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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Back to the important games. I'm building my 3rd village in the 3rd cycle of Against The Storm. Food supply is nail biting. I have a number of farms, but as they grow crops with the seasons, during Clearance (the least rainy season) my village goes down to 0 food and I scramble to keep them fed. Then, in Storm season the harvest comes in and suddenly all is great. But because of the storm morale goes down, so I have to make a spectacle of burning extra coal in the central pyres. So everyone is either happy but hungry, or unhappy though unhungry. (I know that's not a word)
  2. DA:O took 24 hours to finish with all sidequests if you know what you are doing... The biggest problem the game had (other than stupid npcs (though real life the past few years has made them seem more realistic after all) and a plot that made little sense at times) was that the Origins were the best bit about it. I had fun with it. Even finished it multiple times. But each playthrough made any problem in the writing more jarring. It may have something to do with IE games being longer, so there out of setting situations are kept in balance to the overall atmosphere. As DA:O is a rather compact experience, your companions talking about shopping therapy or licking lamp posts in winter rips you out of the dark setting. The game is schizophrenic: darkness all around but a soap opera in camp.
  3. Cutting a path into new areas of the forest: Discovering shrines of the Fishmen And rampaging humongous moles Then gathering around the fire to chill in raincoats
  4. The human noble had the added problem that they weren't just anyone, a random unlucky stranger like the rest. They were pretty much the top of nobility and people treat them as if they were random adventurer #5382.
  5. Against the Storm has this "one more turn" compulsion. Though it isn't turn based. But you just wait for your woodcutters to reach that little glade. Then for your scouts to grab that loot. Then get firewood and food ready for the heavy rain season. And then Drizzle season starts so lets see what bonuses the Queen has to offer and what settler caravans are passing through. And lets make sure those settlers have housing... Played six hours today it seems.
  6. I braved my first big storm in Against The Storm. Which is a fancy way of saying I reset the map. It is a rogue-like city builder? A magic storm covers the world so it is raining constantly. Every few years a cataclysmic storm drowns everything. Some weird, mysterious queen has the magic power to hold the storm at bay and so people survive in her citadel. When it is safe to go out, you, a viceroy or something like that, organize expeditions to (re)establish settlements in the surrounding areas. The nifty thing, until the reset those villages are persistent, so when you work on a new settlement, you can trade with the previous villages you built. Working on the first village of the new era. It is going through that tricky early period where I am lacking in some resources. This time it is food. And there isn't anyone to trade with yet. Luckily this is a mutant forest, so while my human settlers have a couple of plantations running and lizard folk trappers steal insect larvae, the beaver woodcutters get meat as a byproduct of cutting trees.
  7. 10 days, no screenshots. If you want something to get done right (or at all) you have to do it yourself... Beavers, humans, and lizardfolk building villages in the rain:
  8. I am not sure if you are talking about Elden Ring or Total War 3. And only because there isn't a third AAA title just out I am aware of or aware of people here playing.
  9. I think when they made the forum they misunderstood the "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" line. What happens on the Obsidian forum stays on the Obsidian forum...
  10. You made one post for each faction you finished the game with?
  11. Congratulations! That's the sci-fi Gothic spin off game, right?
  12. With Paradox's dlc policy that works out as one hour per dlc.
  13. It is overrated. Chill only plays it to pass the time because we can't get another two people to play MW5 with us. Just because MW5 is kinda mediocre.
  14. Now that your secret is out, you know you won't be able to convince people
  15. I have a theory that Bruce just pretends to be the forum's friendly nice guy and in reality his posts are all meant sarcastic. "Great decision to play DY2"
  16. I might be adopting a cat. Vet friend had a 12 year old cat with diabetes brought in. The lady wants to have him euthanized. So the vet is looking into rescuing the cat.
  17. Earthlock 2 is delayed to 2023 because they switched engine from Unity to Unreal.
  18. Anne is moving and grooving Ben must be compensating for something So Alisa knocks him out of the screenshot
  19. I bought Ni No Kuni II because it was real cheap. I have no idea what I got myself into.
  20. Conan lend itself to that kind of game though. Dune, as a setting, really doesn't.
  21. The Conan reskin Funcom is doing sounds even worse
  22. Hmm, There isn't anything you can do about a wooden floor other than thick carpet. Though concrete floor can also be loud. For drywall a roll of fibreglass/glasswool helps quite a bit. But that would mean opening the walls up.
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