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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. So again, you admit you troll this topic specifically and try to resist the temptation to poke the "hardcore" fanbase on just about all other topics. How about stop trolling and either don't participate in the discussion or ignore it completely. People are debating the issue and points are being raised and refuted. What the discussion doesn't need is someone like you jumping in trolling the discussion just because you get some enjoyment out of it.
  2. Thanks for highlighting my point tajerio. Unable to abandon the ship without taking one last swipe at others (Stun and myself) and Lephys liking your post. No no no, you misunderstand me. I am still most amused and thus not abandoning ship. No no no, you misunderstand me. I am not talking about abandoning the ship (with posting comments) and not reading the thread. I'm talking about still taking those swipes at people with your posts. Thus, still continuing to not just be part of the ship, but also contributing to this sinking further with your swipes at others. So while you may feel amused at taking cheap swipes and attacks at people, I'm sure others aren't.
  3. Another strawman you're trying to blow over. Where did I say you aren't allowed to continue to read a thread? Completely false. And the fact is you do like posts to spite people you disagree with on these forums. It's one thing to like posts that have reasoned points in discussing the actual topic that's been discussed by posters. It's another to like troll posts. And you have a history of liking self confessed troll posts by others due to those people debating against others you disagree with.
  4. I'm curious to know the time frame it takes from concept to completion with all the models. Was it just Polina doing all the concepts or were there other artists? Once the concept is finished, how long does it take to model it? How much time is spent polishing the model until you get it to a level when it goes into the game? How many models are there that this process has to be repeated? I assume a lot of models will use the same wire frame. How much time did this cut down on production time with using the same wire frames? When you have some weird models like beholder with eye stalks, how much time is spent on these harder models compared to the easier ones?
  5. Thanks for highlighting my point tajerio. Unable to abandon the ship without taking one last swipe at others (Stun and myself) and Lephys liking your post.
  6. No Lephys. I didn't mention anything about I win. Nice try. And I've never watched the movie Big Daddy. So I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, I never said 'so what' because I wasn't baiting anyone. He accuses me of baiting (which I'm not) and then baits me with his posts. The guy is a hypocrite. The fact is Ffordesoon is baiting people. He admits that he doesn't want to be part of the discussion and wants to attack people. And you're okay with this. You're okay with people like Ffordesoon attacking other posters. That really says a lot about your character. Anybody like Ffordesoon who posts trolls, attacks people with no substance and is a hypocrite, you're fine with because they are attacking people that disagree with you. This seems to be your thought process: . o O (Keep going Ffordesoon and anybody else, keep posting those troll posts and attacks on Hiro, Stun, etc, so I can like them) The fact is this post of yours is just another troll bait post and further takes this off topic. I've been part of the discussion. You are not contributing anything other than to incite another response from myself by this post. Yep Lephys. Some men can't be reasoned with like yourself. Some men just want to watch the thread burn like yourself.
  7. The fact you still engage with me goes against what you're saying. Well, good bye. I hope you can get over that bridge and not take it upon yourself to jump into threads and attack people. We already have moderators on the forum and don't need backbench moderators like yourself. I await our next engagement where you can't sit idly by and jump into threads, don't contribute to the discussion and attack people like myself.
  8. So now you're trolling and baiting with your posts. You admit you don't contribute to discussions but just want to attack people on this forum. And you show no proof or facts. All you've done is shown your opinions. The fact is you're doing to me (baiting) what you accuse me of doing to others. Well done.
  9. You miss the point that in Go, all the pieces are the same. In Chess, you have different pieces that can do different moves. However, the enemy has the same pieces and the same number of pieces as you. Regardless if its chess or Go. In Go, the simplicity is that there are no different pieces. There is no variation in the pieces. And yet you want all games including crpgs (as well as PoE) to strive for that elegance and simplicity? To have a crpg that has the same pieces and same number of pieces with the enemy. No ability to develop your character with skills or feats and if you do, then the enemy has to do the same. You basically want a mirror copy of your party or character to go up against. That's one of the reasons why Go is popular. It's because there's a level playing field between the opponents. There's no one person is stronger than the other. No enemies that are higher in strength to challenge you. There's no 'dragon' to fight with your party. No thanks.
  10. That it's completely pointless and doesn't contribute anything to the discussion, much like this one? Thanks for proving my point.
  11. I don't see how Go has any relevance to this discussion. It's not a crpg. And game developers should not be aspiring to the extreme of have their crpgs like Go. That means your character only has a certain amount of abilities all at once at the start, middle and end of the game. There would be no development in character. Just like it is in Go. You have no development in your pieces, they are all the same at the start, middle and end of the game. You can't even add skills or feats. Nothing. And the enemies would have all the same abilities and skills and be the same as you. No thanks.
