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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Good point Its good to see such synergy between developers This is almost just like the good ol' Interplay and Black Isle days.
  2. MCA at 3.5 million!? THIS. MUST. HAPPEN!
  3. Absolutely. Just like the first high profile failure (and this will unfortunately happen) will leave a sour taste in people's mouths, the high profile successes can really give a small to mid size developer leverage.
  4. Or he could get publishers to actually fund the old-school games he wants to make. Little Kid CEO in limo - "Brian, we'd like you to make Starflight 3" Brian Fargo - "Let me guess, you want it to be a linear first person shooter" Little Kid CEO - "Nope, make it just like Starflight 1 & 2, but with updated graphics and UI, oh and make it for PC, Mac, and Linux only." Brian Fargo - *jaw drops* Or, alternatively, and MUCH more realistically, when Wasteland 2 releases, and if it is well received and a success, he can stop playing us vs. them and just pitch it as "we made this really cool game using Kickstarter, now we want to make another". Or, he could just find something else to gripe about publishers.
  5. I know how you feel. We are only a week and a half away from April Fools...
  6. I'm maybe the only person on the planet that didn't like Legend of Grimrock. With that said, I'm still excited for the direction this game is taking. I doubt you are the only one. I'm actually a bit torn on the game itself, the setting itself lost my interest quickly. I mean, you are in a dungeon, and you are solving puzzles. That's it. Pretty shallow, and eventually I got bored. I've never been a huge fan of long dungeons. But the style of gameplay was a huge kick for me. I loved the party of four, the mix of abilities, the formations, the simple movement and combat. If you take all that and put it in a full world with actual skies, NPC's, stores, etc. I will be happy. I liked the mechanics, but the game just felt tedious. Pretty much at no point was I actually having fun, it all felt like a chore.
  7. I'm maybe the only person on the planet that didn't like Legend of Grimrock. With that said, I'm still excited for the direction this game is taking.
  8. One and the same. He wrote something called The Kingkiller Chronicles. Can't say I read any of them so I can't comment. Still, that beard is GLORIOUS.
  9. Upgraded my .45 pistols to level 4 in SR3, and holy **** are they powerful. With fully upgraded pistols and dual wield, it's not even fair, I cut through suckers like a hot knife through butter, except this knife sends their bodies flying and blows up cars and helicopters in less than a clip. Part of me wants to say that this kills the balance of the game since, outside of brutes, nobody is a challenge anymore, and even brutes aren't particularly hard. Then the rest of me says "shut up, dumbass, and just enjoy the glorious mayhem!" This game wasn't exactly shooting for realism anyway.
  10. Update 8, including Zeits video, more stretch goals, details on The Bloom, etc. I have to admit, I don't know who Pat Rothfuss is either, but he does have a super manly beard in the picture, which is definitely a plus.
  11. Why are you mad at me explaining and clarifying my argument? I thought that's what forums were for? I didn't mean my posts to be aggressive or belittling. If that's how they came off, then I apologize. My bad. I have no intention of buying any console any time soon, regardless of whether they force always-online or not.
  12. Alright, punching dudes in the groin in SR3 was fun (still is), but smacking them up with a GIANT floppy purple... implement, that's taking it to a whole other level. I love how they put a big ol' vein on it, too. That's attention to detail.
  13. Uhm, first of all, "always-online" could just be a misinterpretation. Maybe you only need to be online for one-time activation of your game, then you can play offline if you desire. Secondly, even if it's not --> No big deal, because if you're a gamer and don't have a stable constant connection then you're doing something wrong. Next: People complaining that they need to be online to play Battlefield 4 multiplayer. The "stable constant connection" is less the issue, the servers getting overloaded, crashing, connection errors, etc. that are all on the server side, and this has happened again and again and again, preventing legitimate customers from playing single player portions that have nothing to do with online whatsoever of a game they paid for, are the meaty portion of the issue. I have no issue with MMOs needing to be always-online, on account of that being a prerequisite of the game, and obviously you have to be online to play any sort of co-op or multiplayer outside of LAN, but there's no reason for always-online for single player outside of DRM and any developer/publisher that says otherwise is straight up lying (they do that sometimes). Also, I'm not sure how the phrase "always-online" could be "misinterpreted". The word "always" is pretty specific and leaves no room for interpretation.
  14. If that is true, all that Sony needs to win this generation console war is allow used games... And of course with this in play, there is absolutely no reason of owning Xbox over PC... Sorry to dampen your excitement, but PS4 probably will require the same. Besides, what's the problem with full installs (faster loading speed, no OD noise) and always-online anyway? It's not an issue among PC gamers so it won't be one among console gamers. Welcome to 2013, consoles. You're kidding, right? The Sim City fiasco is only the latest in a (sadly rapidly growing) line of always-online fiascoes.
  15. 2.75 million stretch goal reached. +1 Mitsoda gained.
