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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. Since Obsidian have outsourced some work, I'd say they're probably doing everything they can to remain on schedule.
  2. Because there are spells that don't use duration or aoe. eg. Magic Missile. There are more spells that are not aoe compared to aoe spells when looking at the IE games. And as I said before: taking the basis of the IE games, there are more non-aoe spells than aoe spells as you level up. And I wouldn't be too concerned about duration in short encounters when I'm dealing high damage. And it's possible that high damage will make those encounters shorter. Duration is good for long battles and this is one of the drawbacks of a muscle wizard with low INT, but without knowing the length of encounters in the game the muscle wizard still seems like a good option for me. But then how many long battles compared to short battles were there in the IE games? I would say the majority of battles weren't that long. Also, a lot of aoe spells are not party friendly. Some encounters may be too small to use aoe spells like fireball when you're in a small room or dungeon. A muscle wizard seems like a good complement to a party as it doesn't hurt your party members with aoe spells and can dish out a lot of damage in a short period of time. Sounds like a good build for boss fights where your melee characters are in the thick of it. How would I know if 'most of the spells' in the game lack any form of duration? What a silly question. They haven't been released yet. Nobody knows. And even if some spells have duration, look at my answer above re: short encounters. Are there going to be spells that don't have duration or aoe? Yes, because the PoE trailer shows us. The disconnect is not what I'm arguing about in our builds. I'm not even telling anyone how they should do their builds or how to create their characters. The disconnect is what you're arguing about on information that hasn't been released, about hypotheticals that don't make sense, and about levelling up characters and saying things like "The further you progress, the more unlikely it seems". This doesn't even make any sense when you have no information at hand to back you up. No, it seems you can't accept the concept that given the information at hand, it may be possible to create a Wizard with low INT, pump up Might and still be an effective and viable option to a traditional aoe wizard. Not once have you considered a low INT wizard could be viable. Instead you want to believe that you need INT for wizards, especially when you level up.
  3. Why would it seem unlikely if you don't even know? Especially as you level up? It seems odd to be arguing from a position with no information released on spells, especially since Josh mentioned you could do a muscle wizard. There may be some drawbacks to a muscle wizard like not being able to do aoe spells, but that's the whole point of this type of muscle wizard because that's what a traditional wizard would be for. If we use the IE games as a basis with its spells, not only does it seem likely that a muscle wizard with low INT is a viable option, it's even more viable as you do level up. Because most of the spells are not aoe. It would probably be a great alternative to a traditional wizard. And having both a muscle wizard and an aoe wizard in the same party would likely complement each other. It sure seems that way.
  4. I disagree. Until someone from Obs says INT affects all spells and how they're affected (including protection disabling spells like Breach, Pierce Magic, and spells that don't have duration or aoe like Magic Missile), then I'll still believe you can create viable builds with and without INT. EDIT: Apparently I was right. Josh has said in this very thread that you can build a Muscle Wizard. I didn't even know Josh posted it. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64964-update-70-new-year-project-update/page-6?do=findComment&comment=1407834
  5. I don't see it limiting myself if I have a Wizard that doesn't specialise in aoe spells or doesn't use INT. I could have a second Wizard in my party to do that. Also how does a spell like Magic Missile damage over time? I had three types of 'Wizards' (Drow Conjurer, Human Sorcerer, Aasimar Sorcerer) in a recent play through of IWD2 with each one specialising in a different area of magic, each had completely different stats from each other and they were all quite OP. Creating different builds isn't limiting yourself, it opens up new possibilities that you would have never guessed and perhaps the developers never anticipated. Some might see it as breaking the game.
  6. It doesn't really tells us a great deal though. I can understand cleric spells like Bless would increase in duration (extra rounds) if you had a higher INT and aoe spells would increase in size, but spells like Flame Arrow and Magic Missile, duration and aoe is meaningless. Unless duration also has an affect on casting time? So how does a higher INT help with spells like Magic Missile and Flame Arrow? Or Breach type spells. If I was playing a Wizard that didn't specialise in aoe spells, then INT seems meaningless as Might is a lot better for damage. eg. the village idiot called Grog who can't string two sentences together can do a whole lot of damage with Magic Missile and Flame Arrow if I pump up stats like Might, Dexterity, Perception. Probably would dump Resolve. The Resolve is a little weird as well. Usually in D&D spell lasts as long as you concentrate on it. But if a spell goes off straight away like Magic Missile, then it's done. You don't need to concentrate. So I don't really see the point of Resolve. With a Fighter after a battle, regeneration is instant. During fights, I believe the duration on regen would be so insignificant, you wouldn't even notice the difference if you had a high or low INT.
  7. I'd like to know more about this as well. The character sheet doesn't explain in detail what it does.
  8. ROFL. You gave an example that was wrong and then want me to do your work and come up with a better example for you. Nice try. Are you being argumentative for the sake of it because it sure sounds like it. If I'm playing a character and I want to change the characters weapons during the game, then it usually comes down to skills and if I can use a bow or sword, not the primary attribute points. The only reason I see in wanting to change primary attributes halfway through a game is if you wanted to change from say a Trickster Rogue to a Brawny Rogue. And PoE doesn't have kits.
