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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Kirill is just an all around awesome dude. Also, LadyCrimson, you switched to a super cute rodent avatar! And I wasn't even actively trying to get you to come over to Team Rodent. Maybe my mental powers are stronger than I thought? This also means I'll have to switch to a super cute rat avatar. I can't be outdone by a cat lover!
  2. Sooooo close to the million stretch goal. I can almost taste it.
  3. Then why is it marketed as an RPG? Can anyone name a single RPG that doesn't have magic? Games like Skyrim and Oblivion have got it right, lots of character customisation- you know, actually playing a role- and fun stuff like riding around on horses killing stuff. I saw horses in the AoD demo, but I bet I can't ride them. Alpha Protocol for one. RPG = RolePlaying Game Where does it say "magic" in that acronym? Also, Deus Ex, Fallout, Wasteland, Mount & Blade.
  4. So, what you're saying is that underneath that think, crunchy, rye bread crust is an interior made of duck liver pâté?
  5. I am somehow unable to enjoy EA schadenfreude at the moment. I don't know if that's a good or a bad sign?
  6. Yeah, that would be cool. Hopefully we can actually make that happen. Of course Numenera has to actually release first, then I have to get the book and learn the system, so it's all off in the semi-quasi-pseudo-near-esque future.
  7. Thank you, good sir or madam. Your support is appreciated, and yes, LordCrash is awesome, as well as everyone else supporting this game.
  8. The Zach Braff project will easily make its 2 million goal and likely triple that. I don't know if it will get into Veronica Mars territory, but it's going to get plenty of money, that's for sure. Camera technology these days has made it possible to shoot full length, quasi-Hollywood level movies for just a couple million dollars. Not with full on Michael Bay SPLOSHUNS!!! But, you know what I mean.
  9. Capcom is guilty of a lot of sins. My personal biggest pet peeve is their perpetual re-releasing of Street Fighter games with minor tweaks at full price: Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Street Fighter IV Turbo, Street Fighter IV Advanced, Street Fighter IV Advanced Turbo Arcade, Street Fighter IV Alpha, Street Fighter IV Ultimate Pink Magical Unicorn Edition, Street Fighter IV Ultimate Pink Magical Unicorn Alpha Turbo Black Edition.
  10. Some of those pictures in Update 31 are hilarious! These Belgian folks sure have a great sense of humor. This has been quite possibly the most fun Kickstarter campaign yet. Edit: Also, I plan to keep using the "It's going to be awesome" gif in the future, meme style.
  11. It's going to reach the 800k henchmen become companions goal easily. They need to get less than 1k an hour, they'll easily do at least double that.
  12. My biggest issue with BG1 is less about BG1 and more about low level D&D. There's a whole lot of combat encounter > die > reload > combat encounter > die > reload > combat encounter > survive > save > combat encounter > die > reload > combat encounter > survive > save. You get the picture. At level 1 your characters are always one or two bad d20 rolls away from death, especially mages & rogues, but even fighters. Until you get to about level 4 or so, death can come so quickly, with just a few bad dice rolls, that you don't even have a chance to react strategically and try to help said character. The sweet spot for D&D is, and has always been, IMHO, levels 7-15. I thought IWD2 handled low level combat encounters the best.
  13. I had forgotten about Remember Me.
  14. I can has rodents?

  15. 57k yesterday and it looks increasingly likely that it will do at least that much today. I'm quite confident that 800k henchmen become companions stretch goal is going to happen! Hmm, maybe the 1 mil stretch goal is reachable?
  16. But how do we know what's combat and non-combat situations? There was no clear differentiation in IE games. There was no clear transition, it just sort of happened on the fly. Does it go from non-combat to combat when any NPC/monster/beastie turns hostile (the circle around them turns red)? Can you force yourself to go into "combat-mode" on your own, before anyone turns hostile, by clicking a button?
  17. Did another round of the 24 Hours of LeMans in GRID, this time in the GT1 classification using the insanely fast Lamborghini Murcielago RSV. Won the class (placed 7th overall) and my teammate came in second in the class. The Murcielago is almost fast enough to keep up with the LMP class cars, well the LMP2s anyway, it just doesn't have as much downforce and can't stay with the LMPs through the corners.
  18. I think this is going to make the 800k stretch goal. It's going to make it. It's going to make it. It's going to make it. Think positive thoughts. Send out positive energy... /rubs power crystal //chants unintelligibly
  19. The Skuldr looks cool. Can I have one as a pet? I'm curious where the line will be between monster and beast. More to the point, what type of beasts will rangers and druids be able to calm, befriend, and call upon, assuming rangers and druids will be able to do such things?
  20. Seems like they're off to a decent start. If they can reach 10% of their funding goal in the first day (almost a sure bet), then this will have a chance, though it will likely be a nailbiter. If it can reach 20% within the first day then it will almost certainly make its funding goal and then some.
  21. The Reddit AMA is going on now. If nothing else, people should take the few seconds to head over there and upvote it.
  22. Yeah, I'm not pledging just yet, I need to see and read a lot more. Still, Jagged Alliance 2 was awesomesause coated in awesomesauce batter and fried in awesomesauce oil, with a side of awesomesauce. Obviously, I'm very interested.
  23. Kickstarter: "Keyrock, we want all your moneys." Keyrock: "But you already have most of my moneys." Kickstarter: "We want all of it, we want the rest of your moneys." Keyrock: "No, I am going to be resolute. I won't give in. I am going to save the rest of my moneys." Kickstarter: "Jagged Alliance. Turn-based." Keyrock: "Oh crap..."
  24. So that means they have about 15k from PayPal. Assuming that Kickstarter and PayPal continues to come in at the same ratio and knowing that PayPal didn't open up until they reached 400k, they'd need about 775k from Kickstarter to get to the 800k stretch goal. We can do it, yes we can!
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