  16. Those are my favorite side activities. Getting ragdolled around into oblivion, while repetitive, is endlessly entertaining. Edit: Though Super Ethical Reality Climax is pretty great too.
  17. Saints Row the Third. I should have never started playing this, now I don't know how I could ever go back to Saints Row 2 (It was my intention to play 2 first, then 3, but curiosity got the best of me), SR3 is just SO MUCH better than SR2. I haven't had this much fun in a sandbox since, well, since Sleeping Dogs. GTA IV may have a better story (story is pretty much throw away in SR3) and better characters, but SR3 is just waaaaaaaaaay more fun to play. It's just so utterly and completely insane, just complete madness. I'm going to have a lot of good times with this title for years to come. This is definitely the type of game that even once I finish it I'll be happy to come back to just to **** around for a little while. I mean, it doesn't get much better than walking into a crazed firefight wearing nothing except a giant Johnny Gat mascot head, doing the Nature Boy Strut while bullets are flying at me, then running up to an enemy and punching him in the ****. Maybe I'm just easily entertained?
  18. Pretty much every statement that begins with "no offense" follows with a thinly veiled put down. The same pattern goes for "Don't get me wrong, yada yada yada, <insert put down here>" and "Don't take this the wrong way, <insert put down here>". I'd like to think that it was more of a case of being brutally honest, rather than intentionally mean spirited or boastful. Okay, maybe a little boastful, but that's understandable. I mean, they ARE trying to sell a game.
  19. Scooped up Saints Row the Third because it's 85% off at GamersGate and I just couldn't resist at that price. I had enough blue coins to cover the price of Saints Row 2 so I got that too since it was essentially a 'freebie'. I decided to play the earlier game in the series first. I know it was a horrific PC port, but I figured the issues should be mostly solved by now, if not by official patches then unofficial ones. No crazy framerate issues, it runs fairly well on my modest lappy, however this game has quite possibly the worst driving physics ever. I'm not sure if this is just the PC version or all versions, but the handling is unbelievably twitchy and there is no way to reduce the steering sensitivity. There is a mod out there that reduces the steering sensitivity, but it comes with one BIG caveat, it changes the steering sensitivity for the AI drivers too and the game was built with the original super twitchy handling characteristics in mind so with the mod the AI drivers crash into each other constantly because the cars behave differently so the whole city is one massive pile up. Scrapped the mod and did my own "work around". Basically, whenever possible, I use the most "sluggish" vehicles available. My current favorite is "The Job", basically a stretch Hummer. It's very sluggish compared to other vehicles, which means it steers only somewhat twitchy, rather than so twitchy that it's almost impossible to control. Anyway, despite the horrific steering model, the game is a blast. Just the sheer dedication to complete ridiculousness and lunacy is admirable. My favorite part of the game so far is the Insurance Fraud activity. Running into traffic and getting ragdolled into oblivion never ceases to be amazingly entertaining. My best so far was getting hit by a bus on a highway overpass, flung 20 feet into the air, hit by a large pick up on the way down, flung into the air another 15 or 20 feet, then hit by a dump truck that was hauling ass on the way down and flung about 70 feet into the air and off the overpass. Good times.
  20. I'd think so, I know that the community for NWN is still active and, even though it was smaller, a fair number of people who worked with NWN did things for NWN2 as well. In fact, there's a group of people that have been hard at work to make a Baldurs Gate module for NWN2, and they've been at it for years, and it's still not finished yet. They should be finished this year, though. http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/167/index/3120312/42 I'm really curious to see how it will turn out. That's pretty badass.
  21. Update 7 - Adam Heine talks tides and more. Man the tides system sounds really fantastic.
  22. Well, going through Act 1 of the OC IS pretty awful. @OP. It depends, if you're going to play both games anyway, you can beat DSIII a lot faster (around 15hours + 4-5 with expansion, depending on how much time you take), so you might get that out of the way first. Actually, if you can get both cheap, it's probably not a bad idea to buy them play NWN2, and switch to DSIII from time to time when you hit a snag. Yeah, I have NEVER been able to go straight through NWN2 OC, I always get burned out part of the way through, partly because the game kind of drags through the middle part, and partly because it's a rather long game. At that point I need to take a break for a while and some DS3 is not a bad idea to fill that time.
  23. Depends on the type of game you want to play. If you want a more traditional story-driven RPG then NWN2 is the way to go. If you're looking for more of a loot em' up then Dungeon Siege 3, although it's not exactly a traditional Diablo-esque loot em' up and fairly story-driven in its own right. Overall NWN2 will give you significantly more hours of playing time, especially with the expansions and all the mods out there. I like both games, but if I didn't already own them, then NWN2 would easily be my higher priority to purchase.
  24. Agreed, but the trade off of being able to play as the awesome and hilarious Orks was worth it to me.
  25. My bad, need to read more carefully. Well, whoever winds op making the next Dawn of War, let me play the campaign as my race/faction of choice, please, pretty please with a cherry on top. Same goes for the turn-based game Slitherine will wind up making.
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