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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. You can pay for a loot box that has a 0.67% chance of dropping an active quest increase. Chances doubled if you get a premium subscription!
  2. Indeed. I will have to read the book now. I read The Warriors which the respective movie is very very different to, even while keeping a lot of the pacing and theoretically a lot of the scenes.
  3. No branching and no real surprises. It's a pretty straightforward story. They added a couple of twists, and one of them I didn't see coming. At least not the way it did. But the story itself held no surprises. The sponsors are irrelevant to the story. It is just a secondary upgrade system, where at each game threshold you get to choose between three rewards. First choice is 1000xp or 3 medkits or 3 frag grenades. Later a choice is between a 10% melee damage boost for all characters or a unique implant for the main character or... can't remember. So just small boosts. Play the game once, you have seen everything and unlocked everything. For people who like xcom style gameplay and running man like plots, this is a recommendation if you get it at a price you are okay paying for 15 hours of gaming time. Because unless you say you want to play the exact same content a second time, you won't get more playtime out of it. There is only a handful of arenas where you have enough choices of characters to play them with a different line up.
  4. I finished Showgunners. Overall a positive experience, with only a few minor points of criticism based on personal preferences. It is a turn based tactics game made by the people behind Hard West and Phantom Doctrine, where the player takes the role of Scarlet, a contestant in a Runningman style reality TV game show. The game has 7 "episodes", as the show follows the protagonist over a span of a week. Each episode has the player explore a map, avoiding traps, fighting minor ambushes, signing autographs. and entering combat arenas for the large highlight battles of the show. There is nothing random in the episodes - the ambushes and other surprises are scripted. Between episodes the player rests at a hub location, where they can interact with team mates and npcs. The plot is predictable but works. The combat is fun. Character progression has you spending points to unlock bonuses and abilities, but at max level everything will be unlocked - you choose the order in which you unlock, not what. You also unlock sponsors based on your fame and personality. The choice of sponsors is the only thing that really changes between playthroughs. A playthrough is around 15 hours. I would have liked each episode to have had a named mini boss instead of simply introducing a new enemy type. I would have liked npc contestants at the hub, to better show how others are participating in the show. I find it silly they went out of their way to make one character Ukrainian.
  5. Why? They were all idiots or crybabies. Except for those who were idiot crybabies.
  6. Honestly, the best thing about World of Warcraft was that at the time they used very simple graphics to make the game look pretty, compared to a lot of other MMOs that went for amazing but ran crap on a lot of people's hardware.
  7. And the fact that that same community is the hiring pool.
  8. I feel GW has long since lost touch with the satirical part of their settings and taken them way too serious.
  9. What put me off Hob was that after not being able to play a couple of days, I had no idea where I was going and where I had been. I felt I had to dedicate time to playing it consequently to be able to finish it.
  10. Mind you, I don't think any man can pull off the male Malkavian outfits either.
  11. I thought you were a malkavian. Did Nines not tell you to run? And didn't you say to Damsel that you ignore other numbers but to nines you listen? Or is that line later?
  12. Malks are all insane in one way or another. At the same time they see truths others do not. Your characters dialogue options give away details, but you have to know the information to spot it. That is why they have an added joy to play in a second playthrough when you "get it" when some information is sprung on you. I am Brujha, so I am glad you did not go ventrue. We'd have to stop being friends.
  13. Don't expect to feel good about yourself while playing. Ventrue are scum. Tremere are scum who do blood magic. Do a Malkavian run on your second playthrough, so you can appreciate their insight. Feel free to go full combat. You don't get around fighting some boss fights anyway.
  14. Tried the playtest for "Every Day We Fight". I had understood it to be a turn based tactics game with aiming similar to Phoenix Point. I was wrong. The aiming is real time. The moment you aim at an opponent, they start moving away. Sometimes when an opponent tries to shoot you, you get a chance to scamper for cover. There is a lot of reactions. And a lot of real time real aiming. A first person shooter masquerading as a xcom clone. I feel a bit like playing XCOM with the QTEs in Telltale's Walking Dead games or that Tomb Raider torture porn game. Not the target audience.
  15. A game that isn't even dead because it never was alive got into a second thread. I am taking bets on how many threads we can reach before it either releases or gets officially abandoned.
  16. Egypt is still ok. Once you go to Gaul, the quality of the game drops into the basement. Worse writing, rushed areas. They seem to have run out of time and money and just said "wrap it up people".
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