  12. You're right in that the non-hardcore and hardcore characters do not share the same stash, artisans, etc. They're two separate games. As Indira pointed out, Hardcore characters will share the same stash with each other, like the softcore characters. But they don't share overall between hardcore and non-hardcore, otherwise that would be cheating. As a tip for those who want to hunt achievements, the best and efficient way to get them is to do them in hardcore and preferably in a co-op game. The reason is you get two or three 'ticks' in HC than doing them in a softcore single player game. eg. Kill Adria on Softcore (normal) single player gets you one achievement in Campaign. Kill Adria on the same level in HC gets two ticks with the Hardcore and campaign achievements. Do it in a Hardcore co-op game and you get a third achievement in the co-op achievements. It's the same with killing Uniques, rares, champions. Do it in HC and you get both the HC tick and challenges tick. But doing it in Softcore only gets you one tick and you have to do it all over again in HC. So while it looks like I've spent a lot of time getting these achievements, I really haven't.
  13. I levelled up my Crusader to level 43 and equipped the level 70 sword from my Barb and wow. I went to T1 and he was one shotting everything. Went up to T3 and he was either two or three shotting everything and found that a nice level to be at. Minions were still be killed with one click of the mouse. Also, I have 6600 achievement points now. One person in our clan has hit 7000. Knocked over the Adria speed boss kill in HC and we killed her in about 2 seconds. I've been on and off, real life stuff (work, girlfriend, etc) so I missed out on being one of the first people to get it. A few in the clan have all the speed boss kill achievements and helping others to get it now. Also, my HC Monk looks like a pirate with a huge hook.
  14. I started a Crusader yesterday and have him up to level 42 atm. Some set plans dropped earlier in my levelling and now he has four level 42 set items. Helm, Gloves, Armour and Pants. I've hard to ramp the difficulty up to Master as he was one shotting everything on Normal. Click, dead. Click, dead. I also have a 27 level reduced level 70 weapon from my Barb that he will be able to use at level 43 with 2200+ life on hit. I expect I'll be able to play T1 a fair bit with this weapon. At least until he gets around level 60 and then I'll reassess the difficulty. But I saved a lot of items when Loot 2.0 was released so he has items including some ridiculously OP weapons from level 60-70. I love the horse though. Riding it downstairs in dungeons always brings a smile and a giggle.
  15. Not baiting at all. The fact that you accuse myself (and stun) with baiting and not Lephys is ridiculous. Also, I don't think you are sorry at all for backbench moderating. The forum already has moderators. Many people come onto the forums and don't feel compelled to moderate others, so why you? You don't see myself or other people telling posters what to do and what not to do. If you don't like how a discussion is turning out, why not move on? There's many threads on these forums that I read and yet I don't feel compelled to jump in (even if I don't like how a discussion is turning out), to chastise and backbench moderate. A totally random post that attacks other posters and nothing else. Maybe I see my time as important than jumping into a thread to backbench moderate and attack other posters. All I see with your post is accusatory finger pointing while letting Lephys off with his incorrect points. You use words like 'If Lephys', but then attack us. How long did you spend time forming this post? Wouldn't it be better to actually contribute to the discussion? No? If anything, your post is the one who's baiting as it doesn't contribute anything to the discussion, uses nonsensical arguments to back up your position and overall completely pointless.
  16. I would not recommend taking on Malthael prior to level 70. Mainly because he drops a guaranteed legendary/set item once you defeat him. It's better to wait until level 70 to get that guaranteed level 70 item. If you beat him prior to level 70, that guaranteed item will be worthless by the time you do hit level 70 and you've just wasted the guaranteed drop. Afterwards, it's random if he drops anything.
  17. Another case of dodging the issue and then veering off on some wild insane tangent with some example of setting paper on fire. Using science and real life examples like lighting a match and setting paper on fire is irrelevant. I have no idea how anyone can come up with something so preposterous. Truly insane. I'd recommend actually playing BG2 and experimenting with all the spells and then you'll realise that insta-death type spells aren't all that. If you are going to use real life examples like setting paper on fire, how is shooting an arrow at an enemy in the hand or arm or their eye the same damage? Ever heard of critical hits? Why shouldn't a critical hit (especially to the head) result in near insta-death? A lot of game systems have that. And that could be skill. Or pot luck just like a lottery. Like it can happen in real life. And if you do acknowledge that critical hits for things like melee or ranged weapons can happen which they should, as a lot of game systems do, which can result in possible insta-death type scenarios, then why not something similar with insta-death type spells. "I acknowledge just about every single thing presented in counter to my arguments"? So, you're just debating for debating's sake. Anyone counters your posts, you feel compelled to acknowledge what they point out and go the opposite way. Well, that's just being stubborn. How about actually playing BG2 to test out your theories. And as Stun said, BG2 was a critical success and part of the enjoyment players had were with the spells and the variety they had. Okay. you can have the last say, even though it will probably be more nonsense.
