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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. For the most part, I thought the AI was pretty good. There was the one part where the guy ran up to the character while healing himself, which is what was being made fun of, so obviously there are still some kinks to work out. Other than that, though, I though it responded quite intelligently, using grenades, seeking cover, etc.
  2. I'm with you, while this project doesn't look like it's my kind of thing (too MMO-ish), I have no problem with it, nor do I have any problem with Lord British using Kickstarter to fund a project. I'm unlikely to back it, but I'll spread the word and wish it well.
  3. You like your multi-millionaires earthbound, eh?
  4. Color me impressed. I can't wait to cause all sorts of havoc with my Ork (I'm leaning toward Shaman at the moment).
  5. You can still get in on Shadowrun even though the KS is over? Link please. I should have backed this from the beginning. Here you go.
  6. Finished Serious Sam 3 Jewel of the Nile DLC. Once I learned what I needed to do in the final battle it took me 2 tries. Good times. Methinks I'm feeling Mask of the Betrayerish now.
  7. Dreamfall Chapters will likely reach the 1.5 million stretch goal, but I'd be surprised if they made the 1.75 goal and downright shocked if they made the 2 mil goal. I'd love for them to prove me wrong, though. (about not reaching 1.75 or 2 mil)
  8. He's here, he's there, he's everywhere! Ziets! ZIIIIIIIIIIIIETS! In other words, I'm super excited about this stretch goal which I'm sure will be easily reached. In other news, I went ahead and made my $75 Numenera Seeker pledge. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the digital Numenera Player's Guide. Edit: As far as anyone hating on the game and inXile, I say let 'em hate. I already expressed my disagreement with their stance, but it's their prerogative to feel however they do. You can't please everyone and the support for this project has been overwhelming, to say the least. If people want to express their hatred toward their project, they can. Just like we can drown out their voices with our support.
  9. I never subscribed to the "taint the legacy" theory. For me, games stand on their own. Master of Orion 3 sucked, I still consider Master of Orion 2 to be an awesome game. Even if Torment: Tides of Numenera turns out to be garbage, that won't change my views of Planescape: Torment one bit.
  10. On a serious note, I don't understand that kind of attitude. Okay, even if you do strongly object to the Torment name being used for this, why wouldn't you want a great game to hit the market? I mean, I understand not supporting the project, but what harm would there be in this game being good?
  11. I don't follow twitter or social media or any of that fancy fangled new stuff. /chases youngsters away with cane //grumbles I guess there's some benefit to being oblivious. Even if I did follow Brian Fargo, as long as he delivers to me a great game, he can make disparaging comments about Mother Teresa for all I care. Apathy, get the sensation.
  12. I think the pace that this took off at exceeded even their most optimistic scenario. They're going bonkers over at inXile trying to keep up with updating the front page, making new updates, rolling out new stretch goals, and setting up PayPal. That's a pretty good problem to have.
  13. Yes. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/02/16/whats-in-a-name-inxile-entertainment/ That is awesome indeed. Also, they're already smashed through the 1.2 and 1.5 million stretch goals and are up to 1.74 million and climbing rapidly. This is insane... Insanely fantastic!
  14. Assuming that the developer creates the IP and that part (or all) of the Kickstarter funds aren't being used for licensing costs, then yes. That's why Project: Eternity is such an important project for Obsidian Entertainment. If it is a success, then they now have an IP they control which means leverage, whether they crowdfund the next entry in the series or go through a publisher.
  15. Of course, this could only mean one thing: Isometric PC RPGs are dead. Absolutely no interest whatsoever.
  16. Funded! So, um, stretch goals, I guess?
  17. This could probably just be part of the existing Torment: Tides of Numenera thread, but anyway, here goes:
  18. That's my same mindset. I don't care about anything physical and all that digital stuff essentially costs nothing extra for the guys at inXile so I get to show support, I get a bunch of cool digital stuff, and inXile doesn't have to pay for anything physical to ship to me. Everyone wins. That's not to say I have anything against anyone getting physical tiers. I'm all for other people getting physical goodies if that's what they want. Anyway, nearly 600k and rising! Edit: Went ahead and sent IGN a tip about the campaign. I may not like IGN personally, but they're still a site that tons of eyeballs visit daily so getting a story about this over there can only help.
  19. This is obviously going to blow right past the funding goal, maybe in as little as a day. The question now is, where will this end up? 2 million? 3 million? Project: Eternity territory? Beyond?
  20. Almost 300k already. I'm most likely jumping in at the $75 all digital Numenera Seeker tier.
  21. Good article, I went to RPS to read this as I don't think your link is working Fixed link, sorry about that.
  22. Big Ole RPS Interview - Part 1 I really like the part about smaller side quests, actions, and non-actions all playing a part in the main plot. Of course, they have to actually execute it, but damn it sounds good on paper.
  23. Yeah, Not Ping was easily my favorite of the five(?) girlfriends in the game. If you're wondering about her name, you first meet her in a store called "Ping's" so Wei Shen assumes she's Ping, to which she promptly tells him that she's not Ping. Since she never tells him her real name, she remains "Not Ping".
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