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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. These have been answered. The Kickstarter funds goes to the base game. When the expansion is released, you buy the expansion. Only a very small amount of people will get the expansion for free for pledging a high amount of money to the base game as a thank you.
  2. No it's not. 1. You're still including a physical copy with your digital tier options. Two different things. 2. You're not paying $110 for the expansion to go from $140 to $250. You're getting extra physical stuff. Extra physical stuff costs money. You get the expansion for free at this level. 3. Again, physical and digitial. Physical items costs more money. Apples and oranges. You need to compare digitial tiers to digital tiers to keep it in context. Not compare digitial to physical. A better way to look at it is, buy the $140 collectors edition and then buy the expansion for say $20 (no idea what it's going to cost) when it's released. You're only paying $160.00. If you buy the $250 collectors edition, your main aim is to get all the physical stuff, not necessarily the expansion. It's cheaper to go with the $140 option than the $250 option. If you're going for the $250 option from the $140 tier purely for the expansion, then that sounds silly.
  3. You're comparing apples to oranges. Digital to Digital tier upgrades and physical copy to physical copy upgrades have different costs associated to them.
  4. Collector boxes and the additonal stuff that comes with it cost money. Also digital tiers cost money. GOG and Steam take a cut as well. It's not as simple as X costs this, Y costs this, then why not make Z costs this.
  5. No. Getting people to pledge at higher tiers will make a better base game. I don't understand why people can't understand that basic concept.
  6. The way I see it is Obsidian are giving a free expansion to a very small amount of investors at a loss. While the majority of people will have to buy the expansion when it's finally released.
  7. Great update. As others have said, just look at the other IE games and their expansions. That's what it's going to be like.
  8. I'm putting my real name and home town. It's a pretty unique and memorable name for a town.
  9. I only have a few. I don't buy any if I have the physical game.
  10. I'd be very surprised they could do a game similar to BG1 or IWD with less than 3 million across three different platforms and include all the extra physical stuff like cloth maps, boxes, etc and post the games all over the world. The digital distribution costs would also have to be taken into consideration with the download tiers as well. Obsidian would have to be relying on after market/kickstarter sales to turn a profit.
  11. When I first played, I was like WTH? Now, I don't have a problem with it. It's one of those games that's divided the community. Some like it, others hate it. Our DM who's played 3, 3.5 and 4th prefers 4th edition. A couple of players in our group have tested out D&D Next and while they like some things, other things they don't. There are some WTH? things in D&D Next like the disengage mechanic and shifting 2 squares.
  12. In battle, you could potion spam by using items like armor (Battle Harness comes to mind) that can retrieve an item with a free action. a Minor action to drink it and a free action to drop the empty bottle. You still have 2 more actions left you could do, a move and standard attack. Second round? Rinse and repeat. This is well within the rules. You could do it 50 times. Unless the DM nerfs items, rules, etc, then why bother playing. Healing surges stop this. What about after a battle? I can potion spam without resting. Who needs rest? Fighters and Thieves don't. Maybe some other classes don't need rest either. There's no reason to rest for some characters. Just potion spam and continue. 4th ed stops this with its healing surges.
  13. It basically stops you from potion spamming. I'll just drink 50 potions while fighting - a potion in one hand with a sword in my other. :/
  14. I'd rather a game world that's somewhat believable and the consequences that go with it.
  15. I'd have to agree. My two favourites are 2nd and 4th edition. I've been playing 4th edition about 2 years now and what I found most surprisinlgly when I first played it was that it's strikingly similar to 2nd edition. 3rd Edition I didn't like.
  16. It is true. The problem with a lot of mods is the modders will add things that are just game breaking. Lets make this NPC do stuff or increase their stats that they normally can't in the original game! Yep, nice work with that mod.
  17. uh no. The world map hasn't been finalised yet. The UI is better and more in line with BG2. Why waste time downloading mods when you already have the bugs fixed? Also most mods break the game with OP game breaking items and NPCs. So all in all, you get a game that's been fixed instead of you having to waste time going through at least 15 steps in downloading and installing mods that still make it an inferior version with tiny resolutions and OP items/NPCs.
  18. I'm all for it. Over 400 bug fixes, updated cutscenes, world map and to be able to play it on widescreen with new characters and area. I still have my old discs that I use so this will be a welcome upgrade.
  19. Now that I see the old D&D banners, I think the new logo fits well with them. I've changed my mind. I now like the new logo better and where it's heading.
  20. Feargus has already confirmed twice now that the high tier $1000+ backers are getting a forums to talk with the dev's. I don't know why people keep calling this a rumour.
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