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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. So talked to a guildie who played Mars: War Logs. He said it could have used a bit more polish and the gameplay is a bit wonky. At least in the starting area there seemed to be quite a bit of fetch missions. He enjoys the setting a lot and thinks for the low price it is a good purchase, though he hasn't made up his mind if he likes it or not. Though he warned me not to expect what some people online seem to claim: Witcher 2 on Mars. Apparently it isn't that So I am back to square one. No "Buy it!" or "Don't buy it!" opinion
  2. I couldn't care lessa bout superheroes myself. What I care about are customization options and CO is the only game that lets may create the characters I like. They changed the UI and I recorded it at too low sound, with horrible sound quality and a throat that hurt like hell, but have a look at I made many moons ago
  3. Yeah, I bought just the basic Zzzzwoofs as well.
  4. A former guildie of mine bought it yesterday. So waiting to hear an opinion from him.
  5. Well, if you end up in Champions Online, let me know. I also have Guild Wars 2, The Secret World and The Old Republic installed, but I forget to log into those.
  6. Gave in to nostalgia and temptation and bought FF7. With the reciept they also send the note saying: This is your SecuROM Serial. Shouldn't they have that somewhere on the store page? Can I get a refund? *sigh*
  7. Hmm tempted to get Sleeping Dogs from the Square Enix store as they have it 75% off...
  8. I vote that LordCrash's forum title be changed from Grand Master of the Obsidian Order to Grand Weresheep of the Obsidian Order.
  9. If you enjoyed the game enough to consider them they are worth it. If you didn't enoy the game in the first place... Dead Kel is the better one in my opinion, trying to add some cute side stuff with the stronghold. Nothing groundbreaking but fun distraction. It has some "new" enemies, but they are mostly reskins: a troll made of wood is still a troll even though it isn't made of stone Teeth of Naros added a new damage type for magic weapons, a couple of new new enemies and again a tight story to play through. I think both DLC are a great improvement over the writing of the main game. EDIT: Forgot what I was going to post in this thread: Played some more Defiance. It's not a vast world. It's not a truly diverse world. It's not truly diverse gameplay. But somehwere in the "not truly anything" I am having fun so far. It helps that its buy to play and I got it at a 30% discount. There are still bugs and glitches to work out. The tie in with the TV show is still a bit overhyped. Gosh, the bad guys in the TV series will also be bad guys in the game? Who would have guessed /sarcasm What I enjoy about it: I get to speed around on this little quad. Whenever I see npcs in need, be they soldiers surrounded by mutants. People attacked by giant bugs or whatever, I jump off my quad and try to rescue them. I don't always succeed. Unlike Guild Wars 2, where dynamic events, when they scaled for numbers, all enemies still spawn in one spot and are taken out just as quickly in one aoe as a single enemy would, these little events seem to have multiple spawn points. Even though you still get mutant soldiers landing clustered as they jump out of a helicopter, you are also being attacked by the others jumping out of the back of a truck. Which brings me to the little detail that a lot of npcs don't just spawn in thin air. True: it's wierd exactly how many enemies can fit in the back of a truck, but its a step in the right direction. Arkfalls happen fairly frequently and gather a crowd. They have tried to make them diverse. There are different enemy groups doing different things during the various arkfall events. Minor arkfalls may be simple kill x waves of enemy y. Major arkfalls have some added thing, like destroying shield generators as they are vulnerable to destroy the main core that spawns killer robots. Simple things, but it means that random groups of people who just apeared in the same spot can actually pull it off without the frustration of some people not knowing what they are doing and thus sabotaging the team. So bottom line: fun little game. Has potential to be expanded on. Deffinitly not the saviour of gaming. And for me it scratches an itch that hasn't been scratched since AutoAssault and Tabula Rasa were killed by NCSoft.
  10. What loyalty? The Awakening expansion that only ran in millenum compatibility mode (if at all) where the community guy on BSN didn't acknowledge the mess that release was in for weeks, instead asking people to vote for Bioware on some ranking thing? No thanks. Loyalty is a two way thing.
