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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. A more accurate question should be " do you think the destruction of Western institutions would bring about social equality and end starvation " I would say this is highly unlikely and will just exacerbate these problems globally You're the one who said starvation and inequality were linked to western institutions in the first place Bruce.
  2. If ending social inequality and starvation requires the destruction of Western institutions, then those institutions should be destroyed.
  3. I cringed so hard while skimming this... I figured you would be triggered. Assange isn't a Marxist. So refugees unable to flee Syria and having to deal with ISIS aren't victims? Or the ones currently in Europe who now have to deal with increased tension from locals? Pointing out that being victims doesn't prevent one from victimizing others is hardly a "disgusting equation". But from someone who thinks any criticism of Israel is an anti-Zionist plot to unleash the Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo such a sentiment is unsurprising. I highly doubt his criticism of material waste under capitalism is a ringing endorsement of the Soviets. And China? Unless you have some special snowflake definition of Capitalism, the fact that production in China is controlled privately means it is capitalist. The reason you have starvation is because China's huge population ensures a large labor surplus and as such they can easily bring in new laborers if the current ones don't want the pitiful wages they currently are paid. If you think that wanting a new movement based around "a preaching of love and unification" is bad, then I think that speaks more of your distaste of Christian teachings than Assange's idealism. Or is Christianity no longer about love and unification of God's children? ISIS is a capitalist economy supported largely by oil sold to Turkey. We aren't dealing with a loose coalition of terrorist cells, we are dealing with a state complete with infrastructure and internal economy. "Ending Capitalism" is far from a practical solution to dealing with ISIS in the short term, but pretending there is no economic factors in ISIS power is delusional.
  4. http://gffreepages.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/slavoj-zizek-yanis-varoufakis-julian.html Zizek, Varoufakis, and Assange talk about the EU and the ISIS in Paris. Thought some of you would like it.
  5. Yeah Bartho, stop spreading your propaganda. Even if we use the highly inflated "poverty" stats by the US, these leeches are still surviving off more than two dollars a day and most have ceiling fans! Ceiling fans! Do you think real poor kids have ceiling fans in their huts? Check your ceiling fan privilege and be thankful for that, you ungrateful parasites.
  6. Clinton being a Wall Street shill makes her look far worse than a staffer being assblasted.
  7. Clearly this is more Hibernian misinformation to take your money. Why do you think US paper money is green? Coincidence? I think not.
  8. Wake up people, the Celtic Catastrophe is nigh!
  9. If Cameron wants to scare off terrorists, all he has to do is **** the pig again.
  10. No, they've managed to commodify most parts of a relationship actually. In addition to prostitution, you can pay someone to go on a date with you dressed as an anime character or to cuddle for about an hour.
  11. An internet squabble is comparable to the Spanish Civil War? Ponies, not even once.
  12. Let me guess: Jews, right? No, the Irish.
  13. Seems dumb to say, but nothing worth getting arrested over to me. Wouldn't happen here. Well I respectfully retain my reservations about this being a direct consequence of the BBC's existence, regardless It isn't, the UK hasn't really had the free speech protections the US and establishing the BBC isn't exactly a consequence of that.
  14. So it's just human nature when it's a cabal of academic elites and the state, but a conspiracy theory when it's economic elites and self-interest?
  15. Oh please. Spare me that conspiracy theory notion of capitalism as some kind of mythical cabal acting as a single entity. We have access to hundreds (thousands?) of competing news outlets. The idea that collectively, they give us less full and fair access to information about world events, than a centralized state-sponsored media would, is absolutely ludicrous. That does look a lot better than one big circle labelled "GOV"
  16. In America we have 6 media giants that control 90% of media. Clearly they will be entirely truthful and never shy away from reporting information harmful to their interests, just look at all this TPP coverage we've had!
  17. Dude, have you ever read an Ineth post? He wants to hear exactly that, and moreover, a detailed screed on how everybody who disagrees with him can only do so because they're ignorant and biased Don't be such an antizionist.
  18. http://inthesetimes.com/article/18605/breaking-the-taboos-in-the-wake-of-paris-attacks-the-left-must-embrace-its
  19. I think it's safe to say all games blogging is done by incompetent fools.
  20. Its clearly a Jewish plot to corrupt people with fun.
  21. >>>/pol/ At the risk of coming off the wrong way, history is shades of grey. The fact that there is one period of time were everything is portrayed as black and white and every attempt at dispelling it it is silenced should be proof enough that the propaganda machine hasn't stopped. Oh I get that, Stalin for instance pushed Russia into industrialization which probably saved it from being decimated by Hitler. Qistina just makes me laugh.
  22. That's quite the slippery slope if "hate speech" is loosely defined.
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