  9. Perhaps using a better example because your D&D rogue example didn't make much sense when a rogue's biggest damage output will be sneak attack and it's harder to sneak attack with a crossbow than it is with a melee weapon. So most rogues will be melee characters to pull off a sneak attack every round. Also, I see a lot of similarities with 4E and PoE, especially with a lot of comments from Josh. Similar with the classes, especially with the Rogue in PoE being a striker which is the same as in 4E. I can see a lot of glass cannons with PoE with sacrificing other stats to pump up Might (Dex and Perception) to do max damage. And this will be for most classes. Resolve seems to be the dump stat to me. Even if there's negative effects with dumping Resolve, if my party is still doing damage every round then the characters are doing their job.
  10. I think some people who have paid for the beta may not know what they're paying for. I can see a lot of ill-informed negative comments about the game having bugs, instead of giving feedback to Obsidian with what bugs they've found for them to squish? Oh joy, something to look forward to.
  11. Or maybe you're just not good at playing games. Perhaps the IE games are too technical for you to play. Maybe it's time for you to play some Facebook games. You have players at varying skills. You have players that are good at playing games, players that are average and some that aren't good at playing games. That's why there is a sliding scale of difficulty in games. While some people may find the encounters challenging and win on the first go, other players don't have the ability to do so and may take them 17 reloads. Those people who have to reload 17 times or take 30-40 minutes to beat an encounter are just not good at playing games and I don't see why encounters have to be taken into account for the lowest common denominator.
  12. Another strawman argument Lephys. You say you don't even know what I'm saying and then immediately say I'm applying all kinds of words arbitrarily which I'm not. But nice try in misrepresenting me.
  13. I agree, the name needs to be changed. It looks like a portmanteau of two words being Paladin and a word ending in gina joined together. Probably due to being a female paladin.
  14. Well, yeah it should be possible to beat everything in one go in any game. But why would you want a game like that where you beat everything in one go? It doesn't sound challenging to me and it doesn't necessarily make you change tactics or do things in different ways and approach situations differently. If you're going to succeed in doing something a certain way, then why change the way you play to succeed in another way? As Stun said, there's many ways to defeat Kangaxx. Some of the ways I've read on forums I would never have guessed. That's the challenge with difficult battles. People at different levels find different ways to defeat him and post online. And it challenges the way you think and approach different situations when you're up against difficult foes.
  15. Can you show some of those examples between them? Considering you've said there's a lot of room between them.
  16. Pot calling the Kettle Black. Why do you counter with extreme examples yourself? And there is more than one way to win an encounter in the IE games. You don't have to try 17 different things to find the one that works. And I highly doubt if they're intelligent and tactical if you had to reload 17 times.
  17. And this is not limited to crpgs. It's the same with rts, fps, arpg and many other computer and non-computer games. It seems it's not a certain type of computer game that you're having trouble with but games in general.
  18. Well you've just described most games in existence and not just computer games. Which also includes such classics like Fallout 1. I'd be sceptical if anyone was able to kill the Mother Deathclaw in the L.A. Boneyard Warehouse on their very first play through. They would have had to reload and change their tactics to kill her.
  19. Isn't that for a lot of games, not just crpgs? Maybe not character generation for some games (because you may get a pre-generated character) but certainly character development and what items to have. I don't understand why reloading seems to be a major problem with crpgs, but it's okay for other games. The only way to eliminate reloading is to eliminate death altogether and you never die, which some games sadly do.
  20. You didn't need to buy them. Ring of Wizardy is outside the Friendly Arm Inn, +2 Long Sword Varscona is with Greywolf and you can kill him outside the Nashkel mines, Wand of frost is outside the Nashkel Mines, pick pocket Drizzt for his +3 Scimitar, Ankheg Armor at Nashkel field. All free loot and at a very low level for your characters. Now if you can hit anything with those swords, then great. But you'll be missing 99% of the time, so they're useless for now until you level up a few levels. My first play through when the game was released was finding the Wand of Frost, killing Greywolf and pick pocketing Drizzt. I didn't know about the Ring of Wizardry until I read a walkthrough.
  21. I know people who have tried an all white challenge but died before getting to level 60 but I wasn't one of them. Seriously though, even if the loot that drops seem like trash, you can still finish Inferno with those drops. I seriously have to question people's ability to play games if they can't finish Inferno now and need the Auction House to help them. If you bought off the Auction House then yes, of course the drops will be trash because you're buying uber items and getting the cream of the crop. It wasn't a grind if you level up each character class and gender. More than 90% of achievements can be unlocked by levelling up normally. The 3 achievements I have left to get is pick up 100M Gold, Hero's New Clothes (only have Azmodan ticked) and Craft all Maximum level gems. I could get help with hero's new clothes but can't be bothered. The grind would be to pick up 100mil gold and craft all the gems as I can't be bothered running around picking up gold off the ground.
  22. Not to sound like an asshat, there is a manual that come with the game. The IE games have very in depth manuals and tell you what stats you should put points into with different classes and what their primary stats are. Even some enounters like on page 63 with some spiders inflicting poison. Therefore, I should really save those healing poison potions if I come across some spiders? I really do think the day of reading a manual is something of the past these days with a lot of gamers with digital downloads and gamers wanting to play straight away instead of reading for an hour or so to find out how to play the game. Not like years ago when you bought a game from a shop and read the manual on your way home.
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