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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Cris Tale ~ a game melkathi uninstalled at the very final boss fight: Cris Tale is a jrpg thingie with theoretical old school turn based combat with... QTEs. The basic concept is great: you are a young girl... or teenager? A girl in one of those worlds where it is normal that adults stand by as children do the fighting (so possibly the Sudan). Anyway, you are a girl who as it turns out is a Time Mage. Time Magic is a neat idea: When you walk around a city the screen is split into three parts. In the centre are you in the present. Everything to your left you see in the past. Everything to your right in the future. If you run along an NPC, you'll see them in past, present and future. Similarly you will see the state of the city. As you do quests, you may see the result of your actions in the future. You even have the ability to affect the past and future that you see. So there may be a loot chest in the future, so you grab the loot that will be in the location eventually. Of course that is a bit of a paradox, but okay. It allows for a few puzzles, as you for example plant a seed in the past so you can have the grown plant in the present. Sadly these interactions are not as numerous as you'd want from a game where time is such an integral part of everything. During combat you can use time crystals. As your party is in the middle of the screen, enemies on your left can be sent to the past, while enemies on the right to the future. If you inflict a DOT (poison or fire) on an opponent and then send them forward in time, they will instantly suffer all DOT at once. If you send someone back in time, they may lose all status effects affecting them. And most importantly, their stats will change and they may even use different abilities. Early on, as the game teaches you these things, there will be a boss battle. Here you can't damage the boss until you cast water magic on the shield, then send them into the future for the shield to rust. It is a great interaction. Sadly, while you are shown this in the first 10 minutes of the game, no clever use of time crystals will happen in the rest of the game. Other bosses are either unaffected by time magic, or they simply change stats a bit. Maybe in the future you have to do a few hundred damage less, but often that is the extent of how the fight is affected. So it is a gorgeous game, made with a lot of love, but where the devs seem to have exhausted their concept during the tutorial and then found them selves having to follow it up with a whole game. If it weren't for the QTEs, I'd say give it a go because it is cute. But the final boss instakills you if you don't get the timing of your parry 100% right, and if I wanted to see my time wasted like that, I'd play Elden Ring like the rest of you.
  2. I have reached the final boss battle in Cris Tales. I hate this battle. Maybe I should just watch the ending on youtube.
  3. Did you get as far as changing gender from male to female so your **** drops off and you can sell it at the trading post?
  4. I considered buying Cultivation Simulator, seeing how it is on sale, but it is a Chinese mythology theme, which should mean that Keyrock would be all over it. But he isn't. So I am worried.
  5. Maybe he won't notice the game will be about teddy bears in Morocco...
  6. You can always drop me a line. But I don't know if I'll be the right fit.
  7. There is a 48 hour giveaway for Iris and the giant. Don't know it. It's free.
  8. New chaos gate looks good. Not sure I feel like paying more to get it early before the inevitable bug fixes and dlc.
  9. For a musical game I found the audio of the trailer very uninspiring.
  10. One day there'll be a game called: The valley everyone knew was there all along
  11. All I know is that to me it looks like you'll be having fun
  12. Mind you, Dokken didn't rock all that much. Warlock rocked much rockier than that. But I guess rokken like Dokken is catchier than roro like Doro...
  13. I didn't know we were talking about good games.
  14. I liked the first DOW. It was a good, fast paced RTS. I disliked the second, mostly because it might as well had a completely different name. It had nothing to do with the first other than the 40K IP, so why called it "2", other than to trick people into buying it based on their liking of the first game. I disliked the third because it simply is a bad game.
  15. Wrapping up Cris Tale. I'll post complete thoughts when I'm done or bored.
  16. Whoah! Someone hacked Alan's account and is posting as him!
  17. Or you could simply play Troubleshooter? A game that runs and needs no troubleshooting!
  18. I thought I found her in the bottom image.
  19. If you were Bokishi, we'd be searching for Ciri in those screenshots.
  20. Plot twist: Hurlsnot isn't actually a renamed Hurlshot, but his son, who is playing Elex II co-op with Hurlshot.
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