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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. They're bards that aren't called bards with mechanics to differentiate them and full casters. Like most classes in PoE, they seem not to follow any particular occupation but based on lore I'd say they could either be historians, performers, or some weird combination of both that fights random people or creatures.
  2. They could always maks the "hotseat" irrelevant, like no special quest for Companions outside the vision quest. So you don't have to take Xoti along to purge the temple of Gaun or whatever. I personally don't really care about the party size, the problems I have with IE games and PoE have nothing to do with party size, nor does anything I like about them.
  3. You simply can't win I guess. :/ It would appear so. Portland Anarchists fix the road This makes me laugh more than I should.
  4. Cipher it is then, thanks for your help. One more thing, is the Ruffian weapon group the best choice for Two-Weapon? Thinking Bittercut and one of the more powerful stiletos.
  5. Well seeing the handwringing over the theoretical lack of handwringing, I'd say Snoop knows how to get attention.
  6. IIRC with splot classes you get to pick which one, so Xoti can be a Priest and Eder can be a Rogue.
  7. So I'm fixing to create my main for PoE2 and wanted to play through PoE with a new character. My plan for PoE2 is a Rogue/Cipher or Rogue/Wizard, but for PoE I'm going to roll either a Cipher or a Wizard. I want to know which of Cipher or Wizard would be best for a 2 weapon melee build on Hard+Expert for PoE, using the companions rather than Adventurer's Hall toons. Doesn't need to be optimized, just fun.
  8. It's a step up from limp wristed liberals I guess.
  9. I'll have to check but I believe that IR only put an armor penalty on stealth skills for above leather. But Imoen was wearing robes at that point anyways.
  10. I drank a lot of spiced rum and a little bit of vodka.
  11. That rings a bell, although I couldn't give a source. I remember Josh mentioning it in the latest Twitch stream. https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/5ye510/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_qa_stream_5/ <- transcript - it's near the end (do a 'find' for 'Perception') So I'm guessing it'll be Perception to spot traps (and hidden objects) but still Mechanics to disarm. They also said that this time traps will be visible in-world before they're discovered by the characters (so the player can spot them and move around if they're careful, even if the characters don't have high perception). Not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand it'll be visually cool, but on the other it revolves around my own perception more than the characters'. In practice, I'll probably have a high PER character in the front-lines anyway so I guess it won't make a difference. I like it. One of my big problems with BGT(never played BG proper, always used the BGT mod) was that at 100+ detect traps or whatever it was called I would still trigger the damn things despite having waited for over 12 seconds right next to one.
  12. There's a season pass upgrade so they're at the very least planning dlc.
  13. Decent idea however assuming Soul Whip increases damage (+20% iirc) it could be overpowered.
  14. So how does 5e Sorcerer compare to Pathfinder in terms of relative power and versatility?
  15. A THE endgame weapon for the PC. I don't mean end game weapons shouldn't exist, I mean there shouldn't be something like The Silver Sword of Gith that's clearly supposed to be the PC's best weapon.
  16. Really? That wasn't my experience; my rogue PC kicked butt. Maybe they've been "rebalanced" since then? Yes. Rangers can out DPS them with the benefit of range while Ciphers have several powers that give them the edge. That's not to say the PoE rogue is at the level of the BG Beastmaster or single class thief, but compared to other classes it definitely falls behind. Comparitively Chanters are bad because by the time they can pull out an invocation the fight is mostly over, unless it's a boss or PotD. If you talking about damage then chanters are one of the best in the game. Not sure what you are trying to compare here. Check out Boeroer's Drake's Ambassador I clearly expressed the issue with Chanters is that most fights(outside of PotD) are over before they can use their invocations, which means that for most fights they're a basic attack who provides decent buffs to the party. Not bad in itself, but compared to what other classes bring it's hard to justify a Chanter over pretty much anything else outside of bosses or when playing on PotD.
  17. Really? That wasn't my experience; my rogue PC kicked butt. Maybe they've been "rebalanced" since then? Yes. Rangers can out DPS them with the benefit of range while Ciphers have several powers that give them the edge. That's not to say the PoE rogue is at the level of the BG Beastmaster or single class thief, but compared to other classes it definitely falls behind. Comparitively Chanters are bad because by the time they can pull out an invocation the fight is mostly over, unless it's a boss or PotD.
  18. Wizards are arguably the most versatile of all the casters in PoE, they may be limited to preparing a few spells but they get access to a lot of useful stuff. I'm not quite sure what else you want, besides maybe more out of combat spells/abilities. And Rogues were the worst class in the game besides maybe Chanter, completely outshined by Ciphers and Rangers for damage while being comparatively more vulnerable.
  19. What about a Pathfinder dating sim set in a wizard academy?
  20. So I haven't touched this due to a busy schedule, should I jump in or wait until major bugs are patched or a mod that fixes everything is released? Apparently they didn't do half that stuff.
  21. Well I assume posters never read their links because half the time what people say doesn't really match what their posted article says. Would a snappy summary like "it takes genderbending for neoliberals to see why Hillary lost" somehow improve the post?
  22. What if Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Had Swapped Genders? It takes gender bending for neoliberals to see why Hillary lost. Edited for those who struggle with clicking and reading.
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