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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Planescape: Torment is the best of the bunch IMHO due to its incredible narrative. Combat is its weakest aspect. Icewind Dale 2 had the best combat in the series, although I thought it was overall the weakest least awesome of the 5 Infinity Engine game.
  2. I don't see anything about Ian Currie being on board and so that means it isn't really Jagged Alliance. He's actually at Turbine, which is my second favorite game developer. Seriously, you can't have Jagged Alliance without him. They don't appear to have anyone from Sir-Tech, so I really don't see any reason to get any hopes up here. Firaxis did X-COM: Enemy Unknown without Julian Gollop and did a pretty bang up job IMHO. With that said, I'd be happier if Ian Currie was involved in this.
  3. I've always thought of this whole project less as "Hey, there are these old beloved games that people always wax on about, let's make a game like that, but we have to make sure we use mechanic A from game Z and mechanic B from game X." and more "Hey, remember those old games everybody waxes on about? They were great but far from perfect. We've learned a lot since then and we can do a lot better. We'll build it from the ground up and use all the knowledge we've gained to make a much better interface, better mechanics, and an overall better playing experience, while still trying to recapture the look and feel of said games."
  4. @ WorstUsernameEver, Morgoth - Fair enough. It's mostly me projecting my wishful thinking that this could be something like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. As you have probably figured out by now, I like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  5. I'm glad they're going back to turn-based. As an aside, if we like this thread on Facebook, do we get extra levels in quote pyramids?
  6. So, Resident Evil by another name. I'm interested. Knowing Bethesda's affinity for open world, I wonder if this winds up being something sort of like S.T.A.L.K.E.R? Zwei isn't developed by Bethesda, they're just the publisher (and own the studio.. or ZeniMax does, I'm not into these silly technicalities). Right, but as the publisher, they still have the power to say "make it open world". Not that that will definitely be the case, it's more a bit of wishful thinking on my part.
  7. I find it to be a positive that Josh openly criticizes aspects of Baldur's Gate. Obsidian is making a spiritual successor to the Infinity Engine games (not just Baldur's Gate), they are not recreating the Infinity Engine games themselves. All those games, as great as they were, had many problems with them. I, for one, am glad Josh is open about things he finds faults with and is striving to do better. For me that's much better than ignoring the faults and being doomed to repeat them. You can like something and still criticize it. If you like something and are blind to its faults, that's, by definition, called fanboyism.
  8. So, Resident Evil by another name. I'm interested. Knowing Bethesda's affinity for open world, I wonder if this winds up being something sort of like S.T.A.L.K.E.R?
  9. I guess it's for the folks that can't afford to back at $25 tier right now, but plan to get the game when it's released.
  10. I was finally able to race the 24 Hours of LeMans race with my own car, a Spyker C8 in GRID. What's more, I won the GT2 class and earned some serious cash. It was definitely a hard earned victory, that race was ****ing intense. I did most of my good work in the chicanes. Chicanes are my bread and butter.
  11. Holy smokes, the Weresheep shirt is amazng!
  12. Bethesda presents Farming Simulator 2014.
  13. They said "Semiaquatic" so think beaver, otter, platypus, yapok, etc.
  14. "Aww, it's a bunny... You didn't hear me say that. I hate bunnies. Always being all bunny like. Playboying it up." The Aumaua heads look fantastic. My Aumaua Priest is going to awesomely awesome with a side of awesomeness.
  15. Moar GRID, moar moar moar! I got a B level license and a teammate now, so it's soon time to step up to some more serious races with beefier cars. I can just about afford a beefier car now too. Hopefully the higher tier races are also longer, at least some of them. On the difficulty level I'm playing at (Savage), starts are a real pain since I almost always have to start mid pack or worse. In a 3 lap race I just can't afford to take it easy through the first several corners when there is a wall of cars in front of me, because I simply won't have time to catch the leaders if they pull far enough ahead. If I had even 5 laps to work with, I could take it easy (sort of) until the pack thins out a bit, but as it stands, that's just not an option (unless I want to finish well down the running order), so I have to bang my way through. That results in getting spun out and having to restart the race more often than I'd like.
  16. I'm almost entirely certain that the modding community will deliver a nude mod, if they haven't already.
  17. Well, it's the game generally credited as popularizing the genre, so I'm sure you're not alone. In fact, it was my first FPS also.
  18. As mentioned already, it's just not a sustainable model. Yeah, there will be games that hit the jackpot and make back those mammoth budgets and make profit in troves on top of that, but the vast majority won't, even if they are good games and are well received, as Deus Ex: HR, Sleeping Dogs, and Tomb Raider all apparently were (I can speak of Deus Ex and Sleeping Dogs from personal experience, Tomb Raider I will admit I'm going off hearsay). It's like filling a baseball team lineup with all sluggers. Sure, they hit home runs, they also strike out a lot. You need contact hitters on your team too.
  19. They have a parent company that's doing quite well, sure they can turn a profit from their games, but do we know that the expansion is funded by that? That's a rhetorical question right? Wages are way lower than North America, Western and Northern Europe. Of course there's a lot of talent from Eastern Europe that goes to Western Europe and North America. Actually CD Projekt RED now owns CD Projekt Sp and GOG, they ARE the parent company. But your point about them having other sources of revenue is correct.
  20. Fire Emblem: Awakening is fantastic. You're in for a treat, Labadal.
  21. Yeah, that's straight up insanity. Those are just not reasonable expectations. The Witcher 2 likely sold less copies than Tomb Raider in its lifetime (it's 5 million for the whole series, I don't know what the split is), and that's a 2 year old game, and those figures are good enough that the folks at CD Projekt RED were high fivin' and expanded their studio enough so they can tackle multiple projects at once. Funny, that game didn't have any lack of graphics. CDPR must have gotten a discount on graphics. Maybe price per pixel is cheaper in Poland? Black market? Did they steal their pixels?
  22. I can't help you on Tales games, I haven't played any either, I have heard positive things, though. For me, handhelds is where it's a for jRPGs these days. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 1 & 2 are my two favorite jRPGs of the last half decade or so. Also, The World Ends With You, but that's not really a traditional jRPG, or a traditional anything for that matter.
  23. I get that Final Fantasy is a traditional cash cow for Squeenix, so I understand them pumping out game after game after game after... I'm honestly really burned out on the series. What I want to see is The Worlds Ends With You 2.
  24. 2 Numenera 2 Torment Then Torment: Numenera Drift I play my game a quarter mile at a time.
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