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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. The only word I could find from on high was from Feargus, which we now know to be 200 chars I'm all for and like the idea of an in game ring to decode the Glanfathan runes. Some ring you may come across, not thinking it's important but it actually decodes all the memorial stones. I certainly would be keeping this ring and clicking on tomb stones to see what people have written.
  2. What's the balancing been like with the different types of weapons? Anything that you had to scale back or increase? Any humourous anecdotes with testing the different types of weapons?
  3. I'm a bit concerned with how much work there is still do and only about 8 months to do it in. Pre-Alpha > Alpha > Beta > Full game shipped. Novella, Almanac, Physical Tier rewards, printing Books, etc. It seems like a short time to do all this. Have you been sourcing suppliers for the physical tier rewards as well? eg. looking into what InXile is doing?
  4. Have there been any ideas that had to be abandoned or drastically changed? Was there any features you really liked but had to give up because it didn't fit into the game world? Further to this. Do you guys make random funny stuff for the hell of it? We saw the +3 medicine ball flail during the Kickstarter campaign. Can you tell us any other funny stuff you made as well that obviously won't be in the game?
  5. You probably can't say and I was going to ask if you could do a current play through of the game now, or at least the main quest. I'm guessing this kind of answers my question.
  6. When do you start getting voice actors in, or have you already done so? How is the music going as well?
  7. Also, more on the programming side of things. What is your favourite programming language and which ones do you dislike? Why? What was the learning curve like with using Unity with the programmers at Obsidian? What have been some of the fun features you've done with Unity? What are some of the interesting things (bugs) that's happened with PoE that's been funny but totally unintentional.
  8. With three different versions of PoE (Windows, Linux and Mac), how do you allocate resources to do all three versions? Do you do say do a part of the game with the Windows version and then do the Mac and Linux versions straight after. Do you have three people or teams working on different versions of just one team working on a version at a time. Also, I'm guessing the same people are doing the three different versions? What are some of the challenges to do 3 different versions of the same game for you.
  9. Looks like I'm part of that 5%. Thanks for the congratulations.
  10. Certainly not busted. A person can't change their views, their beliefs and teachings?
  11. Okay. As a recently converted Buddhist, we Buddhists hold animals as being very important. Animals have always been regarded in Buddhist thought as sentient beings, different in their intellectual ability than humans but no less capable of feeling. It's why I was wondering how you saw the distinction of a humanoid cat with a centaur. So as long as they have seme type of humanoid feature, then you could probably have a romance with this creature. So while the Khajiit could be on all fours, it's because it's mostly in humanoid form that you have no problem with humans romancing them. Also, you said you didn't have a problem with romancing elves. Some people regard elves belonging to the fae which also includes fairies. So I take it you have no problem and quite willing to romance and have sex with a fairy. Not there's anything wrong with that.
  12. Well if someone is romancing a Khajiit and the romance takes them to the bedroom, and the Khajiit decides to go on all fours while someone want's to have sex, then it basically has the appearance of a cat. The Khajiit may have other characteristics of a cat and not just appearance. It may also mate like a cat with the male behind them. As I said, you don't seem to have a problem with someone romancing and having sex with a cat. If you want to bring up intelligence and emotions, the same can be said for Centaurs with having the intelligence and emotions as a human. I'm trying to understand why you don't have a problem with humans having sex with cats but Centaurs are a no no. In regards to robots, while you're okay with romancing and having sex with robots, what sort of feedback would you expect from the robot. I'm curious what you would expect the robot to say or do during the romance. if it was programmed to have human emotions, what sort of emotions would you expect it to have. Would you like to see a whole range of human emotions (the affection, enthusiasm, cheerfulness, monotony, boredom, arguments, nagging, ... ) or would you be inclined to have only the good emotions from that robot that you're having romancing and having sex with it.
  13. Okay. So you don't have a problem with other people romancing and having sex with cats. So as long it's humanoid, it's okay for you? What about in sci-fi crpgs. Would you romance a robot as long as it looked humanoid?
  14. So Orcs are okay. What about a Khajiit (cat person) in Skyrim? Could you play that type of race or romance one? is it too 'animal' or are you okay with cats?
  15. I'm waiting for the day when there will be a My Little Pony crpg. I know what the first question the Promancers will ask, Will there be romances?
  16. What if a centaur was a playable race and you could romance an elf with your Centaur? Would this be okay? It still fits into the playable and available race to be a Centaur.
  17. Nice try though Bruce. Also Bruce, to keep this on topic. Do you have a problem with non-human romances in crpgs? Looking on Amazon, there seems to be quite the variety for bibliophiles of the esoteric kind. I wonder if there's going to be Centaurs in PoE 2. Perhaps a quest concerning Centaurs or a Centaur King. Perhaps reading Unbridled; Centaur Chronicles I and further reading its sequel Dark Stallion; Centaur Chronicles II, or To Wed a Centaur King might elucidate you on romances with non-humans and mythical creatures. I however have not read any of these books, though these questions are important for the promancers like yourself whether you don't have a problem with romancing non-humans in crpgs.
  18. The fight was pretty good. Having 6 little blue smurfs running around was quite fun. My party consisted off: Hefty (Fighter) Vanity (Fighter. He really is a Fighter and not a Lover) Greedy (Thief. Obvious choice and sometimes didn't share any loot he found) Smurfette (Cleric) Brainy (Cleric / Illusionist) Papa Smurf (Illusionist) One of the strengths of IWD is to create parties you wouldn't normally do in a crpg. I was actually asking the question. What do you think is morally right and wrong. If someone in real life were to ask you what types of crpgs you play and what romances did you like, do you include those with the beast and vegetation romances? If not, why not? Would you be happy to see these types of romances in PoE 2? Is there no boundary you would cross for the chance to romance with something you would normally not do in real life.
  19. You can romance shambling mounds? To keep this on topic and as a church going Christian with high morals. I'm still stuck on the question of romancing beasts and other questionable things in crpgs. It comes down to the determination of what should be done and what should not be done. Morals deal with behaviours as well as motives. I also understand that morals differ among cultures and there are morals that are relative. For example, Bowing is morally acceptable in one culture and kissing the cheek is in another. But there are other morals which seem to be universally true. For example, it is morally wrong to torture babies merely for your personal pleasure. Subjects of morality vary but deal with "oughts" of person to person relationships as well as person to animal, and person to environment. So with this in mind, what would be the motives, the behaviours and the type of culture where romancing a beast or different types of vegetation be acceptable? Is it right (virtuous) or wrong (sinful) to do so? And ultimately, we will see this various options of romance in PoE 2?
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