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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. No you said "some of those things" which is very vague. If you don't want people to misunderstand your meaning, try being more precise. If you read it in context, it is precise. I was answering a post above me. Try keeping it in context. How is his different than Baldur's Gate? You can reach the XP cap if you only play a fourth of the game and there are plenty of actions that are not rewarded with XP. I've never hit the level cap 1/4 of the way into Baldurs Gate. You must do a lot of side quests before you even reach Baldurs Gate. Or just play the main quest with very little side quests. However, when I do hit the level cap closer to the end of the game, I just concentrate on finishing the game. I don't bother with a lot of the other quests or loot, especially if the rewards are small. I wouldn't be surprised if the xp in PoE is spread over the game so you hit the level cap near the end of the game. What this does for me is make a lot of stuff during the game that you aren't rewarded with xp for become somewhat redundant. A locked chest guarded by some slimes with some gold and spells? If it's just some random encounter that's not part of a quest, then I don't care. Not enough of a reward to go in, have a fight, unlock it and take the small amount of loot. Maybe Obsidian will get rid of all the trash fights in PoE? The slimes in Davaeorn's lair in the Cloakwood mines is an example of this. It wasn't required to fight them. If something like this is in PoE, then it's not worth my time if I can pick up the same stuff elsewhere. In the BG games, you were rewarded. And you also had a very high level cap in BG2. Again, how is his different than Baldur's Gate? You don't need Varscona, The World's Edge, or Asheinda to beat the game, but they are quite nice to grab. It's different because you're mistaking quest items with non-quest items. The items you quoted are quest items with xp attached to them. However, there are magical items that are not part of a quest and I just ignore them as being too far out of my way, not as good as what I have, or for many other reasons.
  2. You didn't read my post properly. I never said to miss out on quests with xp. If you do all the quests that have xp and get the maximum amount of xp in the game, then you should be able to skip stuff that doesn't have xp tied to it. And it's been confirmed that there will be stuff that doesn't have xp. And loot? I won't need to collect all the loot in the game to finish it.
  3. This. You can skip some of those things. If you skip stuff in a game like BG2, then you lose out on xp. If you don't explore, you miss out on all those chests, enemies, traps and everything else that rewards you. If you play a game that is all quest based xp, you get all the xp regardless if you explored or not. I can see one of the challenges will be speed runs and how quickly you can do PoE and still get maximum xp. Missed out a 1/4 of the game but still got all my xp! winner!
  4. Or You sneak past the enemies and talk with the boss. Dazzle him with your charm and turn in the quest. 600xp thank you. Nice.
  5. I didn't back this as I'm a bit sceptical of the game, its funding and schedule. They're raising funds for Act 1 but if you back at a tier that includes Act 2 & 3, then who knows when that will be released. They say 9 months between each Act and going on their schedule, that means: Act 1 Dec 2015, Act 2 Sep 2016 and Act 3 Jun 2017 if everything goes to plan. And with game development, nothing goes to plan. After they release Act 1, they'll be spending time fixing bugs at the same time trying to release Act 2 in 9 months time? I don't see how. If they spend a couple of months fixing bugs, then their 9 month development time will be more like 6 months. Also, I thought it was a bit cheeky of them charging postage (to certain destinations) on their top tier as well.
  6. I'm just glad that an audio book of the novella comes with my tier as I can't pronounce half the names in the eternity world.
  7. I agree. And I like to be able to go back to quests that I previously skipped over. This is why I enjoy the Baldur's Gate games. You can usually go back and do those quests that appeared in earlier chapters. On my play through of BG2 and if I want Imoen in my party, I do the absolute bare minimum of quests and go off to the asylum to rescue her. Otherwise I find her to be too far behind in levels with the rest of my party if I stick around in Athkatla to do quests. And it's great when you get out from the Underdark, that there's so many quests to do.
  8. I'd like a T-Shirt that has comfort, softness, light weight, non-iron, slim cut & fit, durable, doesn't fade in the wash or the sun, prefer Egyptian cotton over Pima cotton and has a UV factor of 50+ for the harsh Australian sun.
  9. Perhaps the lore and background of the areas might be sparse before you arrive to avoid spoilers, but updated with more information after you arrive. When you arrive, the map is updated with interesting facts, information and lore. Similar to a streetwise check in pnp to find out about the town. It may help to clean up your journal entries and keep them concise. Journal entry might read, "Visited Dyrwood, interesting place with lore and History" and that Lore and History is on your wold map.
  10. I've finished with the trolling, so there's no point for you to continue it. And I get the impression you don't want me to explain it further since my posts are well explained. It seems you just want to be argumentative considering a few troll posts by Indira have been liked by you. You can have the last say as well.
  11. I'd say it started with Ms Pacman and her FM Boots.
  12. Your admitted trolling? Okay. You got me. I need to stop feeding the troll. You can have the last say.
  13. The old no hard feelings, but.. Which means you do have hard feelings. And the same can be said of you. Stop taking this personal if someone has legitimate concerns. There's another strawman argument again in your post. We have been constructive but some posters (including yourself) have taken it personal. And you admit that you did make a war out of this. I think you need to take a chill pill.
