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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. How dare these women have an opinion not approved by a bourgeois hipster!
  2. The key is to be very vague about what you mean in order to avoid admitting you've said something stupid. In other news, the Honey Badgers, a group of women, were kicked out of the CalgaryExpo for gamergate art on display. The above was the evidence used to show that it was a plan to infiltrate a community they had been a part of for decades. The irony of SJWs getting women kicked out of a convention is also hilarious in a sad way. Advertisers for anyone in an e-mailing position.
  3. Sounds good. Fire Godlike Monk. Was born in poverty as the son of a farmer, had some success as a mercenary and now resides in Defiance Bay. Ashamed of his humble beginnings, and as such overcompensates by using big words and acting pretentious. I'll leave the name and gender up to you. Aumaua Barbarian. Brutal pirate who raided the coast before ending up shipwrecked near Defiance Bay. Quick to anger and engages in lots of violence, often ****ing up paychecks when temper gets in the way. Preferably female, name should be a nickname rather than a given. Probably should use Ruffian weapons, like sabre and pistol.
  4. The grimore should hold 5-6 spells per level IMO. Otherwise, OP is wrong, Wizard gets dank spells. Self-buff spells for a gish could be better, but the Wizard's debuff ability is exceptional. Cipher is still better though.
  5. But they don't claim that gaming causes sexist attitudes, they claim that society causes sexist attitudes and media can affect people's attitudes, so therefore games can stimulate sexism that already existed. Of which there is no proof of either, just giving you guys a heads up in case you get in an argument and someone tries to weasel. Taking to task the non-argument "media affects people" is a good opening salvo I've found, also remember you are arguing from a position of strength when asking them to prove their claims if you claim not to have seen enough evidence to support their hypothesis. Anyways: https://m.soundcloud.com/totalbiscuit/complete-answers-to-kotakus-titan-souls-questions Apparently Kotaku said some **** about TB so now the guy responds.
  6. Chewie is so vain. smh.Aside, according to the Chewbacca wiki page, he's already 200 yo when he joins up with Han! I don't think anything besides movies are canon anymore.
  7. I considered doing that, but IMO part of BG is having to assemble your crew. Different strokes I suppose.
  8. I do manual install as well, with the pdf as a guide. Takes me about 3 hours, with level 1 npcs and SCS being about a third of the time.
  9. Well damn, I guess I should test a ranger out. Pets could still use some more beefing up, and IMO the Ranger modals should be moved to the general talent pool.
  10. Use the IE mod's tactics component and the game gets a bit more challenging. Still will steamroll stuff if you are a good level though, with the exception of the Dank Spores, which are the only difficult enemy I've ran into so far.
  11. I ran into all of those on my first playthrough. Thinking of firing it up again as a BGT-BWP, going to do either a F/M/C or F/M/T(possibly with a kit cuz I'm a cheater). A bit put off by the time it takes to do a BWP install, but perhaps I'll find the time when I'm done with PoE.
  12. I don't care if engagement is realistic or not, it's an awful mechanic that adds tedium rather than tactics.
  13. The moon landing was faked to save face after the USSR beat the US in the space race.
  14. PoE starts out promising...but a lot of the writing is dry and combat gets tedious. The IE mod now has an AI component, but the only trouble I've had is with those mushroom things that confuse the party. I hope the expansion improves things, but I'm not getting too optimistic. And the companions are terribly built. Part of me wonders if that was intentional to push hirelings. To be honest, I didn't get much out of the EEs. It's nice to have more info in the character sheet, but it isn't worth the extra money.
  15. Small nit-pick; the Ranger doesn't have ranged combat as one of it's gimmicks. Actually, most of it's Abilities (all?) work with melee weapons as well. I do agree with the sentiment that if a class has a gimmick that is supposed to be part of it's core concept (so, in essence, a major ability or class feature that is considered integral to the class) then the class should be focused upon that, and gameplay revolve around that in some major capacity. Otherwise, it's just going to be "something something plus". In essence, the Ranger is a combatant like the Fighter or the Rogue... plus the pet. And with the pet as a tacked-on feature, not the focus of the class, it will be judged in relation to those other classes, the pet notwithstanding. It becomes very hard to balance and the class becomes unfocused, the choices unintuitive. Aren't the modals ranged exclusive? Admittedly I've only used Sagani(respecd for War Bow), but I was under the impression that they are ranged exclusive.
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