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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I posted this a page or two ago but it got buried in BEWBGATE 2013. I've been playing Grim Dawn for a couple months now (I was a backer from even before the Kickstarter) and it's a great game and in very good shape for an alpha. There is one act available to play now which takes me usually about 15 or 16 hours to complete, could be done in under 10 if you rushed through it. Another act should be added soon.
  2. From a chronological perspective it all makes perfect sense. In Torture Porn Raider Lara is still young and out to prove her own worth so she doesn't want to be living off Daddy Warbucks' money. In the earlier games (later in the game universe timeline) she's already a famous treasure hunter who has made a fortune and has had plenty of money to get big ol' implants, hence why her boobs are so much bigger and so fake looking.
  3. Excellent, this is now the third time in a row when someone has reposted the news I had already posted a bit earlier Boobs sure can have a blinding effect though, the roads are bloody dangerous every spring. My post was a whole 5 minutes after yours, it took me longer than that to link the text and copy the game titles (I'm at work so it can take me a while to make a post in between doing actual work) so I never saw your post until after I already posted. The lesson here is that I should probably be doing more actual work and less posting on forums right now.
  4. Old school Lara had bigger bewbs - fact New school Lara is more attractive - opinion (my opinion) Meanwhile, while this ridiculous argument is going on, actual video game news is happening: There is a new Humble Bundle featuring WB games Arkham Asylum, FEAR 2 & 3, and LotR War in the North. Plus Arkham City & Scribblenauts Unlimited if you pay more than $4.23 (at the moment).
  5. ZTE Awe: Nothing special, nowhere near top of the line. Dual core 1.2 GHz Snapdragon, 4 GB internal, 32 GB SDHC. Runs Android 4.1. Plenty good enough for me. Enough battery life I can go about 2 days of my regular use without charging (note: I don't use it much). It makes phone calls, it can run a GPS app, it lets me play Final Fantasy V. I'm happy.
  6. Grim Dawn is out on Steam Early Access right now. It's still in alpha state, but it's pretty polished and functional for an alpha state game. I've been playing it since it first released to the backers (I was a backer since even before the Kickstarter) and can attest to the fact that the game is in good shape. Right now all you get is Act 1 and 4 masteries to choose from, but Act 2 should be on the way shortly. It generally takes me about 15 or 16 hours to run through Act 1, but you could likely speedrun it in under 10 if you really wanted to. No multiplayer yet, but that shoud also be arriving soon. If you've played Titan Quest then you know what you're in for with this game. The setting is different but the core of the game is largely the same as TQ.
  7. I found the new Lara quite appealing to the eyes, it's one of the few things I liked about the game.
  8. Welcome back George Stobart and Nico Collard. I missed you, my friends. Between this and Moebius, I will be doing a lot of pointing and a lot of clicking in the near future.
  9. You can actually play NWN2 without any lag!? What are you running like 3 Titans in SLI or something?
  10. 3 is in Colonial America, right? I figure buildings in Colonial America weren't nearly as tightly packed together as they were in Renaissance Europe, nor as tall in most cases.
  11. A Bethesda game randomly crashing? That's unheard of! More trucking:
  12. I don't care about the story in the least bit. I don't care if the templars are killing assassins or assassins are killing templars or they're both burning down orphanages. I don't care about the protagonists, I don't care if they speak with a funny accent, I don't care if they speak Pig Latin. All I care about is jumping on rooftops.
  13. Gotcha, so assassin rooftop jumping technology did not advance any after 2 and Brotherhood while the rest of the game, which I admittedly care little about, deteriorated. I'll likely scoop up one of those when uncle GabeN makes them super cheap in a month or so.
  14. Hmm, well I'm not really partial to any one type of rooftop, now that I think about it. They need to be close enough together that I can for the most part remain on the rooftops without having to resort to climbing down too often, but otherwise, I don't much care whether they're ceramic shingles or wooden planks, or baked mud brick, or copper... Well maybe I am kind of partial to copper roofs, those look super duper cool. Anyway, I guess, rooftop quality being equal, it comes down to coolest looking cities for me to look at while I'm jumping on said rooftops. So the other games don't have cool rooftop jumping?
  15. So I got to play a bit of Assassin's Creed (2, I think, it was all Italian and stuff) at a buddy's house. I came to the realization that I have been looking at the game in the wrong way. Sure, it's a game about stabbing people, but you also get to do a lot of jumping on rooftops. I freakin' love jumping on rooftops, hence my love of Mirror's Edge. Jumping on rooftops is my jam! I have spent dozens upon dozens of hours in Elder Scrolls game jumping on rooftops (Oblivion was the best in that regard), and those weren't even games specifically built around jumping on rooftops. Now I want to get an Assassin's Creed game sometime in the future when they're uber cheap on a Steam sale or something so I can jump on rooftops in the comfort of my own home. Sure, I'll probably have to stab a few people along the way so that I can progress the story and open up new areas for me to jump on rooftops, it sucks, but hey, what can you do. Still, as long as that leads me to many more rooftops to jump on, I'm willing to pay that price. So, my question is this: Completely disregarding combat and story (some Templar vs. Assassin bull**** from what I gather), which I don't care about one bit, which game in the series is the best from a purely jumping on rooftops point of view?
  16. I'm going the other way and assuming the follow up will be another Gears of Lara until I have definitive proof to the contrary.
  17. Holy ****, Russell Westbrook came back and started today. He was supposed to miss 6 weeks. Did he go to Germany and visit the same doctor Kobe goes to or something?
  18. They'll make their goal, but maybe not a whole lot more than that.
  19. Holy ****, Nick Foles threw 7 TD passes today. I know what you're thinking, yes, THE Nick Foles.
  20. It's essentially a case of the other team being even more pitiful than the Cowboys. I guess they just need to make sure that when they take the lead they leave no more then 30 seconds or so on the clock so even a defense as abysmal as the Cowboys defense won't be able to blow it.
  21. The most impressive part of that is that you were able to decipher what Shannon Sharpe said. I keep begging for him to spit the marbles out of his mouth so that I can understand what he's saying.
  22. Never seen it in any package store so I bought it on a whim. Not bad.
  23. My thoughts exactly, hence my immense frustration with the game. The entire time I was wishing I was doing anything but mowing down dozens upon dozens upon dozens of crazed cultists, but it never relents. Rest assured, you will be mowing down many more crazed cultists to come. That, unfortunately, is the bulk of the game.
  24. I noticed Gray Matter on GamersGate for the price of a cup of coffee. It's the only Jane Jensen game I haven't played yet, and should do nicely until Moebius gets here. It's installing on my lappy right now. /rubs hands together Edit: Well, I haven't played Cognition yet either, but Jane only consulted on that game, so it's not really a Jane Jensen game.
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