  14. It seems you want to be proven wrong. Okay. Not sure why some people on this forum can't see this. Here's an easy one. The strawman accusation you accused others of is also a strawman in itself. You said: "You keep coming back to that strawman situ, where an INT or CHA check will solve any tough encounter" = Strawman argument. This implies that any tough encounter I or others come across in the game will be solved by an INT or CHA check. While it 'might' get us past some encounters, it won't get us past 'any' encounter in the game. Another way to look at it is, Pick any card from this deck. That means every card from this deck is open for you to pick a card from. Replacing card with encounter, that means any encounter in the game which includes the end boss. No one said this was the case. But you're using the strawman argument, misrepresenting us, that others and myself have said any encounter in the game can get passed with an INT or Cha check, which we didn't. That was you. I can use smilies too. eh, so If I like a post by someone in this thread that you don't like..., you're now taking issue with it? LMAO. A bit precious aren't we? Behaving this way? How are we behaving? That we have legitimate concerns about one aspect of the game? So you have a problem with posters who don't conform to your way of thinking because we've expressed concerns? wow, just wow.
  15. I chose not to because it was going off topic. However there are mutilple strawman examples in your post. But not happy with me ignoring your post to name one example, you continued to quote me and use even more strawman arguments. And your second post where I did answer and show a strawman, there were actually 4 strawman examples and a red herring. So if you want to bring up logical fallacies into this, then a bit of research is in order. And if you're going to accuse others of strawman arguments, then at least check your own posts first, considering you're doing the very thing that you accuse others of. No it's not. And no one has claimed that "Obsidian will make a sneak- and smooth-talking mechanic that will make a walk in the park of the game". You're making those strawman arguments again. I haven't made that claim. You're making out that I have. Show me where I said that? You can't because I never did. I also never said anything about lazy design. You're the one accusing people including myself of saying that when no one did. So how about actually reading what people write as well as stop misquoting me. It makes you look bad. More personal attacks and more misrepresentation of myself. So what was the point of replying to me? Just to go on some wild rant and misquote me? To make out I said things that I didn't? You've got some serious problems if you can't discuss the concerns of people on this forum, continually misquote and misrepresent what others have said, to make out I said things I didn't and to continue to take this off topic.
  16. Right click on the IE game maps was for notes. It would be good to be able to write notes too.
  17. I certainly do, but you don't read what I or anybody else write. Nobody ever said "emphasising that all party members will be all-sneaking or smooth-talking". The issue was parties that emphasized sneaking or smooth-talking. And most doom-n-gloom posts on the difficulty of Path of the Damned and no kill xp in this thread and in others indeed repeatedly make a strawman case of non-demanding playthroughs, devoid of combat, and lazy design, where a little bit of sneaking or smooth talking will make your party reach the end of the game in no time. In what way do dialogue or sneak options water down the challenge in Path of the Damned or the game in general? Are we even on the same page that it is great that these options are included in PE? Actually I do read what you write but nice way to misrepresent me. Can't debate the points so you attack the person with straw man arguments. And no one is talking about Path of the Damned with things like "lazy design". That's a straw man right there! Who has said Path of the Damned has lazy design? You are saying posters in this thread are bringing up Path of the Damned has "lazy design"? The only person that has brought up "lazy design" is you! Yep, keep bringing up these strawman arguments with things like "lazy design" if it makes it easier to attack other posters on this forum - even though no one had mentioned Path of the Damned has "lazy design".. Bringing up things like 'How is Obsidian going to do ..... in Path of the Damned?' is not all doom-n-gloom posts. They're legitimate questions and speculating on Path of the Damned with what it's based on (HoF) is legitimate discussion. Just because it's not all 'everything will be great' and 'have faith'TM posts doesn't mean it's all doom and gloom.
  18. Nobody is saying you can do a pacifist play through. Also, no one is emphasising that all party members will be all-sneaking or smooth-talking. If you have one party member that can talk their way through encounters, the other five battle/combat heavy characters should just breeze right through. Being able to talk your way through some parts of the game has been confirmed. We already know that. Or are the dialogue options going to be changed for Path of the Damned? Seems a lot of work changing the dialogue from the normal game to Path of the Damned and creating a new game. And speaking of strawmans. There are so many examples in your post, one wonders if you read what you write.
  19. You won't need a party to have the necessary skills. You probably only need one party member to have the necessary speech skills. So you'll still be an effective party in combat.
  20. No, that's not it at all. The challenge of HoF mode in the IWD games is to finish the game. 99.9% of the combat was unavoidable. The same challenge with Path of the Damned will also be to finish the game. It's not about the combat, it's to finish the game and say 'Yes, I finished HoF / PotD'. Not, 'I just did 500 battles in HoF mode'.
  21. The World Map has one use of being able to fast travel from one location to another when you click on that location. You could have a mouse over where you put your cursor on a location and a small box opens with the lore and history and then click on that location to travel to, but I would find the mouse over / pop up annoying after a while and would want to turn it off.
  22. Can you explain what you mean by 'contains plenty of lore and history about locations' as I don't see much on that map.
  23. Taking the violence-free option doesn't mean you don't get any loot. All it means is you don't 'all' the loot that you could have got if you fought your way through the game. If the violence-free option equates to the majority of the loot in the game, then you'll still get loot to sell. And with that income, you'll buy good items from merchants. So I don't see being able to sell stuff as an incentive to get into a fight, especially on Path of the Damned mode. Also, one of the hardest parts of HoF mode in IWD was the early levels when you were very squishy. The beetles and Goblins at the start helped you level up but it was still a hard fight with the Goblins. Now with PoE, it seems you can simply talk or sneak your way past those encounters and level up.
  24. I'd like to know this as well. Given that Obsidian has said you can negotiate or sneak past enemies and still get xp, then I'd be avoiding fights in these harder modes, especially if the loot they have is trash.
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