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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Did we talk about the trailer with no sound?
  2. I don't have time for Wheel of Time. I have to watch serious shows. Like Die Rosenheim-Cops
  3. I was given Wildermyth. I think the legacy thingie is done ok and the game is pretty. The writing I don't care all that much for.
  4. I am ok with timers, soul-o-meters etc if it is pretty obvious they are there. I may decide a specific game uses them in a way I don't like. What I dislike is games that have hidden timers or just situational timers, where you don't know if you can take your time or not.
  5. @Lexx we missed you yesterday in the first ever Obsidian Forum MW5 coop romp. Chill is the better pilot and the better shot. I am the better jump-jet-jumper and punch-other-mech-in-the-face-puncher.
  6. Coop with @Chilloutman To quote him: "Was it worth it?"
  7. That's a shame. I'd play a supernatural horror xcom game.
  8. I'll send you a message when I'm back home. Currently in Germany lounging on my cousin's sofa, watching planet of the apes (the old one) with my nephew.
  9. We should try Obsidian forum multiplayer MW5. Maybe if we get a lance of us together we'll learn to appreciate AI pilots
  10. Carnival in Cologne as a release date. That is ominous for Germans
  11. Lexx, which area did you start in again in MW5 ?
  12. And you guys didn't see the AI before it got improved...
  13. Thinks that help with base destruction: If there is a light, on the building shoot the light. Often with towers some top floor bit may still be intact. It is silly. Punch through walls. The hotkey for punching is 5 in most loadouts (provided your mech has arms). Use Jump jets to jump onto stuff. Mechs weigh a lot and that will damage buildings. If bombardment is an option, take it. It won't help all that much, but it can knock out about 20% of a base.
  14. Avoid base destruction missions. I have never had a lance mate get hit by artillery. You want to bee-line for it and take it out asap. Ignore the mission objective if there is artillery. No extra reinforcements for the opponent will spawn while you keep away from the waypoint, so all you have to handle is whatever army is already there. But base destruction is a pain. I have done a few, but they are some of the most painful missions I have done.
  15. I enjoyed the demo a lot. But currently I am kinda broke, so it is a bit too much for an early access title for me.
  16. You get the whole chassis. You don't loot an arm and a head then search for a torso. But you get a whole mech and if you had destroyed all it's components, you need to have those to add. I once destroyed a mech with a quick headshot. That mech I got with minimal damage and all weapons on it. Cost a lot of salvage points but was fairly cheap to fix (250K for a new ****pit). Other mechs that took ages to take down cost a ton to repair and I had to refit their weapons.
  17. Yeah, the way payout works is: Base Payout + Negotiated Bonus + Secondary Objective Bonus / Extra kills Bonus + Repair Cost up to the negotiated compensation. So if your mission is 65K + 250K Bonus and you have up to 400K in repairs negotiated, if you suffer 239K in damages, you'd get 65K + 250K + 239K. If you suffered 450K in damages you'd get 65K + 250K + 400K. Repair has the potential of a greater payout if the mission goes bad. But if it goes great you may get a lot less than the negotiated bonus pay. edit: Also not that on the 2 or 3 mission operations, unused salvage and damage compensation carries over and stacks from operation to operation.
  18. And the least you'll need for a scrapped light mech is 11-13 salvage picks Get rep with a faction to increase your negotiation power, then grab one of the important missions where they offer incentive pay 50-75% extra on negotiations. That may yield enough for two mechs. What isn't worth it usually is flying to an industrial hub for repairs. The trip takes time and costs more than what you spend in the warzone.
  19. You may want to play a tutorial My strategy is to always negotiate for repairs at least once. It covers more c-bills worth if you get damaged than the same pick would provide in standard payout, though if you got less repairs the extra is wasted. Assassination missions are the easiest early on. I'd advise against missions that have you raze a whole base. It takes a long time and the opponent gets regular reinforcements. Don't pick multiple mission operations until you have enough mechs to swap out. You can't wait for repairs between those missions. Though each mission takes time, so while you use one set of mechs you can repair the other. What mechs did you start with?
  20. Finished the Troubleshooter DLC. Last mission was rough. If there were a restart option I would have used it. As there isn't I was at one point mostly playing to see how long it would take for me to lose. And then I beat it. Barely. Funny how when things get really bad you end up playing better.
  21. Steam has a small label I think. The real problem is that you can't expect people to check back on a game they are done playing to see if their review is still accurate. I played Evil Genius 2. I hated it. I am not inclined to give it another chance. The devs spend a year addressing the issues (they haven't really - not mine anyway) and let's say my review is no longer accurate. I have written the game off and don't check back. My review may not be relevant anymore, but who will judge that and take it down? If developers had that power, that system could be abused to silence bad reviews in general. Valve, GOG or whichever platform can't go playing every game to check. So it is up to the customers to check date of reviews/articles. But an old review can just as well still be super relevant. In tourism and the restaurant business reviews on big sites may get removed after 2 years because there is no guarantee services are still up to the same standard. A reason why in hotels we want you to write a good review even if we have hundreds already. Those hundreds will disappear and we need them replaced. Games have the same review system as movies and books. But movies and books are complete products. When the audience/readers get them, they are what they are. Directors Cuts or different editions may come out, but those are different products. Games on the other hand, since digital distribution, can be evolving products which no review system can handle as a system.
  22. How quickly you got to authoritarianism from a simple comment that the criticism that put hoonding off trying a game may likely be out of date is astounding. You OK? You usually not so eager to pick an argument.
  23. You as a consumer though get inaccurate reviews.
  24. In Mech Warrior news: I bought a 70 ton heavy Archer and a 60 ton Tunderbolt mech. I can now deploy about 240 tons worth of mechs, while the highest deployment allowance I have encountered wit my current missions is 270 tons. Of course being 30 tons below the limit was painful and my Wolverine will spend 2 months in refit and repair. In Troubleshooter news: I am waiting for Monday's update to get new missions. Played the story content I hadn't played yet and really enjoyed the missions. The Giselle + Ray missions was very tense and worked out perfectly out of complete, sheer luck. Thunderbolt (the unique Tima from the white tiger gang that Giselle tamed, not the mech form Mech Warrior 5) somehow got an immortality buff, so he tanked most of the Drifter Clowns, killing them with his electric field's return damage. The Alisa + Bianca mission was a lot of fun. Alisa went berzerk and killed half the map without getting a turn, just through berzerking from incoming attacks. I haven't got the best build for her yet, but I now crafted the Berzerker Set, because she is just so much fun to watch.
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