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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Finished Solasta: Palace of Ice It was fun with a few more enemies, some choices that matter, and a superfluous cold mechanic. The story was fun. I enjoyed it. Also, as Annie the rogue would put it: Because there are choices, the ending also changes a bit based on those (mainly who rules the Snow Alliance at the end). There are a couple obviously wrong choice (at least one anyway). But some choices I would have expected to show up in the ending slides but didn't.
  2. At least it was someone who's name starts with M. So it may have been an act of username-first-letter-solidarity (or UFLS).
  3. @BruceVC Neocore said I should tell you the King Arthur turn based tactics game is 40% off. They said "tell friends and loved ones". To which I replied "don't have those". To which they replied "well what ya got?" To which I replied "dunno? A Bruce on the obsidian forum?" To which they replied "That'll do. Tell him."* *Discussion may not have happened like this.** ** or at all
  4. And it's silly easy to do. All you need to do is have the conversation grab a random character name from the party, similar to how NPCs use player names in other interactions. Mind, I'll be very disappointed if there is an NPC I forgot and they were referring to her.
  5. I had a discussion with two NPCs in Solasta, about soraks, ancient ruins, fireballs, the usual. A few times during the discussion, with my sorcerer taking the lead, the NPCs referred to someone named Annie, who had told them about my party's exploits and about soraks etc. I hadn't played in a while... So I said "I need to check who Annie is" said I. Sorted my inventory, who would carry which magic item - the usual. Hadn't played in a while, as I said. Suddenly realise that Annie is the name of my rogue (the one who insists on separate beds at the inn). Turns out my rogue talks to the npcs on her own before the party goes to talk to them as a group. No wonder she keeps quiet during discussions and skulks in the background
  6. Solasta Inkeeper: What's your poison? Fighter: We need a room for the night. Thief: Separate beds. Inkeeper: Eh, as long as you pay, you do you. Enjoy your four beds.
  7. Yeah, that's it. In theory it is three novels and two short stories gathered into one omnibus, without any of them having been published separately before. They are so awesome, Black Library knew people would want and demand an omnibus edition, so they decided to give people what they want directly. Don't buy it. Bland, boring characters even by 40k standards. Zero investment by the reader.
  8. Played a lot of against the storm, starting before they added harpies, when there were only humans, beavers, and lizards. Now there are even foxes! The game has added a lot over the early access. I am surprised they haven't labelled it released yet.
  9. I read the first Rogue Trader novel. Different rogue trader, different part of the galaxy. Felt it may put me in the spirit of things though. It was very meh.
  10. For you or for Virgil? Did you promptly cease being the living one? Or living period?
  11. With Early Access my problem is, that by the time you finally have a finished product, I am burned out on the game. A bit like Age of Wonders 4 at release...
  12. Not a shadowrun kart racing game with microtransactions and gatcha unlocked street samurai?
  13. I just think gamers forget that from a financial standpoint, companies don't care that you play a game for years, unless they can sell you DLC. On the contrary, playing the same game for years means you the gamer may be out of the customer pool, not caring to spend money on new games.
  14. I don't know. Reviews can't be trusted, as too many groups of disgruntled gamers use them to "fight the man". Pharaoh would get bad reviews just because people took offense the company may stop making Warhammer dlc if they see people aren't buying Warhammer dlc.
  15. I dislike the Adept thing with getting clues on enemies to then remove clues to do stuff. Seems like simply adding extra actions to doing stuff.
  16. I read that the feeling persists throughout the game.
  17. What if Bertram is the vampire? Doubting the vampire's existence is exactly what a vampire would do. I say you should kill Bertram. At the very least on grounds of having his journal entry right next to the vampire's. What god fearing person would do that?
  18. Troubleshooter is a good game, if you can stand some of the Asian approach to RPGs. It is a good xcom jrpg blend
  19. Went with a proper 40K name for now: Equipment that only works for the not too smart is very 40K
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