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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. This is newsworthy: For the first time in 2 years my GOG Galaxy client managed to update itself and did not force me to download the new version from scratch. Are the GOG people learning to code? Only time will tell.
  2. The test system was so unfun, the first time I got damaged in combat I uninstalled and never looked back.
  3. Solasta has the most fun tutorial with them all in the tavern sharing stories.
  4. I really enjoyed Solasta. It would have been nice if they had the resources to add more game or have a better RNG. But it was one of the most fun DnD experiences I had in a long time.
  5. Tried Warhammer Total War 3 - Immortal Empires. Was at war with the various Khorne factions, as one should be, minding my own business, and suddenly the Gorequeen Valkia the Bloody offered me gold, asking for a truce. I decided it was just the chaos wastes playing tricks on me and slaughtered her armies, spilling their blood for the Bloody Handed God. Then the Khorne worshiping Norse tribes also sued for peace. Khornite lip service and no true faith.
  6. On my birthday... But visual novels lately tire me. You actually have to read words (no way I'll listen to all the singing)
  7. Waiting for the Storm dlc for Midnight Suns to play through that and uninstall the game. Easily the biggest wasted opportunity in gaming in a long time.
  8. First art exhibition was yesterday. Was just one among 43 artists participating, but it was a great experience and got very positive reactions. Uploaded some photos to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq6EBfXrmbp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. So dwarf obsession caused freezing temperatures for a whole country.
  10. So I decided to take a break from people in general and concentrate on my fork art. And last summer that worked well and I was super productive. Then came the end of August and it rained something fierce and this happened while I was out and about: So now I have a cat demanding at least some attention. But I also discovered that I game less if I am not on a forum posting screenshots. Posting screenshots is often more fun than playing the actual game. And not playing means I can spend more time painting. Naturally, having an old PC that has trouble running the newest games helps. It takes ages for something like Midnight Suns to load up. And with the amount of load screens that game has, half my playtime is doing something else while it loads. Like playing with Kassandra the cat. Or painting. Tuesday I am participating in my first group show. Not thrilled by the venue, but you have to start somewhere.
  11. <placeholder post for when I have time to actually post something postworthy>
  12. Because everything is connected. And flooding every discussion with cries of censorship does function as a distraction from the other things. Don't want this thread to turn political? Maybe get the cute comments crying about censorship every other post to back off. Then this won't be about politics. Or have them do it in an honest way. Because you know very well, censorship is not new or woke.
  13. Yeah, because evil sjw are taking away women's reproductive rights. Good thing you have such a clear moral compass.
  14. Do you have a purgator with the ability to auto crit with a ranged attack? That helps a lot as you don't have to get as close. A falchion melee crit interceptor should be able to clear out a lot of bloomspawn, as crits instakill them. Ranged AoEs, for example with a psycannon are also useful to clear out bloomspawn. It is the boss fight I had the least trouble with. Also, I found the stratagem helpful that increases your knights resistance for three turns. It makes the bloomspawn far less a nuisance when you are virtually immune to half their attacks.
  15. Which one is the yellow boss? The one that summons the effigies? That one I defeated by having two teleporting knights (an Interceptor and a Librarian in my case) to take out the first few effigies, then use a teleport stratagem to get everyone close and just DPS him for the last stretch. You don't fight every boss.
  16. The Adeptus Arbiters were/are a direct judge dredd rip off. Though at least for Necromunda there are now also local Enforcers that are planetary law enforcement and not part of the Arbiters. Which kinda makes the Arbiters the FBI of 40k I guess.
  17. There, fixed that for you and removed that pesky, analogue punctuation.
  18. I finished Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters. Now you don't have to. You are welcome. It gets tedious. Playing the same mission over and over while waiting for the story to progress. Getting interrupted by random events that after a while just interrupt your flow. Difficulty in the few story missions is mostly added through endless waves of enemies. That said, they have tried more than most XCOM clones to have interesting boss battles. Even if while fighting *no spoilers that guy* in the last battle made *that guy* less stressful than the reinforcements. Though I guess people into 40K can work out the antagonist, and people not into 40K wouldn't care about the name...
  19. I got banned from the GW2 forum for reporting someone for making racist comments. (Which I have probably said a few times before) So don't worry, you are in good company.
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