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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Why would you get banned? Excessive positivity? I mean, I could totally understand that, but it doesn't normally happen.
  2. What Really Has Started To Tire Me Are Game Trailers That Think They Are Being Dramatic By Turning Sentences Into Disjointed Words
  3. You could get attacked by the inquisition. Mostly you set up pyres though to train your students as inquisitors
  4. Fallout 4 completely lost me due to all the terrible base building
  5. Hah, I even posted screenshots for a while, but people didn't notice. I backed Spellcaster Univeristy on kickstarter actually and have been playing it through various iterations. The added dungeons were the truly huge change. I haven't tried out the jousting yet... pro-tip: traits stack. So if you have a student who is Ambitious in a house that gives all members Ambitious, the student will get double the boost.
  6. Furries will get their own planet for sure. And this being a Bethesda game, there is bound to be a planet with a very buggy vampire story arc.
  7. Chaos Gate Daemonhunters isn't a bad game. I'll start with the cons: The story. It is being let down by the fact it is 40K. Greyknights are simply not engaging protagonists, just like most space marines. For 40K fans the story is great. The premise is suitably epic. The adeptus mechanicus dominus in charge of your ship's maintenance is well written. It seems 40K writers like the adeptus mechanicus to lighten the grimdark. What makes less sense is how you get reinforcements and equipment sent from Titan. The Greyknights send a single, small shuttle with a single knight and a spare storm bolter? That seems silly. In that the old Chaos Gate did better: you had a roster of marines on board, and that was it. I can see how people can find the game getting repetitive. On the one hand you only fight Nurgle. Even though attempts have been made to give your opponents a large roster, it doesn't change that they all are Nurgle. On top of that, the maps start to repeat. A few of them add insult to injury by basically being a pretty corridor, with no choice but to advance down one single path. And there seem to only be two mission objectives. Last con: the soldiers just aren't memorable. Firaxcom managed to make you care about your troops and remember them, even though for the most part they were random grunts. Phoenix Point has the roster grow so fast, other than maybe your first squad, it is unlikely you'll think of any of them as anything but sniper, commando, heavy etc. Chaos Gate is the same, your marines are melee dude in terminator armour, melee dude in power armour etc, even though you may count your troops using your fingers. The pros: Destructible terrain makes everything better. Lots of bits to interact with to kill your opponents makes it betterer. If your opponent is hiding behind a statue, it is very satisfying to slam into the statue and bury them underneath the rubble. Enemy variety is actually quite good, even if the focus on Nurgle gives a feeling of repetitiveness. In reality though there may be more variety than XCOM. Boss fights seem to be thought out. I have done two big story missions. The first one had a good premise but was a bit let down by the Greyknightytness. It makes sense and allows for super fans to have some fanservice, but for the rest of us it's a "if I cared I guess I would care" moment. The second one was tough as well, but I beat it by using my marines abilities well, while realising there was a smarter way to do the mission. I like that: a boss fight I could beat two ways. Stuns/crits/Knockback etc all work quite well and give you some tactical choices. Crits are pip boy style targeting and make for some grotesque funny situations: stop an opponent from shooting their gun? Chop their arm off and disarm them. If I were the opponent I'd be dead after that, but people in the game are a bit tougher than that. Skill trees are quite large for this kind of game, so you could tune your marines the way you like. And with 8 classes you get to tune your 4-man team. Bloom actually works reasonably well as a mission timer. It increases every turn and every special ability you use. Later you may be able to reduce it or limit the passive increase to gain some breathing room. But it isn't a mission failure timer. It isn't drawing me in like Troubleshooter did or any good story based game will. I don't feel the need to fire it up to see what comes next. But when you have it launched, you may want to go for just one more mission.
  8. Squeenix has probably become the most derivative publisher out there. If someone came up with an original idea in there, they'd probably fire them.
  9. Oooh, nice. That is a game I actually wanted!
  10. Very first impressions from chaos gate: How do I skip people talking at the start of a mission? Why can I pause the game during load screens? It is interesting that your grey knights can climb terrain, but the strength of their armour means they are ripping out / crushing parts of the terrain while climbing, so their team mates have to find alternate routes. It is fun how the terrain can sometimes be interacted with. Ripping off a big chunk of metal and throwing it at an opponent being my highlight so far. I can see how only Nurgle will get repetitive. Normal people shouldn't survive a burst from a storm bolter.
  11. I'm I'll. Will be taking strong antibiotics for three weeks and using a turbohaler (some weird inhaler thing) for two months. Sinus infection. They shoved a camera down my nostril into my throat. To feel better I got Chaos Gate with a 25% discount. Now I can shoot nurgle cultists while in-game while fighting this infection out of game. Very meta.
  12. The whole game with all the investigation options leads to one binary choice in Axis Mundi. Then you get out and you can't do anything but click what the game wants you to but you are given the same binary choice again. And again. And again. Which just tells me that none of my choices mattered, since they all lead to the same binary, which then also didn't matter because you have to re-commit to it half a dozen times.
  13. Not sure I ran into that situation. Unless it is in the end armageddon phase which I found tedious, so I quit. Especially after the tedious Paradise Beach railroad. Scripted scenes that take over gameplay have never been an elegant or fun idea. We put up with them as sometimes story bits have to be given to the player and sometimes things have to happen within the game environment. But making the whole ending just one long script that the player has to pretend they are playing, when stripped of bare essentials like movement controls? It's like the cute friend I had at school of architecture who I had to explain to that buildings have walls. That just because its a summer home and you'll only go with good weather, furniture still will get ruined by bad weather the time of the year you aren't there. The difference, she learned these things before opening her firm and is apparently now pretty good at what she does and successful. These devs (and that is Gamedec, Encased etc etc) seem to all be working in a complete vacuum as if no game had existed before theirs and everything they decide is God's gift to gamers instead of bad ideas we have known to be bad ideas for over a decade.
  14. Gamedec must have one of the most unfun, tedious endings in gaming history. I can't bring myself to click through that last bit of the game. If they had stopped just a bit earlier, it would have been a great game. But they ruin the experience with terrible design choices at the end. And in the end that is what people are left with - the impression of a game they had to force themselves to endure the ending.
  15. Starfield looks like Star Citizen without the crowd funding and decade of questionable development, but with a dwemer ruin on every planet that falmer have tunneled into, and a quest sending you into a draugr infected tomb. Jumping to Lightspeed will trigger random events, but since there will be very few of them, jumping to Lightspeed will be pretty much a guarantee that the target system will have all vendor NPC eaten by space vampires before you manage to even land. PC players will fall back to the old habit of fixing everything through consol.
  16. The Boss Creator is downloadable as stand alone on Epic. They have made a few changes. You can now have proper prosthetic arms and legs. You also don't have gender, the sliders for breasts and groin are there and you adjust them whichever way you want. The game no longer censors nipples, unless you want to. You can also adjust "modesty" by selecting how you want the game to censor - smiley face, googly eyes, pixelization etc.
  17. Marvel Midnight Suns has gone up for pre-order at 59.99
  18. Against The Storm should have a proper launch this winter. Phase of the Citadel ends tomorrow, and I expect phase of the Viceroy to be the last update cycle, as it revamps the tutorial, in-game help, UI - all the things that would have been affected by all the changes up to now.
  19. If you play on epic, try Against the Storm. Or when it releases on gog and steam.
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