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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Why would they want to attract younger gamers? We older gamers have more disposable income and our money is just as good as anyone else. Are they expecting a sudden die off of over 35's? Should I be worried? Why wouldn't they want to attract younger gamers? As long as it doesn't come at the expense of forsaking their current 35 year old customer base (I'm 36 so I guess I'm squarely in that demographic), why not appeal to kids and bring in new blood? I'm not saying they should scrap deep & complex RTSs, gritty 100 different shades of brown generic modern & space marine shooters, and deep strategic & open world RPGs for cutesy anime high-five fests and pony hair brushing simulator 2014, but there's room out there for games with interesting, colorful, and family friendly characters that appeal to children and adults alike. Nintendo has been making a pretty good business of this for quite a long time & most kids these days grow up with a computer in their house, so they already have the platform.
  2. Kind of interesting to hear them criticizing their own game. I guess the point being that the criticisms are some of the things they're looking to address with the Kickstarter funding. I wonder if you can charm the animals. I'd love to lead a whole squadron of sheep into battle.
  3. Nearing the end (I think) of Saints Row the Third. I now have 100% control of 3 districts and I can call in a VTOL anytime I want (the VTOL is definitely tons of fun). I have a fully powered up laser rifle, SMGs, and rocket launcher, and yet I still always go back to twin .45 pistols. I can **** so much **** up with twin pistols, and it just seems more stylish and badass to blow up helicopters and armored vehicles with pistols than with a rocket launcher or laser rifle.
  4. Update 11 - Nathan Long talks story Ooh, that second city (bottom picture) looks pretty awesome. I do hope they go the 2D backgrounds with 3D characters route, like Project: Eternity, and it makes all the sense in the world for the two companies to share tech and collaborate whenever it makes sense. If it saves both projects money and makes more efficient use of technology, I'm all for it.
  5. That 2 year old baby hauled ass down the stairs, and head first too. Much like the Penumbra games and Amnesia, this one goes the helplessness route, rather than lots of monsters, splatter them with your shotgun. I just hope it focuses more on constant weighing tension rather than startle tricks.
  6. I've seen bits of the game in the documentary videos, but seeing it here in its full glory, it's amazing how gorgeous the art style is. This is the one that really got the ball rolling on the Kickstarter movement, let's hope it's a smashing success.
  7. The Cape Kickstarter seemed legit, who doesn't want a superhero cape? No one, that's who. Plus, $199 seems like such a bargain for a plush velvet cape.
  8. I'll let P.T. Barnum explain: "There's a sucker born every minute."
  9. While I'm still playing Saints Row the Third and Crusader Kings 2 on and off, I scooped up Mount & Blade: Warband yesterday on an el cheapo Steam Sale. I'll play it vanilla for a while before jumping into mods, just so I can fully appreciate the difference. The randomness of the game is both a blessing and a curse. It's infuriating when you're lugging around 8 or 9 prisoners and you can't find a ransom broker anywhere. Still, I rather like the game. Nothing quite like the satisfaction of galloping at full speed and running two poor saps through with an awl pike in a single run.
  10. I liked Divine Divinity a lot. I thought Beyond Divinity was a good idea, just not particularly well executed. For whatever reason, I never got into Divinity 2. This project, however, looks and sounds fantastic. The fact that it's turn-based puts a big smile on my face. Drop in and drop out co-op is always a plus, as long as it's executed and balanced properly. What I was really impressed with was how different environmental elements and spell effects augmented each other in combat. If they reach their funding, and I think they will, and then some, hopefully they expand on that.
  11. I was going to buy this wen it came out anyway, might as well pre-order now for $25.
  12. If this is the style of cutscene this project is going for, then I'm all for it. Also, please tell me I'll actually be able to wear an awesome plumed hat like that in the game.
  13. Update 10 - Mur Lafferty talks companios, physical addons, etc. While I'm likely going to play a compassionate, pacifist character that avoids conflict at all cost and tries to fix everybody else's lives, to a fault, for my first playthrough, In a later playthrough I'll likely make a complete scumbag who just ruins everyone he meets and tosses them aside once they're no longer useful. It will be interesting to see how different the "Toy" will be in each of these playthroughs.
  14. Yeah, I'm going to be all Steam Summer Sale up in that Bioshock Infinite. The reasons are threefold: 1) Backlog is crazy as it is 2) I'm a cheapskate frugal like that 3) By then I should have a new lappy that should let me play it with maximum shiny or at least moar shiny I'm still playing Saints Row the Third. I've taken a break from the main story for a while to do a bunch of side activities, including some of the stuff from the DLC packs, like GenkiBowl and the cheese-tastic alien action movie.
  15. I have to say I enjoy the humor in The Legend. It's not fall over and roll on the ground laughing funny, but it's pleasantly humorous.
  16. I can agree with that. I like The Legend and I still play it on and off, have for years, but I have no desire whatsoever to buy any of the sequels. Also, I seem to be in the minority of people here that play Warrior, seems like most prefer Pally.
  17. Archers have always been my favorite unit in King's Bounty: The Legend. While there are units that do more damage, there is almost no one that can escape their range, and spells make them even better. Plus they are easy to replenish almost anywhere.
  18. Wait, wait, wait. Escort missions that don't suck? That's practically unheard of. Are you sure you're feeling alright?
  19. You realise you now need to tweet this at said personage...? I would love to, but I'm not on Twitter...
  20. Torment did 86.5k yesterday, its best day since day 4. I dub this The Avellone Effect.
  21. I'm not particularly a fan of Carmageddon (not a hater either), but I love me some Gorky 17 (Odium).
  22. Agreed. I guess I shouldn't bag on it until it actually comes out, but this looks like one of those games that's more enjoyable to watch someone else play than actually play yourself, like Alan Wake.
  23. Cutscene: The Video Game - Quick Time Edition Pre-Order and receive the exclusive Auto QTE DLC free with purchase. The Auto QTE DLC features our revolutionary new Auto-Play Technologyâ„¢. Tired of sore fingers from pressing buttons? Let Auto-Play do the work for you!
  24. Yeah, that machine (Dungeons & Dragons) ate a whole bunch of my quarters too, that and X-Men vs. Street Fighter.
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