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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I had to look up to find out what sort of game NBA 2K13 is. It sounded like any other sports game. I thought some of the bugs were funny. * Individual player stat's suddenly (mid-season), stop increasing in Association Mode when running running development drills. * The scoreboard disappearing mid-game. (Tough neighbourhood! Okay, who stole the scoreboard? )
  2. Calling someone a troll from the sidelines. tsk tsk. Or is your post a troll as well? I can see and understand both sides of the argument. There are some points I would agree on and some I wouldn't on both sides.
  3. You don't need 6 summoners, you could have four. eg. Fighter has a figurine. Rogue has a figurine. The other 4 can summon. You now have 6 summons, getting around Bioware's 5 summon limit.
  4. Hassat Hunter, with your way you can get around Bioware's 5 summon limit. With 6 party members, each could summon a Planetar using a spell and then you would have 6 Planetars rampaging everything. And that's not counting the figurines.
  5. I wouldn't be using the 'I got x amount of likes for my post' argument. There was a thread in the other forum where a couple of people were liking each other's posts just to counter someone they were arguing with. And eventually one of those people admitted they were trolling, despite the other liking their posts.
  6. If you're going down that road with depleting rations, then your characters and horses have to eat everyday or lose health. Doesn't make sense that one small part of a game would have depleting rations with your horses, when the other 99% doesn't have rations at all. If you want horses, then I'd expect the consequences of having those horses. Everything to cost of keeping them, monthly upkeep in stables, venturing across wilderness and when you get to a dungeon, the consequences of leaving them unattended when you're in the dungeon. Otherwise, it's just a free car ride to transport you from A to B. And in a lot of games, you didn't need them due to fast travel between areas.
  7. I like simple names to start off a saga. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights and many other games didn't have subtitles for their first game. The subtitles can come later with sequels.
  8. I wonder where the spells Sequencer and Minor Sequencer fall into. It's a pre-buff spell for your mage and you always had it ready before going into combat. But it seems nobody has a problem with it? Or do people suggest that these spells should only be allowed in combat? Same with contingency spells?
  9. How is PoE going to handle finding hidden items, paintings, hidden doors and loot? I always felt it was a bit of a cop out that you could press the Alt / Tab key in BG2 and the IWD games and highlight every secret stash of loot on the screen even if you didn't have a Thief in your party. Alt/Tab - Ah, there's some loot behind that rock 60 feet away. The same with my party walks down a corridor and without warning a hidden door is highlighted to one side even though my Thief didn't have search on. Passive perception should be you see a chest, bookcase, anything your characters would see and if you hit Alt/Tab, then only those items are highlighted. If there's secret stuff, then your Thief should be searching and only then it's highlighted to the Alt/Tab sequence. I liked how it was in BG1 where you could walk past something and you would never know it's there because you weren't searching. In BG2 and the IWD games, hit Alt/Tab and voila! No need to search. It also goes with the Fog of War revealing a part of a room on the other side of the corridor I'm in. My characters don't know there's a hidden room but as a player, the Fog of War just revealed a small part of it to me. I hope PoE fixes the Fog of War and not reveal hidden rooms as well.
  10. I consider them to be RPGs the same as I call adventure games as adventure games, arcade games as arcade games and already defined games in different genres because those games have already been defined in those genres. It wasn't me that defined them nor gave them meaning or definition. You can't really argue against a game that's been accepted, established and defined and its meaning not disputed for the last 30+ years because it doesn't conform to your view point. This is really going off topic and into semantics. I'm out of here.
  11. Well, by that definition, Call of Duty is an RPG. You play the role of Sgt. Whats-his-face, and you simply 'fight terrorists and save the kingd -- err... nation,' so to speak. sighs. I'm not giving RPG's a definition. There were straight out, cannot be disputed, rpgs 30+ years ago that you played on a computer.
  12. A lot of the old games from the late 70s and 80s. Some you may class as adventure rpgs, other were pure rpgs. But there were rpgs back then, albeit in a very simple form. There was no character progression, no levels to go up, no skill points, very little to no choices but you did 'fight dragons and save the kingdom' so to speak. Feels like booting up my Atari 2600, C64 and 130XE.
