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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I'm a what? Oh, so this is a 40K crossover.
  2. Shoot yourself using Epic download speed, by the time the bullet reaches your leg, you'll be long gone!
  3. That's why you get games on Epic. Download speed always sucks, so you can't tell the difference.
  4. Star Trek Resurgence. I think that is the name. You know, that telltale style game in the franchise where they set light sabres to stun and beam people anywhere but where they are supposed to be.
  5. Completed the main story in Saints Row. Did not expect the plot twist. But in the end, best friends squad won. Overall a positive experience.
  6. And just so you know, for lesbian faery-human relationships you have to go full old faith
  7. Some missions may be timed. (When you search for some hermit/sage/whatever in the magic forest for example) Check mission descriptions for hints of urgency. You unlock more knights as you progress and can get some very unique choices based on your alignment. So if you aren't certain you want to keep a knight, don't invest too much in them if you are just going to fire them later. For example if you plan an old faith playthrough, that rightful Christian you can get early on may not be someone you want. On the other way, you have ways of affecting a knight's alignment (for example marrying them off to the right woman). There is no divorce, but there are a lot of ladies in waiting, so don't marry off your knights without getting a good benefit from it. And obviously, choose at least one axis on the alignment chart and stick to it.
  8. Are you playing the first game? It is arguably the best in the series, but at some point you may want to drop the difficulty significantly. Just as your weapons pass through ethereal opponents, so does the fun factor That said, I really enjoyed the first game, even though for one reason or another I never finished it. The second game takes a lot of what makes the first game fun and removes that. It had a fun stand alone prologue where you play the last Romans left behind, but it doesn't affect the main campaign, which is a shame. The third game is turn based tactical RPG battles with a party of four, so may be most to your liking. It isn't bad. I forgot to play the dlc. It is on my to do list.
  9. The canyons east of Santo Ilesso in Saints Row look like somewhere hurlshot would go on family vacation. So I never steal RVs in the game, just in case it is his. Anyone else play Saints Row and encounter this issue?
  10. "Stop playing! I'll talk! Just stop playing assassin's creed!" "The haptic shirt works!" "Haptic shirt? It's painful watching you play this badly. You suck."
  11. You know there is a police officer somewhere thinking "I can get suspects beaten up without physically touching them, by leaving them in the interrogation room and playing assassin's creed in the break room... badly?" So many applications in the torture business.
  12. Did we talk about the Ubisoft haptic shirt that lets you feel it when you get gut punched in game?
  13. Why does the government not want you to see this video? Rated 8/10 hypes on the internationally trusted Bruce rating scale. Or this or this https://youtu.be/2mX2iDI00FM
  14. Barbie is actually a good movie. It has the odd preachy moment, but is overall fun. The main issue I have is that the Ken song is close to 4 minutes in length and probably the peak of the movie, making it hard to then find a significant Barbie ending to a movie titled "Barbie" and not "Ken" or "Just Ken" or "The Patriarchy is not about men riding horses".
  15. Similar to a lot of strategy and tactics game, where you clear the map of every opponent and then the cut scene has your side retreating due to overwhelming force. Expeditions: Rome had a terrible scenario in Gaul, where once you beat the fight your whole party was actually defeated in the cutscene and has to be rescued by NPCs.
  16. About 62% through Saints Row apparently, though it feels I am farther along due to side content. Overall I like it. It has lost some of its grotesque charm. But to be honest, if strippers everywhere were the only thing to make Saints Row (3) attractive, then people should probably play p0rn games instead. Or any Bethesda game with mods. When ignoring the sanitized tone and sometimes best-friends-squad attitude of the Saints, it may actually be the Saints Row with the most stuff to do and the most meaningful side stuff to do. The story is what it is: You are a psychotic murder machine who moved to Santo Ilesso (not Vegas), a city in the desert with casinos, grand canyon style geology and a rich history of ufo sightings, werewolf hunters and other fun facts the Santo Ilesso tourism board will be happy to inform you about - Keep It Strange Santo! As your criminal aspirations didn't pan out when you first moved there, you ended up sharing an apartment with three friends, Neenah (studied art history only to find out she now had a useless degree she couldn't get a job with, so works as a mechanic for Los Panteros -a gang into street racing, monster trucks and anything cars), Kevin (influencer, DJ, social butterfly with more EXs than Shaundi, often partying with the Idols - an anarchist Burning Man collective) and Elija (wannabe entrepreneur who listens to motivational podcasts) so you can split rent. Since all of you are basically jobless, you end up doing random small crimes to pay for your expenses and once a month you rob the odd loan shark (a victimless crime) to make rent. Things look up when you get a new job at Marshal, a private military contractor (among other things), who basically has become the city's main investor after Ultor went bankrupt (not unaffected by the Red Faction miners' strike). Queue: the intro/tutorial your first day on the job at Marshal. Things get a bit out of hand fast, and the delicate balance of Santo Ilesso goes boom. You end up with Marshal, Panteros and the Idols having it out for you and in turn your friends. So you do what any self respecting psycho would do: Just without the hookers, because this is the new Saints Row. The sanitized, respectful one. And that is when the game proper starts. The city is, as always, split into districts, but instead of taking them over by completing all side activities, you build shady businesses in them. These business ventures then unlock new side activities. For example the Shady Oaks clinic is the facade for your insurance scams. Bright Future is a toxic waste dump, where you can drive trucks with green good, get paid by companies for taking care of their waste, then blackmail them for keeping quiet about it. Some ventures, like the two mentioned, will have these activities repeatable. Others, like the Chalupacabra Food Truck company, which has you taking over the drug trade, are done when they are done. Other side activities are classified as Side Hustles, where you basically do odd jobs for npcs, like making deliveries, or blowing up cell towers of rival telecommunication companies. The nice thing is that they made all activities have a point, not just be random stuff you do. Even the good ole kill loads of people activity is a side hustle where you leave bad reviews at establishments the specific enemies frequent. But, the different tone, the departure from the provocative NSFW theme, will make returning players go "This ain't no Saints Row". Which is a shame, as it may be the best "Saints Row". And the boss still kinda is the boss. Your plans seem to still involve shooting everyone or something something something we win.
  17. You have to ask? Obviously Mordheim.
  18. The consensus here seems to be JA3 is as good as Omryn isn't.
  19. The real breakthrough will be LootBoxCraft. The game where the Loot collected by players and put into their player crafted stash/box, will then be exported into other games to be sold as loot boxes.
  20. Eh, I would say it is tied with "Not playing the Age of Barbarian Arena spin off game." If you ever see me suggesting someone should play it, you have irrefutable proof I dislike that person.
  21. I played through the first Age of Barbarian. They got the atmosphere of that era barbarian story down really well. Gameplay... Not so much
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