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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. It says it on their Kickstarter page. "Old School RPG is a classic first-person, fantasy/sci-fi RPG brought to you by award-winning veterans."
  2. For good or ill it doesn't even look like they've even got that design decision down. It says on their kickstarter page that it will be a first person rpg. I'm thinking it will be similar to Legend of Grimrock and previous 80s and 90s rpgs.
  3. It's only been a day and they've raised over 100K. I'm sure they'll make it. It's just not my type of rpg.
  4. What threw me is that they don't really look the same except for the clothing. But now I see they're the same person with same hairstyle.
  5. To be honest, I didn't realise that the dwarf ranger was a dwarf at first.
  6. I'd like to see a novella on each companion and to read their back story. I've always wanted to read the back story of the Baldurs Gate companions.
  7. They could always get a school band with Justin Bell conducting. Would be a good Aprils fools joke.
  8. They'll probably add it at the end of the campaign with the amount of money and backers through Paypal. But it would be good if you could see it on the Kickstarter page everyday. edit. That's what happens when you step away from your desk in mid-type. Thanks for the update Adam.
  9. I posted this earlier on the stretch goal feedback. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60864-stretch-goals-and-backer-rewards-what-do-you-think/page__st__140?do=findComment&comment=1222641 New Stretch Goal for 2 additional classes and companion: - Paladin / Knight - Bard - Companion
  10. New Stretch Goal for 2 additional classes and companion: - Paladin / Knight - Bard - Companion
  11. I'm just glad the high tier backers ($1000.00+) are getting their own private forum on the Obsidian forums.
  12. Bard? These are more like Psions in D&D.
  13. Seeing the psion cipher in this game is great.
  14. I don't have a problem with Monks using martial arts as well as weapons. It's what I would expect in a fantasy rpg.
  15. I won't be supporting this. I don't particularly like the old school First Person perspective in rpgs. I've always liked the isometric view of seeing my players and the enemy on the screen at once.
  16. Character protraits and actual gameplay characters don't have to be exactly the same. You can have the new portrait showing her new armour. The gameplay avatar will most likely have some female features to distinguish her from the male companions.
  17. If the time spent in walking back to the campsite/resting is less time than Standing-Still spamming waiting for the cool downs to come back, then I'll take the former. If the cool downs are quicker, then I'll take the cool downs and go make a cup of tea or do something else in that time. The difference between the two is that in the former, I'm playing the game to go back to town and rest, in the latter I'm not playing the game at all to get my cool downs back. There should be some danger or consequence when going back to town within the game. There are no consequences when Standing-Still spamming since there would probably be no timed quests or urgency to move forward.
  18. Fast travel was in Baldurs Gate. I could go from the Nashkel Mines to the Friendly Arm Inn in one click.
  19. i have dual monitors. I'll just watch a TV show on one monitor for half an hour while I wait for my cool downs to come back.
  20. This definitely needs to be challenged. In BG1, if I went to the Sirine/Golem Cave to get the Con Tome at level 1, then I'm likely to get killed. If I go at level 5, the fight is going to be challenging. If I go at level 8, it will be easier. That's the sort of difficulty I would expect from Project Eternity. If there's any scaling, then I would expect certain monsters to be scaled. Not going back near the start when I'm level 10 and finding a goblin that's also the same level as me.
  21. I'd like to see it as a prologue instead of the actual game and the Character creation tool would be good as well.
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