh8?src=hash Tag was crashed with no survivors. Absolutely beautiful.
  2. PotD is easy when you get the hang of things. Honestly, using the badly built NPCs contributes more to difficulty than the enemies.
  3. I'm sure segregationists are kicking themselves over that they could've gotten their way if they sugar coated "separate but equal" with safe spaces. Any news on the FBI investigation? Have they found the dank memes?
  4. Yes. Talents are mostly bad, with class ability boosts, weapon focus, weapon style, and modal being all you really need in most cases. A lot of the defensive talents are too situational and the utility talents are largely convenience that you wouldn't waste a valuable resource on. Add to that the extremely limited class abilities and you have very little viable build diversity. You can make a warrior-wizard, but a Cipher will beat it because Wizard buffs suck and the Wizard has **** base stats.
  5. I'd say that "ideological racism" and "sociological racism" would be better in terms of clarity. But yes, I find that acceptable. Of course I would think such of you, based on your posts denying systemic sexism and generally downplaying the sexist shirt worn by the Nasa scientist, while repeatedly claiming that SJWs have "demolished" him and "bullied him into crying," without a shred of irony when you constantly tell SJWs to stop being such insensitive babies. This is while you're simultaneously hurl invectives towards SJWs as being "ignorant, pathethic, soulless, vindictive, delusional and violent little ****lords by choice." Your bias clearly shows. So yes, I would be EXTREMELY surprised if you were not a heterosexual male, but that's not what disqualifies your points as moot to me -- it's your complete lack of awareness of your privilege. I'm sorry that you are somewhat offended by whatever I may think of your views, but know that I don't actually think you're a bad person. On the contrary, I believe you are a better person than most in the gaming community, as I genuinely believe you mean well towards oppressed groups. It's just that I believe you to be an apologist for a discriminatory culture, and that you maintain the status quo as a result. Assuming one's gender, orientation, or race by their political opinions is reaching. You may not like Luckman's opinions, but assuming anything about the individual other than they like Eldoth is reaching. In fact Luckman's opinions resemble Christina Hoff Summers, who while I am sure you disagree with is certainly not a male. Also take note of Luckman's signature: "This signature goes out to Osvir, who is the sole and only reason I can actually play Pillars of Eternity anywhere near release by a factor of months, or most likely years. In my poverty, he gifted me the game. I may still be destitute and nearing homelessness, but at least I'll have Pillars of Eternity. " I'm sure someone destitute to being close to homelessness is a very privileged individual, more so than the black lesbian business major who was in the same economics class as me a few semesters back despite her coming from an upper middle-class family and not having to take a loan out or work to pay for classes at any rate. Please educate yourself on class issues before telling someone living in poverty(even the western kind) that they are privileged. Start with Parenti and then try some Zizek. http://youtu.be/jKyX7GNHYkQ
  6. A lot of classes need an overhaul to be honest. For a game striving for balance, PoE failed pretty badly at it with the release version. As to Rangers...I think the problem is that they've split between two gimmicks, archery(I haven't used a Ranger with an implement or gun) and the companion, when it should have just been one. I believe that ranged abilities should be put into the general talent pool and that the class abilities should be focused solely on the companion and teamwork with the companion(the selling point of the class). IMO a melee ranger who flanks with the companion is a cool idea, but the current mechanics don't support it as well as they could. And Sagani's fox is awful. Needs a CON and Deflection boost.
  7. I just want encounters that are more interesting. So far the only things that have given me much trouble are the mushroom things.
  8. Aside from the initial definition I already posted?Alternative word. Surely you agree that the definition I posted defines a concept? If you don't want to use the word 'racism' for that concept, I'm asking you for some other word you do want to use for it. One that is in the dictionary, naturally, since you insist on that. We need a word for the concept to be able to discuss it, you know. Is a collection of words acceptable? If so, "Systematic disadvantages of (insert preferred racial/ethnic group here) in (insert state/society here)" is a far more precise term that accurately conveys what you're talking about at the cost of being long-winded. If you're looking for a single word, then no. Complex concepts such as the systematic disadvantages faced by blacks in the United States can not be condensed into a single word without eroding some measure of nuance. I'm only one man.
