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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. @BruceVC I was thinking of you yesterday by the way. Tech guy told me: "your graphics card was leaning left" And my first thoughts were "Of course it does, it is my card after all." and "Bruce will have a field day teasing me about this."
  2. The tech guy who fixed my computer asked me if I was a gamer. That really got me thinking... am I still a gamer if I find most games that come out aren't worth playing?
  3. Final fantasy sounds like an overpriced cashgrab by a company that decided to make its business model nostalgia exploitation. BG3 is an old IP with nostalgia value slapped onto a Larian game. Darktide is a Vermintide reskin. There, Hoonding should appear less cynical in comparison now
  4. Healing people by spraying graffiti on them
  5. So, my graphic card had moved, part weight, part the strong earthquakes... It wasn't connecting right. The card fried and took the SSD with it. Long story short, still not playing nuthin. But it's getting repaired...
  6. The only worthy character to walk out a wreck was The Living One, who, as prophesied was reborn on wings of fire.
  7. Turns out it's a holiday today. Computer service places closed till Monday...
  8. Yup, we should. Game fairly sits in the more fun with friends category.
  9. The benefit of being your own boss. I had to teach myself to do that as well. Not necessarily for gaming, but just say today/tomorrow I am not working. Otherwise you end up with no weekends, no vacations, no life.
  10. I do remember reading those critique points before, yes
  11. @Keyrock I am actually waiting for your opinion on Steelrising once it releases and you play it.
  12. So, everyone has their role in a community, right? My jobs are: 1) Post Mordheim screenshots 2) Rant about the lie that is the theory of two extremes, as best illustrated in "moral dilemmas" such as the choice between NCR and Caesar's Legion 3) Generally dislike writing in games as well as tedious design choices 4) Specifically dislike Larian and Bioware writing 5) Post Mordheim screenshots. Admittedly, I have not been posting too many Mordheim screenshots. Mainly because I have not really found much that I haven't screenshotted before.
  13. Started Iron Harvest. I am not very good at RTS games anymore. I don't think I ever was great, but I feel I am getting a bit too old for the genre. Still, I play it for the steampunk story. I do wonder how good/bad the native speaker voice acting is. I am in the Polania campaign so can't judge, as I don't speak Polish. The Saxony campaign comes later, so haven't checked the German.
  14. Actually, if the pandemic showed anything it is that countries' cannibalization of their public healthcare in favour of privatization and tax cuts for big business was criminal in how unprepared it left them for the pandemic. Also how narrow minded and selfish most of the rich countries acted. But aren't you getting tired of trying to turn every single one of your posts into lashing out at the evil left?
  15. It should. Moving is very rewarding. Yes, it is a lot of work setting everything up, but you can do things differently, do them from a point of experience of how you ended up wanting them. So you can do a few things right, which in the previous home would have been too much of a hassle to change.
  16. I didn't go to a Christmas party because I didn't trust everyone invited when it comes to health and safety. People felt I was being unreasonable and strange as I tend to be. I noticed that the people I talked to since then were oddly evasive and didn't even mention the party. Today a friend called and in the course of the chat asked me if I heard who just had a positive test result a few days ago... I am not happy a friend is ill. But it explains a lot why everyone has been acting so funny. They are trying to avoid the "I told you so". As if I were going to "I told you so" when a friend is ill. I did learn though that just the knowledge that someone has the high ground to say it, makes people wince more than the actual words
  17. My list of finished games is short. I'll do a Good, Bad, Ugly list (not all games released 2021) : The Bad 2021: Evil Genius 2 was the worst offender. My greatest disappointment in any game. Especially as the marketing people flat out lied and described the game as being the opposite of what they said. I had a positive opinion of Rebellion as they had been decent in the past, but EG2 burned any and all goodwill I had towards them and put them on my no-purchase list. Vampire: The Masquerade - Night Road I gave up on after 13 minutes. I seriously disliked the writing. A game that is pure text should convince with the text. Conglomerate 451 tries too hard to be 1337. The devs try to do some damage control on the forum by acknowledging that their design direction has alienated a LOT of customers (read: no Save & Quit during missions because a true rogue like has consequences...) Necromunda: Underhive Wars I already disliked last year, but I was going to be the bigger teddy bear and give it another another chance and see how all the hard work the devs put into the game improved things. Bolters now drop as loot, which had previously been left out of the loot table. Yay... a year worth of patches and it is the only significant change to be honest. Rock and Rogue a Boo Bunny Plague Adventure is bad even for a game which you walk into fully expecting a yanky one man project with problematic gameplay. The original Boo Bunny Plague was hilarious and made up for any hiccups while playing. The Meh 2021: Rogue Lords is a rogue like where you play the devil and use your essence (HP) to affect things in the game. Sometimes the gimmick works well, such as when you walk into a boss fight but have a terror effect that let's you use the devil ability for free once, and so you reduce the health of the boss to 1 for free - it cheapens the fight, but you are the devil so it is very thematic and a highlight of the game experience. Often it is just a thing you do. The biggest problem is the insane damage that you just can't block. All rogue likes have inherent balance issues and sometimes your team will get an encounter they just can't beat. But usually all encounters would be beatable with the right team. In Rogue Lords some encounters just aren't winable ever with any team. Meh. Encased is throwing too many survival mechanics at the player, making the game too tedious for me to play. I understand other people will enjoy it and overlook some faults, but while the atmosphere is great, I can't find the energy to endure the gameplay. Probably because just like in Encased, I'd have to sleep for a year to regenerate the energy to play the game. Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York tried hard to be better than Coteries. And it falls short. While in theory we get two endings now, the writer should have spend less time congratulating themselves on how awesome they are and more time making the writing matter. Cat Quest is super cute. It also basically is one internet cat meme done over and over and over and over and over again. I don't regret the two hours I played, but I do have to admit that I repeated the same 5 minutes 60 times in those two hours. And they made a second game... Wildermyth starts interesting and has a good concept. It gets very repetitive very quick though and the random events are too repetitive, not written well enough, and in the end just add skip skip skip tedium. I ended up caring less and less about the characters in my party. Humankind is your standard Amplitude 4X game. LOADS of interesting ideas. But I find the game could do without the gameplay and just let me create my civilization through a questionnaire. The Good 2021 Age of Wonders: Planetfall remains one of my better experiences this year. The empire mode in the last DLC made the game enjoyable in a way the badly written campaigns couldn't. Empire mode is a reason to play the game. The content before the Star Kings DLC was a reason not to. Trials of Fire is a rogue like that does not have your party on the left of the screen facing the enemies on the right. Instead you are markers on hexagonal map tiles; deployed on the left of the screen while your opponents are deployed on the right... The characters have interesting abilities and the loot is rpg fun. Star Renegades is fantastic in the standard good guys on the left, bad guys on the right rogue like genre. Amazing pixel art. It has a premise that works well to make you repeat the loop. It has terrible writing by people who think they are funny. It has an involved way to unlock more characters. The WTF? 2021 How the heck did I end up playing 200+ hours of Skyrim? The reason I stopped was not being able to decide who to marry so the girls could have a second parent. The Highlight 2021 Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children completed its current content recently and except for the one story and one optional crabmit maps (which, if modded out of the game would be great) continues with the same of everything that made the game great so far.
  18. Started a new character for Kingmaker. Went into the spider cave. In the time it took Linzi to toss an alchemist's fire at the spider swarm, it had managed to bite half the party and reduce the strength of both front row fighters. Decided it just isn't worth going through this for maybe a hundred hours or what this game requires. Uninstalled.
  19. I can't find anything in the options to turn them off. I only have the "remove on rest" thing, but that only removes a single stack of each.
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