  13. I was looking at some recent play throughs of BG1 (nearly finished playing a Druid) and my current play through of BG2 where I've finished Spellhold and the Underdark and now back in Athkatla to finish up some quests including Planar Sphere Stronghold, some high level encounters like the Twisted Rune before I head off to the Elven city and finish SoA. One thing you'll notice is most of the characters in BG2 are still using +2 weapons. Minsc's Flail of Ages and Keldorn's Carsomyr being the exceptions. And they're using the same ammunition like +2 bullets. Also the AC on these guys compared to my characters in BG1 are terrible despite being around level 15. Admittedly I still need to get some stuff like the Gauntlets of Dex for Keldorn. There's a shed load of high level stuff in BG1. Despite this, BG1 is a very fun game and the high level items have never detracted it for me. I do find it funny that my characters in BG2 seem underpowered compared to BG1 but whilst playing BG2, they never seem underpowered. On the contrary, they seem to get through the encounters without too much trouble. I put it down to BG1 characters with their +2 and +3 uber items can't hit for ****, and when they do, they do some but not mega amounts of damage. Whilst BG2 characters can hit everything they come across and pummel the enemy to death in a small amount of time. I conclude that it's not the items, but their bonus to hit (THAC0). This is where I believe Bioware got it right. They either kept or toned down some of the items in SoA. Kept the same ammunition. Toned down weapons like no +3 scimitars. Items like the Ring of Wizardry is part of the stronghold quest. The only time when you do get a lot of awesome +4 or +5 stuff on the main quest is in the Underdark and you don't get to keep it. And then you're back to your old gear. So while SoA does have a lot of cool weapons and armour, compared to BG1, it's not that uber powerful because your characters THAC0 makes up for it. It just appears the weapons are powerful because you're hitting everything and not missing. of course there are some OP items like Mace of Disruption and Celestial Fury, only because of what they can do. Not because they're +5 or +10 weapons. They're only a +1 Mace (before upgrade to +2) and +3 Katana. tldr; I think this is an idea where Obsidan can look at. Keep the +1/2/3 weapons in a sequel but expand on what those weapons can do. Because your bonus to hit will increase and you won't need an abundance of +4 and +5 weapons.
  14. Personally, there were items in BG1 that shouldn't have been there at all. But even so, those high level items didn't detract from the game imo. BG:EE made it even worse.
  15. I thought they went with classes because that's what the backers wanted. It could be a hard sell to win gamers over to have a fantasy party based IE type game without any classes. It'd cause a lot of confusion and questions being asked with, why isn't there a cleric, paladin, fighter, etc? This is a spiritual successor to the IE games and it has no classes? WTF? And then you'd have answers saying you can build a mage with the appropriate skills selected. This would probably be too hard for some people to grasp and they'd ask isn't it simpler to just put a mage in the game? Why do I have to select certain skills to make a mage? To have 6 classless party members in your party but make them into any class you wanted? Sounds like an IE Skyrim game. I recall Feargus mentioning an Eternity meets Skyrim game and the derision on these and other forums was enormous. I don't see the problem myself.
  16. Even if it's indie developers. I think it'd be cool to see Indie developers being able to choose which rule set they'd like to make a game with and Hasbro saying, 'yeah no problem. just pay us the royalties.' I've never bought an indie game before and I'd buy some of these games with previous rule sets. At the moment we're stuck with 4th ed.
  17. ah ok. That makes sense. Actually, that's pretty awesome. You would never know if you're 50,000 xp or 500xp away from levelling up. If you knew how much you were away from levelling up, you'd do a side quest before taking on a big fight to level up. When all the numbers are taken away, you'd have no idea and may likely do the fight first.
  18. I don't really see a benefit of hiding it. If quest xp was hidden, it would be easily worked out due to your character's xp changing from x to y. I also don't understand why people would reload to find out what gave you the most xp, unless you were writing a walkthrough. And if you wanted to get the maximum xp, a walkthrough would be far easier to check then reloading all the time.
  19. I've always wondered what games would be like if made with previous edition rule sets. I would love to try out a 1st ed or 2nd ed new game with todays technology, or at least in the same style of the IE games. Putting a stop to previous versions always seemed odd to me.
  20. I can't find the thread, but I'm pretty sure Josh was looking at things like the pick pocketing skill being changed from a random dice roll so you won't have to reload. It never bothered me if players reload or not. It's their game, not mine. There's plenty of potions of thievery in BG2 that you can use for specific quests. Maevar's Guildhall quest is one where you need a potion of Thievery if you're relying on Imoen as your thief. Save-scumming and reloading to get better outcomes is something they're looking at and there's been multiple threads on the subject.
  21. I thought I read somewhere that Chris Avellone said the first game was in one part of Eternity (the map we see) and if there was a second game, it may take place in another part of Eternity that hasn't been shown as yet. Maybe they do have an idea of where it's going to go. Edit: Found it. The first game is in the map we see. It's only a part of the world and Obsidian aren't ignoring the rest. Whether we see the rest of the world or not in the second game will be a mystery.
  22. I'm not bothered by it. I thought the dev's were trying to keep away from this sort of stuff? The reloading to get a better outcome? The reload to get your death spell off, a successful pick pocket, to do 'anything else better' type outcome?
  23. Yeah it's pretty delusional come to think of it. Considering you can have classes that can specialise in nearly any skill. I don't know how they're going to balance all the classes against each other and not have at least one stand out and make you go meh, not going to take it because this other class is better.
  24. That will probably encourage save scumming. Summon, berserk. reload, summon, not berserk, okay.
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