  18. I think that's a left over from vanilla D3. One with Everything and Seize the Initiative. I've been doing SC over the last week, levelling up a Barbarian, Monk, Wizard and finished off a DH today. Three other players from the clan asked me to join their little group and we worked out how to do the HC speed boss kills in Act 5. Unity is a passive I'll need to use for this. A couple of us (another guy and myself ) need to improve our DPS before we try it. And we're going to test it on Adria first as she's the easiest boss of the three. On normal Urzael is a push over, but on T1 he's as bad as Malthael. My monk has 295K dps unbuffed which is enough for T1 but not for a speed kill. Need to get it to at least 500K. So we're going to do rifts over the next few days for items. My monk did kill Adria on SC with a dps of 305K a couple of days ago. And no, it's not an April fools joke.
  19. Someone in my clan asked if they could have some help with a HC boss kill achieve and I said, yeah sure. He invited me and I thought huh, you're only level 60. He said he didn't have RoS. We went in with my level 70 monk and his level 60 monk and helped him get the achievement. He was at max level and I was too on T1 so the game registered it for him. I know some people might not be financially able to buy RoS for different reasons or they might not see the value in the price, but my initial thoughts were, I could never go back to vanilla D3 and campaign. It feels like half a game. It would be so much of a drag just doing the campaign over and over. Just thinking about it makes me go 'ugh'. Everything about the expansion and Adventure mode is where it's at. Once you've experienced it, you can never go back.
  20. Lephys, what I've found with your theorycrafting guessing about a system and gameplay that you've never tried (eg. BG2 and it's various spells and ways to use them) is that a lot of what you say doesn't make sense. And it doesn't help when you litter your posts with exaggerated examples that aren't in the game. Take for example another games like Diablo 3. Your follower, the Enchantress has the ability to turn most enemies into a chicken. Even some bosses like Zoltun Kulle. I even posted a screen shot of it in the Diablo 3 thread. When in chicken form, the enemy can't do anything other than run around like a chicken. It's also an aoe spell. So if the Enchantress casts it on a group of enemies, they all turn into chickens. Even though it has a short duration, it's basically an insta-death spell because you can go and kill them while they don't harm you. Does it detract from the game? Hell, no. It's frickin hilarious if she pulls it off. Games are meant to be fun and stuff like this is fun for a lot of players. If it's not fun for you, then play the game your way. Don't use the spell. Nobody's forcing you. But at least let us who enjoy the spells in BG2 to have fun with them. If the rules or game allows it, I don't see a problem with insta-death type spells.
  21. I've been achievement hunting this week. I'll post a screenshot in a few days. I have a certain number to get to by this weekend before I post the screen shot. Also, congratulations. Good strategy to beat Malthael at a low level. The only thing that goes against this since I did it with my Monk is the guaranteed legendary that he drops is now gone. So that level 63 legendary you received will be obsolete when you hit level 70. But I was like you and rather live to tell about it than try at level 70 and possibly die. What I do now is beat Malthael on level 70 to get the guaranteed level 70 legendary/set item when you first beat him with my other characters that I'm levelling up. If I'm only a couple of levels from 70, I hold off and level up in Adventure mode and then go back to Campaign and defeat Malthael at level 70. And Epiphany is great. It's my favourite Monk skill. It's like WotB for the Barbarian but smaller duration and cooling time. You're not affected by the environment like freeze and you teleport to anybody you attack. And the spirit regen is great.
  22. No. nice try though. Why would Obsidian try to explain it that way for people to get it? To list four roles? Is Obsidian marketing the game to WoW players now? I didn't realise people who played the IE games needed for it to be explained that way. And here's some questions for you: Why would Obsidian explain it this way for 'players to get' if you say 'It actually makes it worse and dumbs it down farther'.? Considering you think it's stupid to associate 'leader' with 'healer', you must think PoE and the dev's are stupid to associate "healer" with "leader"? Why would Obsidian explain the game to the casual crowd with WoW terms if this game is aimed at a niche market? No, the fact is there is a lot taken from 4th ed with PoE. The roles, a lot of the abilities of the classes. Many things. Have you actually played 4th ed? 4th ed turned the roles upside down. Because there are four roles in the game. Not three.
  23. So you play D&D 4th ed? What about Lair Assault type encounters? If not, then perhaps looking them up and educating yourself? Well, those are designed with the assumption that TPKs are not only possible, but likely, even with a 'correct' party composition, so... So do you play 4th ed? And if we did have a tank, we would have beaten it. Party composition is important and you need all four roles for them. And the likely outcome when we play Lair Assault type encounters is we win, not a TPK. Teamwork is a must with all four roles in them. We rarely get TPKs and some of the closest encounters we have is one man left standing. Resurrection at Temples are a great thing.
  24. Funny, because the Weinstein Company was going to cut 25 minutes for north American release before widespread outcry made them back down. Yeah, I know. I heard about Weinstein Co wanted to cut scenes and shorten it. It just seemed overly long and would've been better if they tightened up the script to make it about 15 minutes shorter. Cut a few seconds here, 10 seconds there. Overall, they could have shortened it a little by at least 10 mins, maybe 15. And you wouldn't have noticed it imo. 25 minutes is too much and would've butchered it.
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