  9. Aside from the initial definition I already posted? My problem with this is the motte and bailey discussions. I personally prefer stating exactly what I mean, such as "institutional problems black proletariat/lumpen-proletariat faces under US society" rather than racism to avoid connotations of a KKK actively going after blacks because of bigotry. I understand that some may find that approach a bit pedantic, but it's just the way I think and speak/write. No, my motive is to steer this thread into a discussion about the failure of capitalism and the glory of socialism.
  10. Interesting read, although I tend to question it's own bias considering that virtually all, if not every example given seemed aimed at portraying white people as guilty of some form of racism. ... Still, even so I don't really see why I should accept your "dictionary definition" over the one that KaineParker offered. Hells, I think I'd argue that if someone had bothered to prune the one you offered of it's rather obnoxious racial overtones the two don't really seem that much at odds, if at all. Although I did give this a "like" because I tend to agree with the sentiment in general; at the same time words do have meanings and in this very thread we've been told things like ... "You can't be a bigot if you defend gay rights.", which is something that I do take umbrage towards in addition to simply being flat out silly and wrong. The reason I gravitate towards using only dictionary definitions is twofold. 1. They provide a unified source of common knowledge, and as such can be used to ensure communication is understood. 2. When using words with multiple meanings(or changed meanings), it is easy to find yourself arguing against a motte and bailey( see here for a better understanding: http://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2014/09/motte-and-bailey-doctrines/). For example, Socialism is defined as collective ownership of the means of production in most dictionaries. But socialism has also come to mean "government spending on welfare programs" in US politics. This leads to problems identifying someone as a socialist, as by one usage of the term implies that everyone in favor of some form of welfare is a socialist, while another requires the belief in collective ownership of the means of production. While there certainly can be some overlap here, they are certainly not mutually inclusive positions and it can cause confusion in communication.
  11. Ohhhh... One of those "only the dictionary matters" people. How adorable. I think doctors and various other specialists will be disappointed to know that all that useful jargon they've created is actually meaningless babble. People redefine words all the time. The inability of some people to accept this, but only when it's something they disagree with, is very amusing. So you don't actually have an argument. Can't say I'm surprised. Cute. Social justice advocates often use definitions of racism that include power in some fashion. What is there to argue? Then they're using "racism" incorrectly in the same manner teabagers incorrectly use "socialism" to describe government welfare programs. If you're going to use a word bother to use it correctly.
  12. Ohhhh... One of those "only the dictionary matters" people. How adorable. I think doctors and various other specialists will be disappointed to know that all that useful jargon they've created is actually meaningless babble. People redefine words all the time. The inability of some people to accept this, but only when it's something they disagree with, is very amusing. So you don't actually have an argument. Can't say I'm surprised.
  13. The dictionary defines racism as: 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2: racial prejudice or discrimination Sauce: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism There is nothing in there about "power" being a requirement.
  14. Son, I'd say your trolling needs work but some folk did take the bait.
  15. https://archive.today/l4m3N They say it's now illegal to use celebrities photographs in a meme when it has nothing to do with the celebrities' personality.
  16. The real issue with Rand isn't her politics, it's her terrible writing.
  17. Check your privilege, you white cis-het ableist scum! I'm disabled. :U OH WAIT IMSORRY, I'm a person with a disability. Almost offended myself there. You've internalized ableism. Also, watching Laci Green? Why torture yourself man!
  18. Patriarchy is convincing women to do all the work while we stay at home and drink. Well played patriarchy, well played.
  19. Because it accurately describes who we've been opposed to for (at least)the last 8 months? I do admit, whenever I see another self-hating white male nerd I must laugh at the cuck. Anyone else pick up on how SJWs are composed of the groups they dislike the most?
  20. For the most part, I find Wizards are best off using debuffs rather than direct damage in PoE. Not sure what the rest of you have experienced, but for the most part I ind Wizard spells to be underwhelming in terms of damage.
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