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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Ant that is exactly what I do not like about games. When I want to spent lot of time with exploring or walking through some city, I just buy me a flight ticket there and visit it myself. I never finished any Bethesda game, despite having lot of fun at the start with each one, but after week or two of playing, I got bored to dead... Always... Same with every other large sandbox game... With exception of Fallout 3... For some reason, I almost finished this game... But I think it was the DLCs, which I enjoyed much more than the game. I quit the game for a year, when I reached the carrier. And for another year when I finished Dunwich... And I finished every God of War game I touched, despite me sucking a lot with everything except RPGs, I even finished God of War III on platinum. I just need a game, where there is something to do every second of the game, not a game where you have to walk around for hours to get to your next objective. The thing about creating a large sandbox is that you need to fill it with interesting things to see and do. I think Piranha Bytes does this better than any other company, and on a much smaller budget than most.
  2. It's certainly not a lock, but I'd definitely much rather be in the Sawx' shoes than the Cardinals right now. With Lackey on the mound on Wednesday, I feel pretty good going forward, he's been really good all year, even if his record doesn't reflect it, on account of the lack of run support he's gotten. Also, I'd like to throw some praise in Xander Bogaerts' direction. The guy has been in the majors for about a month and a half, maybe two months, here he is starting games in the world series, and he's got no stage fright whatsoever. That guy is going to be a multiple time all-star.
  3. Aww yeah, Sawx win! Jon Lester was magnificent tonight. One more win to go.
  4. I saw that one, have been contemplating throwing them a few bucks. I like the mocking RPG tropes thing and it looks like a nice blend of jRPG and Zelda. As long as they keep the mockery lighthearted, I think it could be cool. Their next stretch goal is an extra chapter where you cross over into the "real world". That kind of blatant 4th wall breaking could go really right or really wrong. Of course, I've never heard of any of these people so I have no idea whether they can actually make a game.
  5. Sawx strike right away before Wainwright got into a groove with back to back double by Laser Show and Papi to go up 1-0. Papi is inferno hot right now. I mean, he;s batting almost .800 in the world series. .800! That's ABSURD! I don't want to give the Cards pointers, but I would walk him every time he comes up, EVERY TIME.
  6. It's weird, but Assassin's Creed is one of those series where I see the ad or trailer, I think to myself "that looks cool", then I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to ever play said game. God of War also falls into that category.
  7. Not to derail this thread any further (okay, I will), but what is this Contrast you speak of? (and to not be completly off topic here either) I am playing "waiting for Contrast to release": Other than that I am playing Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender Sweet mother of cornbread biscuits and gravy that looks like a lovely and delicious slice of puzzle platforming. Why was I not notified of this earlier? YOU HAVE ALL FAILED ME! All except Melkathi, who came through like a champ. As for what I'm playing, it's still Euro Truck Simulator 2 at home and Final Fantasy V on my phone on the go and at work on break.
  8. Not to derail this thread any further (okay, I will), but what is this Contrast you speak of?
  9. Yes, I have a huge list of point and click adventure games to play through for non-violent enjoyment. Murder simulations more and more seem like the "easy way out" for the gaming industry. You do not need to come up with anything actually interesting if you just let people shoot stuff. So I really enjoy it everytime someone makes a game that lets you do something that isn't just adrenaline through virtual combat situations. Then again... I am currently shooting robot-fishies that try to stop my milk mining operations... I'm currently waiting on Moebius and for Cognition to work some of its bugs out for my pointing and clicking enjoyment. Now, both of those games are based around murder, but at least you're attempting to stop the murdering in those games, rather than partaking in the murdering. Also, whenever Broken Age comes out, there will be that.
  10. To me the appeal is not murdering. Outside of sports games, which I'm generally not particularly into, the VAST majority of games are all centered around killing. I'm burned out on murdering, I've played enough video games based on murdering to fulfill whatever bloodthirsty savage tendencies I may have had inside me a billion times over. I don't want to murder for a while, I want to play something chill. This lets me do that. Also, despite the 2006-esque graphics, watching the countryside roll by as you cruise around while listening to some tunes on the radio is quite pretty and relaxing.
  11. I think of it as a placeholder paint job, one of the cheaper non-solid color ones in the game, until I figure out how to skin the cab and make my Shantae themed skin.
  12. After being rock solid during the second half of the year and the earlier postseason rounds, Craig Breslow has become somewhat shaky during the world series. Edit: Farrell bringing Lackey in for the 8th? If he only goes an inning (I'm assuming Uehara will come in for the 9th if the Sawx are still leading) would he be able to start game 6? I suppose if not, he could switch spots with Peavy and be ready for game 7. Edit 2: Holy ****, the game ended on a pickoff! Has that ever happened before in a world series? 2-2, we're going back to Beantown no matter what!
  13. Wouldn't it be crazy if the Giants wound up winning the NFC East after starting 0-6? It's actually quite possible. The Iggles are imploding. The Redskins are only halfway decent when RG3 is fully healthy, who knows when that will happen again and for how long. The Cowboys can't even win games that are being handed to them on a silver platter. This could happen. This is the NFC East in a single picture:
  14. I won't be quite as colorful about it, but I basically agree. Until Jerry swallows his pride, hires a real GM and a real coach and actually lets them do their jobs, unimpeded, the Cowboys will always fail. ALWAYS. They will never win with Jerry managing and coaching the team, and rest assured he is the one coaching this team. The worst part is that nothing will change until Jerry swallows his pride and that's never going to happen. He won't sell the team either because despite their continual mediocrity, they are financially profitable.
  15. It looks amazing but I don't understand anything that's happening in the trailer. Reading a bit of the description, you basically get to play a vagrant and... umm... yeah.
  16. The call was correct. The Sawx didn't lose because of a bad call, they lost because Salty made a bad throw, and one he shouldn't have made in the first place. Even on a perfect throw I doubt he would have gotten the runner at 3rd. Still, it was a heat of the moment split second judgement for him to make that throw, so I can't really put too much blame on the guy. I would like to see Farrell start Bogaerts at short and Middlebrooks at 3rd. I know Stephen Drew is a great fielder, but he has done NOTHING at the plate. Having him in the lineup is akin to having a pitcher in the lineup, or a second pitcher when they're playing in St. Louis. I just don't think his defense is worth enough to make up for his complete and utter lack of production at the plate.
  17. Because they're the Cowboys and they are complete garbage incapable of winning a game even when the opposing team tries its darndest to hand it to them. Yet Jason Garrett somehow still has a job...
  18. That was a crazy game last night. It sucks that the Sawx lost, but man, that game was exciting. Hopefully Buchholz comes through today.
  19. When it comes to whisky, I'm a scotch man. I rarely buy it, though, because I'm frugal (read: piss poor). I usually stick with vodka because I can buy fairly good vodka (Sobieski) for $20 for 1.75L. While it is possible to buy scotch for $20 for 1.75L, said scotch isn't fit for human consumption.
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