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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I haven't had enemies spawn right next to me. Well, they did once, but I got a warning of a troop ship coming in and the ship actually did swoop down and the enemy mechs were properly dropped. So that was cool. And my lance took up positions on the ridge to target the mechs the moment they dropped. A lot of combat will be pretty close. That is what will happen if you fight Firestarters or mechs equipped with SRMs or SLasers etc. Heck, I try to take out lighter mechs' legs so I can close in and punch them. But what I haven't seen happen anymore is the ridiculous circling that happened at release, where a mech would run up to you and then just circle around you until one of the two mechs blew up.
  2. My starting lance is made up of a Griffin GRF-1S, 55t carrying the standard 1 LLaser, 2 MLasers, 1 LRM5 and fitted with Jump Jets 2 Commandos, 25t each. One a COM-1B with it's 1 LLaser, 1 MLaser, 1 SRM2 - the other a COM-2D with 1 MLaser, 1 SRM4 and 1 SRM6 and for harassment a Locust, 20t LCT-1V with 1 MLaser and 2 Machine Guns. I am taking easy missions for some quick cash, though I always negotiate for damage coverage, so I am losing money on that if I do really well, like in the latest mission, where the COM-1B and Locust never took any fire at all. I had 400.000 damage pay and my repair bill was 65.000. Had I instead asked for a flat increase of 200.000 of my payout, I would have covered my month's expenses through the difference. The plan though to each around 5mil credits and some reputation to be able to negotiate for ~11 salvage shares. I need around that many shares to salvage a 30t mech. Currently I could go up to 9 shares if I didn't negotiate for any damage coverage or extra pay. But seeing how it may cost me an arm and a leg to repair and refit the salvaged mech, it will do me no good to salvage it if I can't use it. Would have loved a chance to salvage the Panther I fought last mission. But at least it was a fun (as in laugh out loud) fight. We were defending a Steiner outpost from a Peripheral Realms attack (I don't care who pays the bills, as long as I am defending (it's my company's code of honour, we only take missions which do not have us attacking non combatants - so no attacking settlements - but we'll take any defense contract)). It was a newer defense map, so the base wasn't in the middle of the map, but actually on the edge, with opponents coming in from 3 sides. My scanner momentarily picked up an enemy mech approaching, before the ridge on the south side of the outpost obscured it again. So I jogged my Griffin up the ridge where I expected the enemy pilot to try and cross. We reached the top of the ridge at the same time at the same point. So his 35t Panther suddenly had a 55t mech right in front of him. And instead of firing I just started punching him. Managed to get 3 good hits in before he could get any distance. At which time I blasted my lasers at his schlongpit (as Keyrock would call it). At that range not even I can miss. Shortest mech fight I have had. Of course after the beating it took and the tumble down the ridge, there wasn't anything left to salvage even if we had the shares.
  3. Better. The AI seems to have improved. I was doing a siege breaker mission, assisting Peripheral Realms militia hold out against a Steiner assault and the only damage to a friendly building by my lance was when I strafed into a wall. Sandbox is a lot more interesting than the story campaign. For one, there are multiple starting locations that affect the makeup of your starting lance. You can now find random loot in missions which you tag for salvage. It's nice because you may find some random thing you'd otherwise not consider. (I'll need to figure out how to put this large chem laser to good use). So my opinion is that Heroes of the Inner Sphere DLC is pretty much a must.
  4. Got the sand box dlc for Mechwarrior 5 and started a new game as a Merc in Steiner territory. I suck at this game.
  5. Two hours ago Obsidian changed their cover photo on Facebook. "Your worlds. Your way." ~melkathi, bringing you only the important gaming news
  6. Remastered enhanced anniversary edition VR will be even better
  7. "Hello, my name is Nuwa. You killed my snakes. Prepare to die." In green my corrections to her statements.
  8. I tried to finally play Blackguards but really didn't enjoy the combat. Going to try to finish Fell Seal. I need to power up my troops a bit to progress the story. That is the annoying part about these kind of games, the need to farm xp.
  9. Very strange seeing that character not named Beefstik.
  10. His voice ain't bad really. Would have been cool though if he had impromptu changed the song to Pale Shelter. edit: is that one of the songs no longer in GTA?
  11. Why would there be backlash from the announcement that King is developing Bloodlines 2?
  12. https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/paradox-is-happy-with-the-progress-of-bloodlines-2-but-wont-reveal-who-is-making-it/ tl;dr New Devs good
  13. Bah, Epic outrage was just US imperialism gobbled up by the consumers and spewed out as farce for consumer rights. The same people who cry about evil Epic (timed) exclusivity, happily embraced Steam exclusivity as the way of the future.
  14. They did adult mods to Stellaris, so it wouldn't surprise me
  15. I would like to make a game with stickmen, and then produce a nude patch for it, which wouldn't change anything because all characters are stickmen. But npcs would react to the player with comments like "Put some clothes on!"
  16. So it's turn based but with a QTE to hit the right button?
  17. What is combat like in these games? That pixie looks cool.
  18. What's the video? Blocked in my country for copyright reasons
  19. Bad article, simply based on the fact the author didn't bother to do article 101: in the first paragraph, write out the acronym once, to ensure every reader knows what it is about.
  20. I just grabbed Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure on EPIC for free. Guess it's a teaser to advertise the full game?
  21. It saved you from the wrong romantic choices some of us made. It allowed you to make different mistakes.
  22. I read Vengeance of Vampirella as a teen.
  23. God, people getting all up in arms about that. Someone was doing a cheeky comment. You either chuckle at it or ignore it. But getting offended at that? Seriously harming every worthy criticism of actual bad behaviour. How can I convince @BruceVCthat there is no liberal conspiracy to control the interwebz when these idiots act like idiots? signed @melkathi - junior obfuscator of the liberal conspiracy to control the interwebz (LCtCtI* (*that is a capital i at the end, not a lower case L))
  24. So you only have another six years of grinding?
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