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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I wish! Maybe with the forkcat art The feedback is silly positive. If I did have my own island, we'd be doing obsidianite lan-parties. Beach in the morning, Alpha Protocol Speed Run Tournament by night
  2. If people get a lot of unjustified, hateful flak and the product isn't too expensive and my finances are OK, then I may buy it, not to spite the haters, but to show some solidarity. But it is remarkable what some people will do out of a "sticking it to the man" gesture.
  3. At 6.7 hours played of Showgunners I have gotten the Steam achievements for 50% of lootcrates collected, 50% of autographs signed, and 50% of optional combat arenas completed. I think the 15-20 hours estimated may be on the generous side.
  4. Have gun Will clobber people to death with it For the ratings
  5. I started on Showgunners. It does very well with the Running Man game show theme. Even the tutorial works, as it is commented on by the TV Show host. The game promises to be relatively short (the devs estimate 15-20 hours, and I expect it to be closer to 15 than 20). It is fun turn based tactics and a lot of the devs have worked on Phantom Doctrine (not fun turn based tactics) and Hard West (better than Phantom Doctrine turn based tactics gameplay (but that isn't especially hard, unless you compare it to the Narcos turn based tactics game)). Things that could turn people off? That one thing you hated about Firaxis XCOM. No, not Central Bradford, the other thing. Timers.
  6. Going to work up some excitement from you, my adoring audience:
  7. But did you buy Bloodlines 2? Because with Diablo 4 at least you are getting a game.
  8. I finally discovered the Obama Poster Maker and made one for my cat, so people in Greece have someone to vote for this month.
  9. That wasn't Bethesda though. It is the writing sample from the RPS guy with which he wants to convince Bethesda to let him write the sexy stuff
  10. Ok, I did a quick run to grab screenshots On the world map you choose where to build your settlement. As you progress you can go farther and farther from the Smoldering City in the centre. At the bottom you will see a bar, which is the time until the next big storm. The storms reset the world map - only the Smoldering City survives. As you can see, here I am about halfway through the storm cycle and have founded three settlement. The Smoldering City is the game's hub and is where you get your lasting upgrades. You spend your resources there and all the upgrades are permanent. When you select a spot on the world map, you can see what options you have for your caravan, what roughly awaits you. Basically it creates a random map with those parameters. So in this game, this is a few minutes in, as I am busy constructing my starting settlement. On the right is the impatience (if it fills up, I lose) : On the left the reputation (I fill this up to win) : During the game you also complete orders for the Queen. These give you one point of reputation each and at the same time reduce impatience. In this game, as I got easy orders (or am awesome enough to know what to expect and what orders to pick ) the impatience you see in that last screenshot is as high as it got. Mind you, that run was on Pioneer, the second easiest out of 5 difficulties.
  11. Against the Storm basically has a timer. There is a bar at the bottom which very slowly fills up - the Queen's Impatience. If people die or leave, it also fills up. On harder difficulties I have lost two runs out of a hundred? On easier difficulties I forget it exists and just have fun. I am currently not playing on harder difficulties, as I don't feel like having to worry about a couple of mechanics that only appear then (the infestation on your buildings you have to burn off). I like that you can play "casual". You still have to worry about keeping people alive and meeting their needs, but you don't get overwhelmed.
  12. Timberborn is on my wishlist as well, though I still have more to do in Against the Storm.
  13. I haven't progressed the story that far. Some time combinations can be really nasty
  14. For people who like xcom style games here is some important news: Every Day We Fight has a playtest week scheduled for the 25th. If you don't know the game, check it out.
  15. Runs without any problems for me, on a pc that struggles with some other modern games.
  16. Just tried the demo for Showgunners. A turn based tactics game a la XCOM, where you play a team in some dystopian death match arena reality show. Th demo has you at level 13, so you get to be quite awesome at what you do. Seems quite fun.
  17. Oooh, Wartales incidentally just released on GOG.
  18. I was told just last week that paradox is a small indy company with no meaningful market share. Mind you, the same person says there are no plot holes in Dragon Age.
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