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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I'd have thought you would be more into Sid Meyer's Pirates, where you get to dance with governors' daughters in a Fable-like mini game. I hated that. May have to do with having had a huge fight with my dance partner just before I played that.
  2. If you have six companions, who you all try to improve your relationship with to unlock whatever bonus, then you have to say six nos, not one. And there now are six times you have "hurt" someone. And there are now six times you actively decide to forgo content.Which goes against complesionist urges. Romance just ends up better written and implemented in odd games one wouldn't talk about to people here and better confined to tfgamessite (which you should not Google and I have no idea what it is).
  3. Imagine you could import your unread ebooks, then each book you unpack, you're character would sit down ingame and read it, so you'd have to finish reading the book before puting it on the shelf.
  4. The dlcs are a bit of a mess. The main thing that improved for me is that adding all this stuff allowed them to tone down the faction war, and factions no longer wipe each other out at a rate where you wondered why there were monsters in the game at all. DLC 1 adds cybernetics. The good: It gives the player options. It adds a new minor faction that for a while may attack havens, adding diversity to what you fight. The bad: The enemies are basically bullet sponge versions of New Jericho soldiers. You are resource starved so may not have any resources to waste on something so trivial as cybernetics. DLC 2 adds prehuman ruins and tech. The good: The weapons you research are powerful. New enemies and map type are fresh. The bad: Once you have played one new map you have seen everything the dlc has to offer. You have to manually collect the new resources with an aircraft hovering over the site. This is time consuming and costs resources if you have to craft an aircraft or two or three for this purpose. At least in my playthrough I did not get resource sites for every type of ancient resources, making some tech uncraftable in my game. DLC 3 adds fliers. The good: It adds a new layer to the game. The bad: Air combat sucks. Aircraft are a huge resource sink. The behemoth is the giant base they always wanted to add and with this DLC finally didn't add. It stomps havens but you can't interact with it. To drive it off you have to defeat enough fliers, which it randomly sends out. In other words you sit there passively waiting. DLC 4 adds corruption and cloning. The good: Vat grown mutant clone troopers are cool and add variety to your roster. Pandorans can corrupt havens, opening up cool though tough liberation missions. Mutagen is finally useful outside Anu mutations. The bad: They overdid the need for mutagen. Corruption is is a bad system as all it does is have you waste mutagen to cleanse your soldiers again and again and again. Corruption increases the damage your soldiers deal, but reduces their Willpower. Losing 1 willpower out of 12-20 WP your soldier may have per point of corruption is too big a problem compared to the 1% damage increase they get. It also means that soon enough the use of a single ability will get your soldiers close to panicking. Clone troopers need mutagen to heal and to level up, but as you also need mutagen to cleanse your soldiers of corruption, it's not worth spending it on such a resource sink. For every good idea they have, they come up with two to ruin the fun.
  5. I have one as a fridge magnet. Haven't tried them as bookmarks yet myself. And am way behind on requests. A friend wants some for his vet practice. I was considering making him a clock, but those are tricky and it may not fit.
  6. Layed out the hundred painted forks last night and figured they fill about one quarter of the 50x70cm space in the frame. Either I have to space them out, which leaves more gaps or I need to roll up me sleeves and accept that instead of two thirds done, I am maybe a quarter done.
  7. Damn giants, always moving the clouds so they have the best view, not caring about anyone else view
  8. There will even be a pig or two and probably a fox and horned owl for the observant viewer in the final piece.
  9. Honestly, it was just to have a small detail to kindle imagination. The plan is to have around 150 of them in the finished piece (unless I miscalculated and need 300...) So I need to have little details all over the place someone could notice.
  10. This one is from yesterday: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYq55HtNB3k/ And attaching a sample of the last couple of days. Just reaching the 90 in 3 days mark now.
  11. That sounds like Loren The Amazon Princess or some other game by Winter Wolves
  12. Spend the better part of the last 3 days painting cats onto little wooden forks. 81 cats done. Need about another 70 to finish the planned collage.
  13. I find most romances in games intrusive, distracting, and cringe worthy
  14. The tech guy who fixed my computer asked me if I wanted Win 10 or 11, then decided by himself that I want 10 since I need the PC for work and who knows how long it will take them to get 11 to a point where you can be certain it won't mess everything up for you.
  15. They do. But as a man of culture (archaeologists, educators, architects... dunno who else) I can apply for a free pass. So until June 2024 I am covered. Then I'll have to see if they let me get a new one. They used to not charge any Greek citizens on reason that people have a right to their cultural heritage. But they changed that because it apparently wasn't an economically viable policy (read: if you give people services for their tax money, what money will you squander on your party friends?)
  16. I got a free pass for all archaeological sites in Greece. I think should I feel the need I'll take a non-virtual stroll.
  17. I never actually played that. I appreciated Troy Total War. But I generally never liked AC games. Not my genre.
  18. I'd like to like Rome. The premise that creates an alternate history is interesting. I'm certain others will enjoy the game. But I'm done giving Devs the benefit of the doubt when they haven't earned it, instead do more crap. Giving wrong information in the tutorial tips takes bad tutorials to a whole new level.
  19. Judging by the portrait, in Expeditions: Rome, you can play a hobbit wizard: If you can't come up with a character name, just play a woman. They don't get names. Though I am pretty certain that randomly generated nickname is calling me a bitch: You start on a boat. Which seems to be every other game these days. With teenage Caesar as a tutorial npc. Someone should have told them that a Teenage Werewolf in Expeditions: Rome does not make for a good movie title. At least my boat has pretty green eyes: And it seems I have my own patreon already set up:
  20. First impressions of Expeditions: Rome are rather meh. They try hard to get the historic details right. Which makes the English accents rather cringy. Especially on whiney teenager Julius Caesar sending you on a fetch quest. I'll also have to reread line of sight rules, as enemy archers don't seem to have other characters block their LOS, while my archer gets blocked by the mere idea there could be someone blocking LOS eventually. It must be a alternate reality quantum LOS block. EDIT: I read the tutorial for LOS fine. IT just turns out the information given is wrong. They claim characters block line of sight and an unobstructed line of sight is required to shoot someone, but that is not actually how archery works according to the devs on the Steam forum. I tried to comment that they may want to change that tutorial pop-up, so players don't feel they are given wrong information, but the steam forum for Expeditions: Rome is restricted in posting. Seems I'd have to pre-order to post the comment, then refund the pre-order. I think I'll just choose to ignore the game. Changes since Viking: no time limit in the game. Not changed: ranged combat is overpowered. I loved Conquistadors. I felt Vikings did a lot of things wrong and ultimately did not finish it. An hour of playing the Rome demo and I know I'm unlikely to even buy it on sale.
  21. So I shouldn't be collecting bottle caps?
  22. The tech guy turned out to be from Thessaloniki, where I grew up. My grandparents' neighbourhood. And naturally a PAOK fan. My parents' house is a 2 minute walk from the stadium. When I got my apartment in Athens I didn't realize I moved across the street from the local clubhouse. We are family in athenian exile, joined by our mutual distaste for local food. He ordered the parts and got them delivered in a couple of hours and the whole thing got fixed in around 5 hours. Fastest service ever. And all it took was agreeing that people in Athens have no appreciation for crushed red pepper...
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