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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. So what is it Bruce. Are you trolling or joking. Because it's obvious you're not being serious.
  2. The difference is we don't claim on this forum that we have never made a troll post. Bruce does.
  3. It's not my assessment. I was quoting someone else and it's a basis of fact when dealing with science. You are trolling and you know it. It's counterproductive to ignore the facts, ignore the valid arguments people have put forward in these romance threads, ignore anything that goes against your view point just to post frivolous dismissive comments. We both know it even if you want to play a game of dodge and evade. There's been countless valid points raised against romances. And you've made a frivolous post saying you haven't seen a single valid reason against romances. It's not only ludicrous, it's trolling pure and simple.
  4. No Bruce. The OP's first post has been proven to be biased with it's so called science and not using science for it's against argument. It's neither intelligent nor logical. Bruce, you should take note of the intelligent posts that highlighted the OP's biased first post and not ignoring those posts. And there's been valid reasons why not to have romances. This post of yours is trolling. It really is. And I think you know it does as you're just **** stirring by saying things like, not seeing one valid reason and saying to other posters to be honest with themselves. Seriously, it's just trolling posters on this forum and everyone can see it.
  5. You can min-max with point buy too. It will be good to see if you can do the same with PoE and see some of the builds people come up with.
  6. Good one. Metiman has a KS account and in a different country to you. Also, he appears to be from the Codex from what I can tell. Not sure if he uses the Metiman name on the Codex or if it's just an alt. His comments on this forum and KS also have a Codex feel to them. His KS comments are quite funny too.
  7. I wish Metiman would come back. We need him to continue to show his views on the subject and liven up the thread.. He seems to have vanished.
  8. I want to see it hit 20 pages. And there you have it. Oh and obligatory dead horses.
  9. I decided to take Metiman's recommendation of watching Deadgirl on the weekend. Yeah, I can see where he's coming from. I'm sure there's an Insanity Wolf meme in there somewhere.
  10. Where has that been confirmed in the game? I haven't read anywhere that if you take your time exploring the game world, undead will change from one type to another because you were too slow getting to them. And I very much doubt this would be the case.
  11. That's way too creepy for me. Casting an illusion spell on yourself to look like someone else so you can romance that person's betrothed. I don't want to even go there.
  12. My dad always played his records on the old record player and that was one of them. The same with Engelbert Humperdinck. He still has them... and the old record player. Haven't been around to his place for a while.
  13. I'm hoping everyone will jump in and post something, clocking up numerous pages so eventually this thread can be closed. Also, if there's going to be discussion about romances in crpgs, then perhaps open up a thread in the 'Computer and Console' sub forum and make your case there. Creating new threads in the PoE forums on things that's been confirmed isn't going to be in a game, is just trolling the PoE forum.
  14. I've been getting upgrades galore. It never stops. New big arse sword for my Barb that replaces my IK's Boulder Breaker. I like the fact that a) most items that drop when you take out a class will be mostly for that class. eg. When you take out a Barb, most items that drop will be for your Barb. When you take out a Monk, most drops will be for your Monk. and b) all class specific items now roll their primary stat plus vitality. eg. Barb items always roll STR and Vit. Monk items always roll DEX and Vit. No more Barb items with INT.
  15. I believe there may be a new add on for backers from Obsidian. Perhaps the promancers can check out the backer portal for this new add-on for their order. A book for all modders out there.
  16. Romances are just like crafting boots.... make me some boots woman!
  17. Totally agree. It feels like we've been playing Beta and they've finally gone back and finished the game. Comparing Paragon to how it was to now are just two totally different systems. I've gone from booting up D3, looking at it and thinking 'ugh, no thanks' and closing it, to running home from school like a little kid and wanting to play it. Or in my case, wanting to get home from work and wanting to play it. Well done Blizzard, I would never have thought they could change the way I thought of D3.
  18. Well after about three hours of playing, I probably have at least 25-30 upgrade items for my characters. Legendary drops have all been upgrades. Also had the below flail drop for me for a crusader which I'll keep for now until the expansion is released. Crusader Flail. No idea if it's good or not. The crafting has changed heaps. I just realised all my Tomes of Secrets have changed to Demon Essences. There's no more pages or books anymore. And a few of the salvage items have changed too. Interesting stuff. Also, there's a new White Gem called the Diamond. Had a blast playing this. Considering I gave up on it nearly a year ago, I was really dreading the expansion thinking it wouldn't add much to the game. Now, it's like a whole new game. The new achievements kind of give away parts of the story, but I'm really looking forward to see how it all plays out. I'd say it's pretty damn good and can't wait for the expansion. Although, it does feel like you're playing part of the expansion already with how much has changed.
  19. I've been playing for the last hour or so and I'm getting a lot of upgrades for my characters. The loot is great and it's put the fun back into the game. Also found a new legendary crossbow in Act 4 which is also an upgrade. Achievements are coming thick and fast too. I was 45% and now 50%.
  20. I'm always amazed at what prices used to be back in the 90s and turn of the century compared to now, and I was paying more for games 15-20 years ago. It surprises me that some developers can keep in business when the overall price of games have dropped over the years, but costs keep going up.
  21. Some screen shots when you update with the latest patch and log in. New difficulty levels. No more Nightmare Hell or Inferno. I used to have 99% achievements and only had like 2 or 3 left. Now it's dropped down to 45%. lol
  22. No, because they were in the game and multi and dual class Fighters (Mage/Druid/Cleric) can use spells. And a lot of power gamers did that. Dual class a Fighter or Fighter Kit to a Mage. While you can have a multi-classed Dwarf Fighter that can use spells, that same character can't have a romance. Also, considering that you've said in the other romance thread that you don't discriminate and see reasonable arguments on the no romance side of the discussion. What are your reasonable arguments that you would not want to see romances in PoE? Why don't you want romances in PoE?
  23. Perhaps to you. For me it's not the romances. And many parties I played through in BG2 had no romances, which turns out there was no significant part at all. This kotaku article is how I feel about BG2 and mentions no romances. http://kotaku.com/baldurs-gate-ii-is-still-one-of-the-greatest-rpgs-ever-1278311582
  24. I don't see why you would be expecting romances. The core features and selling point of the IE games are not romances.
  25. I'm guessing the type of undead in the update would include the D&D equivalent of Ghasts, Devourers, Lacedons, Liches, Mummies and similar monsters? Also, will there be other types of undead like Ghosts, Shadows, Spectres and Wraiths and will have a different type of Lore and reasoning behind them?
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