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Everything posted by IndiraLightfoot

  1. Rabain: Although I agree with you, I think you will see that most, if not all, CPRGs since time memorial have worked in the way you rather oddly call "pandering to elitism". Basically: Even discounting any immersion/difficulty setting, players who really immerse themselves in a game, players who read more dialogue or happen to solve a puzzle or bring down a tough encounter, have been rewarded in some way or the other. I would say, this is one fundamental part of any CRPG. I would never call this "elitism". I reckon "item envy" and such is rather childish, it is very stuff that makes up games like MMOs and Diablo. In short, rewarding players putting extra time into a game is always good and never "elitism", unless one nourishes such thinking.
  2. Rabain: Dorky achievements is a good idea (Steam users will be happy, no doubt)! I agree that xp- and gold-rewards sorta undermine the idea of difficulty settings, but perhaps a few special items (nothing game-breaking, just unique stuff)?
  3. If you really are Steve Ballmer and into CRPGs, please do!
  4. I've seen in many topics concerns and fears about all kinds of things that break the RP of the G, as it were. It seems to be a matter of immersion for a great many people out there: -No quest markers (exclamation and question marks like DA) -No running back when quest is finished (no hole back to surface after boss (Skyrim), no teleporting (DIII) -No minimap, no map at all or at least some fog of war -No endless running available for the party (walk like in BG) -No save spamming The list is actually much longer than this. Then of course, there is a lot of people who love higher difficulty settings too, and here I'm primarily thinking of combat. My take on this is that PE should accommodate the wishes of those wishing for more immersion and diffulty as much as possible. Make immersion/difficulty settings generous and flexible. But here's the big question: Should there be rewards in-game for maxing out immersion and difficulty in PE? I mean, more xp, is one idea (doubt if it is a good idea, but still). Better finds of money and valuables, perhaps? And even more interestingly, small amounts of interesting content is hidden for those playing at easy peasy-levels (highly controversial, I know). My point is: A good game shall reward those who are curious and nosey, and who wants to be in for a good challenge! But the question is how, precisely?
  5. That is a great feature to include. Thanks for the update.
  6. I really liked the walking speed in the BG-games, but perhaps in battle you could make the party more stressed and thus quicker?
  7. To the OP, your nr 1 and nr 7, I certainly agree with. Great post, thanks!
  8. Less than 450 000 dollars to go now till a new huge city! We can do it! It's 65 hours to go. That's like 7 000 dollars/hour and we're home. GO!!!
  9. No, perhaps not, but MGOTY-potential, definitely! My Game of the Year....
  10. For those wondering, Adam is still trying to get that old IWD2 work on his decade-later system.
  11. MC and Karra, you're certainly making a good case for your kind of city: It sounds ubercool!!
  12. I think I saw a yes on that as well.
  13. Hooray, a cook book with Tim Cain! He does look like chef, doesnät he? And for those with deep pockets, CA's trolls are legendary! Go grab them. Hurry!
  14. Carlo and Frisk, I really endorse your points and hope you will join in when modding gets started!
  15. What PsychoBlonde and others've said! And any in-game pointers should not be in the form of question marks or exclamation marks. I've developed an allergy towards them or something. They gimme a rash.
  16. Hmm, coastal port town or Renaissance hub? I'd go for the Florence-vibe, I reckon. It sounds exciting as long as it isn't Assassin's Creed all over again.
  17. Facebook is a true blight on our planet, but whatever it takes! Keep making people liking OEI so that we get to see the toes on that statue deep underground!
  18. More money to obsidz = great, but later backers should not be able to get the pet. Nobody gets to touch my Blofeld-persian!
  19. I asked Bobby Null yesterday and got this answer just now: "Talked to Feargus this morning just to make sure. You will be able to choose multiple download methods for individual digital keys." So, yay, you can pick GOG for one and Steam for the other. Great!
  20. Congratz, OE and the community! Now, let's build that stronghold and then an etnire city! This is going real fast... ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!
  21. Moriendor is right about two things though: -Enough of sewers with rats (why not forgotten catacombs with buried peeps from an entirely different culture, a culture that was eradicated just to build the city, and those souls are not happy one single bit - Think "Poltergeist"...) -And fedex quests between houses should be kept to a minimum Disclaimer: I do like fighting rats in CRPGs, but sewers yet again?
  22. I haven't really engaged myself for Justin Sweets return, although I think he makes brilliant artwork. But just as I did dream of having George Ziets on PE's team I now see that there are almost as many who wish for Justins return, so opportunistically, I now encourage Obsidian to fulfil your dream: "Please, OE get him on the wagon! Just think of the nice increase of pledges."
  23. Something like 900 likes left, then a new level to the already deep Mega Dungeon. Phone strangers and say that you work for a computer support company. Ask them to test out their equipment or even Facebook by following your directions. And if they have Facebook, just guide them to the right thumbs-up and hey presto!
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