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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. You are looking at the wrong old-school game. THIS is the game you're looking for: http://basiliskgames.com/eschalon-book-iii It will even come with a game editor this time. I can barely wait! You don't need to point me to Eschalon, I own both Book 1 & 2 and am a member of the Basilisk Games forums, though that forum is pretty dead so I barely visit. Definitely thumbs up to pointing others in the game's direction, though. Edit: I just realized how pompous that first sentence must sound. Apologies, it was not meant in that way. It's always solo.
  2. Avadon 2: The Corruption is out today. It's available on GOG right now and, I imagine, will likely be available on Steam in 45 minutes or so. I have a lot of respect for Jeff Vogel, but, for whatever reason, I could never get into any of his games, despite liking that kind of old school stuff. Still, there is a stubbornness inside me that will likely compel me to get this game eventually.
  3. I'm really ashamed of myself that I didn't think of posting this earlier, but better late than never:
  4. Shut up! Two Worlds was awesome! It was like armour-Pokemon: gotta collect'em all! I would have gone with "You shut your dirty mouth!", it has a better ring to it. There is a definite contingent of people that really like Two Worlds. I'm not sure if that's because of the unintentional comedy factor, which admittedly is off the charts, or they actually like it on a serious level, which I have a hard time digesting. Either way, more power to you.
  5. The sheer amount of umlauts makes that a cool looking title.
  6. Sweet. If it's that cheap, I can earn that for free likely by the time that module comes out. I get 4 free Zen a day for basically doing nothing.
  7. Poduszki Wiecznośći makes for a really awesome title, also it sounds like a Pink Floyd song title form the mid 70s.
  8. Holy smokes, this somehow looks even worse than Two Worlds 2 (but at least the title isn't as terrible). Considering how awful both Two Worlds and Two Worlds 2 were, that's quite the achievement. Nothing says fun like "cinematic", presumable QTE-based, combat! What are the chances that you're out to save your sister in this one? 50%? 75%? 90%?
  9. Yeah, I don't care about any of the quest rewards either. I do like seeing the Halloween Masquerade of Liars motif around Protector's Enclave, though. I think it looks cool. I'm mostly just working on getting that last boon in Sharandar and crafting a Perfect Terror Enchantment. I log in, grind out just enough daily quests to get the spark and to open up the first area solo dungeon and run through it to get a Shard of Terror. It generally takes about 20 minutes. Other than that, I pop in once in a while for 5 seconds to pray to my deity and log into the gateway every once in a while to collect and assign jobs. That's my extent of "playing" Neverwinter these days. Eventually I'll do a run through Malabog Castle I guess. My character is 12.1k (I still have several empty enchantment slots) so it shouldn't be a problem as long as the group I'm with has some idea of what they're doing. As an aside, how much does it cost to unlock another character slot? I wouldn't mind getting one when the next module arrives so that I can make a Ranger.
  10. (Sztywne) Pale Eternitu? I believe that any translation will sound awkward until you get used to it. I get this a lot while working on my book and setting, nothing sounds natural until I get used to it. On a more serious note, since there's little to go on, I'd wager construction-related words could be used in lieu of filar (if Filary Wieczności doesn't sound marketable enough). Kolumny, Podpory, Fundamenty, Stemple, Dźwigary etc. don't really sound more outrageous than Wrota Baldura or Okres Połowicznego Rozpadu Pierwiastków Radioaktywnych. I think Filary Wiecznośći sounds fine, but Kolumny Wiecznośći sounds better.
  11. I like it, I hope it is indeed the official name. As long as it doesn't wind up being called Legends of <whatever> I'll be fine with the name.
  12. What game is that from? I'm pretty sure it's from that new The Dark Eye game. It's kind of funny, but there were the Realms of Arkania games, then nothing from The Dark Eye system for well over a decade on the video game front, now there have been like 87 The Dark Eye games in the last 5 years or so.
  13. "Holy smokes this guy's a flip-flopper, and I should know." - John Kerry
  14. Ooh, that was sneaky!
  15. Seconded. The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are amazing.
  16. Is the redhead kinda cross-eyed, or is it just that picture?
  17. I think 7-9 wins the NFC East.
  18. This could apply to a few some most of my relationships.
  19. I knew that the second I heard F2P when the game was announced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A
  20. I'm having a hard time parsing this paragraph. I don't understand.
  21. A few of those are a bit of a stretch as far as being Halloween or "scary" themed, but I'm not complaining. I'm contemplating getting Cognition at 25% off, but I doubt I'll have time to play it for a while, and it will probably be at least 25% off during the X-Mas sale.
  22. Bogaerts is batting .294 and Laser Show is batting .264. Otherwise I agree with nobody hitting in the series as it pertains to the Sawx. You sort of got the Sawx prediction sort of right: You were right about them having a long season, they're still playing now. Also, you got the number of wins and losses correct, just backwards.
  23. Hydrophobia? That was my guess. I'm too scared of water to play that game. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. /ducks out of way of thrown tomato
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