  11. And how are the tactical options he describes such an awesome new thing? What he does say is that you have more than one choice but if you stick to your same action you are a boring person. Since AD&D most systems have come a long way from the "I hit the orc" -> roll die for attack -> roll die for damage. 3rd ed D&D tried to mix things up giving power attacks, cleaves, letting rogues tumble around and sneak attack etc. But even in the older systems, there was a vast difference between different players. Yes there were always the AD&D fighters who sat there silently and just waited for combat to happen so they could roll their d20. Just as there always were the wizards who's main joy of playing was to see how many die they could roll for damage with a spell. But that was just as much a fault of the group as it was of the system that rewarded this. Character generation? You draw three cards at random from a deck and choose one? How exactly does that make for a more diverse choice than what we already had in 1st edition where you chose to roll a d100 on one of four tables? That you get to choose one of three and don't just draw one card and are stuck with it? Could just as easily let someone roll the die twice, just as you could make a house rule to only draw one card in the new system. What does seem to have changed and could be argued as an improvement, is that they seem to have implemented a system to advance in your chosen career without the need to change to a different one. He could have made an argument how that is an improvement. He didn't though. He may not have convinced everyone, but he would have had a valid point: "You no longer are forced to become a witch hunter or templar to develop your character." One could make a counter argument that that does not fit with the concept of adventurers in the warhammer world who find themselves in ever changing circumstances and therefor keep adapting, reflected in the changing careers, but that doesn't remove the merit of the change. For his shiney new dice I simply do not care. Rpgs have always tried to find ways to break the boundaries of their dice. This move fits with the GW tradition of specialised dice as seen in their miniature games (artillery dice, scatter dice, sustained fire dice...). In the end though all they did was find a simple, possibly elegant, solution that board games have proven to work. Great. Not new though in what it provides in complexity. It may simplify things and aid the game flow, but it does not truly add a new depth. All I see in that article is a person who had a past of terrible terrible gaming groups - most likely someone who tried to play a bard in AD&D with a group that just wanted to roll dice 'till every monster was dead. Yes, in the wrong group that could be a real disappointment. Now he found a shiny new thing he loves and noticed not everyone agrees with him. He got upset about it and decided to convert the unbelievers. Though the unbelievers he is trying to convert are not those of us who played 1st ed WHFRP since he seems to have no clue of how this system evolved (for example: you never got kill XP in warhammer. Not having kill xp therefor doesn't suddenly make this system amazing). So what he showed me is that there is a new edition that has nothing inherently bad at first sight. Good for them.
  12. I seem to remember you mentioning that incident. Seems like a crappy place to work at overall.
  13. Then why is it marketed as an RPG? Can anyone name a single RPG that doesn't have magic? Games like Skyrim and Oblivion have got it right, lots of character customisation- you know, actually playing a role- and fun stuff like riding around on horses killing stuff. I saw horses in the AoD demo, but I bet I can't ride them. Alpha Protocol for one. RPG = RolePlaying Game Where does it say "magic" in that acronym?
  14. That would make for an intersting campaign setting
  15. Seems a bit condescending? While at the same time none of his points really have to do with the system. How much choice you have or have not is related far more to the group of people playing than the system.
  16. Proabbly one of the best organised as well. Though I haven't really been following it, what I did see was very well handled. Of course they actually have stuff to show unlike so many other campaign
  17. Next playthrough you will graduate to doing the same with Deathclaws
  18. Aye ok. I was just a little bit confused because you stated that you "always forget to go to KS".... I added you to the roster. http://www.weresheep.net/doku.php?id=woos:members Thanks! And companions looks very doable right now
  19. The weresheep cult has an own website for that, a wiki at http://www.weresheep.net Do I need to message you on there to be added to the roster?
  20. MonsterTV begs to differ. The way that article is written, I am even less inclined to give that edition a chance
  21. On the KS comment section. Or here if you don't use ks. I always forget to go to KS Made an account at the weresheepwiki thingie though
  22. Silly question that I always forgot to ask. Where am I supposed to tell people that I have upped my pledge by 6?
  23. Started a new campain of trying to convince Game of Thrones / ASOIAF fans that Hot Pie is Azor Ahai reborn.
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